加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto“校长开房找我”照走红 网络直言泄民意


“校长开房找我”照走红 网络直言泄民意2013年05月31日08:48 来源:华声在线 手机看新闻打印网摘纠错商城分享推荐 字号  5月27日,女权工作者叶海燕在海南万宁市第二小学门口举牌抗议,此前该校校长陈某鹏,因带6名小学女生开房被诉。  [新闻解读]  争议  女权人士举牌称“校长开房找我”,你怎么看?  正方观点:须读懂“放过小学生”的民意

回复: “校长开房找我”照走红 网络直言泄民意校长开房找我, 别伤害孩子们。。

Aggressive behavior and Vulgar language will not be tolerated here. Should this type of behavior occur, I will not hesitate to take appropriate action and thank you!The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog ---Mark TWAINWe have to remember that what we observe is not nature herself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning---Werner Heisenberg 超赞 赏 majorshenzhen早起的虫子被鸟吃 0$(VIP 0) 13,8412013-05-31#3 回复: “校长开房找我”照走红 网络直言泄民意把小学校长毙了。 看来要当至少也要当个高中校长,法律风险小!

早起的虫子被鸟吃把小学校长毙了。 看来要当至少也要当个高中校长,法律风险小!点击展开...校长, 开放找我, 别找那些女学生了。。

Aggressive behavior and Vulgar language will not be tolerated here. Should this type of behavior occur, I will not hesitate to take appropriate action and thank you!The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog ---Mark TWAINWe have to remember that what we observe is not nature herself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning---Werner Heisenberg 超赞 赏 DNW 0$(VIP 0) 7,9702013-05-31#5 回复: “校长开房找我”照走红 网络直言泄民意叶海燕已经被拘留了,让你闹

回复: “校长开房找我”照走红 网络直言泄民意没天理

回复: “校长开房找我”照走红 网络直言泄民意It depends how much she wants to pay

回复: “校长开房找我”照走红 网络直言泄民意楼上啥意思?

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