加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto[评论]联合国:加拿大无视全球难民激增 收紧难民政策
新闻:《联合国:加拿大无视全球难民激增 收紧难民政策》的相关评论联合国难民机构周二发表报告,指全球难民创下1994年以来新高纪录。全球难民增加,加拿大却在收紧难民政策。 创1994年以来新高纪录 联合国难民高级专员办事处在年度全球趋势报告说,超过点击展开...It's non-sense. "美国去年接收66,300名难民,加拿大只接收了9,600人"。US is as 10 times big as Canada in terms of economy and population. So if Canada is the same size as US, it would've accepted 96,000 refugees, which beats US by almost 50%.Damn UN and the one whoever posts this article, no brains,eh!
回复: [评论]联合国:加拿大无视全球难民激增 收紧难民政策Why does Canada has to be generous, while everybody else is mean and picky?
EDI的老巢 超赞 赏 W wxd111 0$(VIP 0) 4,3352013-06-19#3 回复: [评论]联合国:加拿大无视全球难民激增 收紧难民政策美国造的孽为什么要加拿大承担?
回复: [评论]联合国:加拿大无视全球难民激增 收紧难民政策新闻:《联合国:加拿大无视全球难民激增 收紧难民政策》的相关评论It's non-sense. "美国去年接收66,300名难民,加拿大只接收了9,600人"。US is as 10 times big as Canada in terms of economy and population. So if Canada is the same size as US, it would've accepted 96,000 refugees, which beats US by almost 50%.Damn UN and the one whoever posts this article, no brains,eh!点击展开...美国人口是加拿大的十倍,按每多少人养一个难民来算,加拿大的比例比美国还多收。
风景很美 超赞 赏 F flowing_water 0$(VIP 0) 10,6652013-06-19#5 回复: [评论]联合国:加拿大无视全球难民激增 收紧难民政策收容难民,可解独裁国家的内部民愤,对解决难民没有帮助,比对他们提供武器更不济事!
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