加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto新法要求宣誓长居加拿大:是移民部恐吓手法?选择性执法?
回复: 新法要求宣誓长居加拿大:是移民部恐吓手法?选择性执法?这个就是紧箍咒吧,以后想念就可以念。
回复: 新法要求宣誓长居加拿大:是移民部恐吓手法?选择性执法?支持新法!
回复: 新法要求宣誓长居加拿大:是移民部恐吓手法?选择性执法?新公民法还有违宪的部分。宪法说公民有出入和选择居住地的自由。
回复: 新法要求宣誓长居加拿大:是移民部恐吓手法?选择性执法?针对只是过来买个国籍就消失了的一类,这样的人应该算是CANADIAN吗?
_________________________來生還做自干五_____________________________時政觀察_________________________ 超赞 赏 快 快乐痛苦 0$(VIP 0) 7,5862014-02-08#6 回复: 新法要求宣誓长居加拿大:是移民部恐吓手法?选择性执法?选择性执法,会使假公济私,私仇公报合法化和成本最小化!~~
回复: 新法要求宣誓长居加拿大:是移民部恐吓手法?选择性执法?如果对政府通过的法律有异议,可在新法通过后向法院诉该法律规定违宪,经过一段时间后起诉裁决上诉再裁决等等过程,最终就算被裁定违宪,也有多年了,那时,政府再修正也不迟,一句话,如果真的违宪,很多律师都愿意为你打官司的,政府的律师也会很有爱心地聆听意见,和法官及其它律师严肃讨论这个问题。
See to it that no one misses the grace of God. -- Hebrews 12:15如果对政府通过的法律有异议,可在新法通过后向法院诉该法律规定违宪,经过一段时间后起诉裁决上诉再裁决等等过程,最终就算被裁定违宪,也有多年了,那时,政府再修正也不迟,一句话,如果真的违宪,很多律师都愿意为你打官司的,政府的律师也会很有爱心地聆听意见,和法官及其它律师严肃讨论这个问题。点击展开...我在加拿大连最基本的生活找法律援助都没有,这个问题更别提了!生米成熟饭,会改?小职员的错误都该不了,动不动什么close了,还指望生效后能改法律?
回复: 新法要求宣誓长居加拿大:是移民部恐吓手法?选择性执法?小和尚怎么办啊?
回复: 新法要求宣誓长居加拿大:是移民部恐吓手法?选择性执法?入籍快十年了,今后想回国长期居住的,不知道算不算打击对象点击展开...不算。。。
回复: 新法要求宣誓长居加拿大:是移民部恐吓手法?选择性执法?入籍快十年了,今后想回国长期居住的,不知道算不算打击对象点击展开...住上超过两年就算
回复: 新法要求宣誓长居加拿大:是移民部恐吓手法?选择性执法?入籍快十年了,今后想回国长期居住的,不知道算不算打击对象点击展开...不能打包票,这万一出了事,你可就倒大霉了,具体情况请问保守党,出了事,保守党也不负责
回复: 新法要求宣誓长居加拿大:是移民部恐吓手法?选择性执法?这个世界上没有一个国家会因为公民出国不归就开除国籍的。入籍时没有要求的,就不会这样做。以后或许出现有条件入籍的,如同试用或考察期,但目前入籍的绝对不用担心。否则国会大厦会被围困的。
_________________________來生還做自干五_____________________________時政觀察_________________________这个世界上没有一个国家会因为公民出国不归就开除国籍的。入籍时没有要求的,就不会这样做。以后或许出现有条件入籍的,如同试用或考察期,但目前入籍的绝对不用担心。否则国会大厦会被围困的。点击展开...以后也不会吧。考察期不就是拿绿卡这段日子吗?考察期结束就成公民了。如果因为长期居住海外就剥夺公民权利,那就是直接违宪,自由权利宪章第四条 迁徙权明确指出加拿大公民有选择居住地的基本人权。只要你是公民,就有这个权利,不得因为你是新移民或老移民而受歧视。
回复: 新法要求宣誓长居加拿大:是移民部恐吓手法?选择性执法?There's no saying that it is about the difference between immigrants. It is targeting to those terrorists who hv become citizens, and those who got citizenships with fake information. If you do not act in good faith, you will have to deal with the consequences. Regarding the concerns about the rights of people, there's a special clause in the constitution to deal with the citizens rights regarding the specific rare situations, which were or will be interpreted by the Judges of the Supreme Court when the issues were or brought up to their attention. For example, criminals don't have the right to choose where they want to live when they're serving in jail. These criminals lost some rights when they're serving. That's why we have courts, judges, lawyers and jails. I think this is the easiest case people can understand.
See to it that no one misses the grace of God. -- Hebrews 12:15 超赞 赏 jfw 0$(VIP 0) 1,0662014-02-09#17 回复: 新法要求宣誓长居加拿大:是移民部恐吓手法?选择性执法?没有"宣誓"这么严重,应该是"声明",而且声明的是"意图"。当然,有意见可以提。
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 超赞 赏 Michelle Libra流金歲月 感恩惜福 0$(VIP 0) 29,7842014-02-09#18 回复: 新法要求宣誓长居加拿大:是移民部恐吓手法?选择性执法?For people who want to understand how the system works, and how to make changes, you really need to go to school to study it. if you dont understand it, you need to ask a lawyer who is a member of a lawyers' society to help you. Do not listen to those immigrants consultants and newspaper's ranting --- they know few or nothing about laws; it's always good to give them the benefits of doubts and don't let you be misled to do something to their favor. you can't guess or assume something would happen before you get all information and understand what it really means.
See to it that no one misses the grace of God. -- Hebrews 12:15There's no saying that it is about the difference between immigrants. It is targeting to those terrorists who hv become citizens, and those who got citizenships with fake information. If you do not act in good faith, you will have to deal with the consequences. Regarding the concerns about the rights of people, there's a special clause in the constitution to deal with the citizens rights regarding the specific rare situations, which were or will be interpreted by the Judges of the Supreme Court when the issues were or brought up to their attention. For example, criminals don't have the right to choose where they want to live when they're serving in jail. These criminals lost some rights when they're serving. That's why we have courts, judges, lawyers and jails. I think this is the easiest case people can understand.点击展开...加拿大有没有玩文字游戏的事情?法院我还没接触,但是投诉之类的基本没人替小百姓说话,和国内一样~
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