加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto二手买卖 - 转让Brand-new 品牌COOL KITCHEN-- Raclette Fondue & Grill


转让Brand-new品牌 COOL KITCHEN-- Raclette Fondue & Grill原价: $89转让价: $55全新的 TELE:647-8385343 @MississaugaCOOL KITCHEN-- Raclette Fondue & Grill is a must have equipment in your party, which will let everyone participate in cooking. Place the grill in the center and let your guests cook their own combination of meat and vegetables, as well as the traditional Swiss cheese dish known as Raclette. The Swiss Raclette grill is great for grilling vegetables and meat. You can also keep your grilled foods warm with this grill. This indoor outdoor cooking grill includes eight Raclette dishes and spatulas. The Raclette party grill is made of a non-stick and granite stone top for exceptional performance. It also has an adjustable temperature control for better cooking. COOL KITCHEN Raclette Party Grill:•Available in Black color•roduct size (in inches): 13.0 x 8.5 x 6.5 (LXWXH)•Shipping Weight of 19.2 pounds•Model # 6130Pour 8 personnes / For 8 people1200 watts;

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