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回复: free trade to KoreaHarper Government Highlights Benefits to Alberta of Canada-Korea Free Trade AgreementThe Honourable Rona Ambrose, Minister of Health, regional minister for Northern Alberta and Member of Parliament for Edmonton-Spruce Grove, and Laurie Hawn, Member of Parliament for Edmonton Centre, today held an event at Lewis Farms in Spruce Grove, Alberta, to highlight the many benefits the Canada-Korea Free Trade Agreement will bring to businesses and workers in Alberta. Earlier this week, Prime Minister Stephen Harper and President Park Geun-hye of South Korea announced the conclusion of negotiations on this new free trade agreement.The Canada-Korea Free Trade Agreement will make Alberta’s exports more competitive in the South Korean market by levelling the playing field for Albertan businesses that are competing against exporters from countries that already have preferential access. South Korea is already Alberta’s fifth-largest export destination. With this new agreement, Alberta stands to benefit significantly from preferred access to the South Korean market.The Canada-Korea Free Trade Agreement is a landmark achievement: it is Canada’s first free trade agreement in Asia, one of the fastest growing and most dynamic regions in the world. South Korea is not only a major economic player and a key market for Canada; it also serves as a gateway for Canadian businesses into the Asia-Pacific region.As part of the government’s efforts to support Canadian businesses in emerging markets, the Honourable Gerry Ritz, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, also announced his intention to lead a large delegation of agriculture groups on a trade mission to South Korea next month.Quick FactsTotal Alberta exports to South Korea were worth an annual average of $628.2 million from 2010 to 2012.The Agreement will offer enhanced market access for many agricultural and agri-food products, including wheat, pork and canola oil.Alberta’s agricultural and agri-food products sector employed over 75,000 people in 2012 and is a significant driver of economic activity in the province.Alberta’s exports of agricultural and agri-food products to South Korea reached an annual average of $205.7 million from 2010 to 2012.The Canada-Korea Free Trade Agreement will eliminate tariffs on almost 87 percent of South Korean agricultural tariff lines.Canadian agricultural exports to South Korea currently face high tariff rates, which averaged 53 percent in 2012.The Agreement will offer enhanced market access for many metal and mineral goods.Alberta’s metal and mineral goods sector represented 27.5 percent of the province’s total GDP in 2012 and employs more than 181,000 Albertans.Tariffs on almost 95 percent of minerals will be eliminated.South Korea is an important economic partner for Canada, with an economy of $1.1 trillion and a population of 50 million.The Canada-Korea Free Trade Agreement is projected to boost Canada’s economy by $1.7 billion and increase Canadian exports to South Korea by 32 percent.

回复: free trade to Korea没办法,总理哈伯就是阿省的人,也是加拿大历史上第一个不是从安省或者魁省产生的总理,他不会care我们安省的事物。。。。。

Remember, Nothing is More Powerful than Your Imagination ~Imagination is More Important than Knowledge; Imagination will Get You Everywhere~ Albert Einstein ~ 超赞 赏 B bbjj无官一身轻 29$(VIP 0,#43) 18,1992014-03-17#4 回复: free trade to Korea但他是加拿大的总理,安省是加拿大人口最多的省份,难道他不是加拿大人只是亚省人?貌似他还是安省出生的,难怪以前有很长时间没人选保守党,一得势就只顾少数群体利益无视国家利益,搞个难摊子让别人接手。

回复: free trade to KoreaHarper Government Highlights Benefits to Alberta of Canada-Korea Free Trade AgreementThe Honourable Rona Ambrose, Minister of Health, regional minister for Northern Alberta and Member of Parliament for Edmonton-Spruce Grove, and Laurie Hawn, Member of Parliament for Edmonton Centre, today held an event at Lewis Farms in Spruce Grove, Alberta, to highlight the many benefits the Canada-Korea Free Trade Agreement will bring to businesses and workers in Alberta. Earlier this week, Prime Minister Stephen Harper and President Park Geun-hye of South Korea announced the conclusion of negotiations on this new free trade agreement.The Canada-Korea Free Trade Agreement will make Alberta’s exports more competitive in the South Korean market by levelling the playing field for Albertan businesses that are competing against exporters from countries that already have preferential access. South Korea is already Alberta’s fifth-largest export destination. With this new agreement, Alberta stands to benefit significantly from preferred access to the South Korean market.The Canada-Korea Free Trade Agreement is a landmark achievement: it is Canada’s first free trade agreement in Asia, one of the fastest growing and most dynamic regions in the world. South Korea is not only a major economic player and a key market for Canada; it also serves as a gateway for Canadian businesses into the Asia-Pacific region.As part of the government’s efforts to support Canadian businesses in emerging markets, the Honourable Gerry Ritz, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, also announced his intention to lead a large delegation of agriculture groups on a trade mission to South Korea next month.Quick FactsTotal Alberta exports to South Korea were worth an annual average of $628.2 million from 2010 to 2012.The Agreement will offer enhanced market access for many agricultural and agri-food products, including wheat, pork and canola oil.Alberta’s agricultural and agri-food products sector employed over 75,000 people in 2012 and is a significant driver of economic activity in the province.Alberta’s exports of agricultural and agri-food products to South Korea reached an annual average of $205.7 million from 2010 to 2012.The Canada-Korea Free Trade Agreement will eliminate tariffs on almost 87 percent of South Korean agricultural tariff lines.Canadian agricultural exports to South Korea currently face high tariff rates, which averaged 53 percent in 2012.The Agreement will offer enhanced market access for many metal and mineral goods.Alberta’s metal and mineral goods sector represented 27.5 percent of the province’s total GDP in 2012 and employs more than 181,000 Albertans.Tariffs on almost 95 percent of minerals will be eliminated.South Korea is an important economic partner for Canada, with an economy of $1.1 trillion and a population of 50 million.The Canada-Korea Free Trade Agreement is projected to boost Canada’s economy by $1.7 billion and increase Canadian exports to South Korea by 32 percent.点击展开...我也是在电视上听到的,匪夷所思,一个不识大体的人能当上多数政府总理,实在是民主之殇。

回复: free trade to Korea小妹妹别生气,kia的口碑差,再降价也没人买,呵!安省组装什么车?应该是美国品牌,美加合资企业吧?难道是德国的豪车?

Tangerine银行开户送50刀,开通自动转帐再送25刀,referral code: 35572762S1没办法,总理哈伯就是阿省的人,也是加拿大历史上第一个不是从安省或者魁省产生的总理,他不会care我们安省的事物。。。。。点击展开...此话差矣。先去查查历届总理名单吧。

回复: free trade to Korea牺牲安省的汽车制造业以换取阿省的牛肉出口?好毒啊。点击展开...好似自由党选战广告,呵呵

回复: free trade to Korea我给你说实话吧,大姐我就在哈呗的老家,我们这圪瘩的白人政府全同哈珀一个妈生的,一样的德性,干活是手下人的责任,出了问题也是手下人的责任,credit就是老板的,白人政府整天想的是如何给自己多发工资,不惜裁掉干活的,但他是加拿大的总理,安省是加拿大人口最多的省份,难道他不是加拿大人只是亚省人?貌似他还是安省出生的,难怪以前有很长时间没人选保守党,一得势就只顾少数群体利益无视国家利益,搞个难摊子让别人接手。点击展开...

回复: free trade to Korea好似自由党选战广告,呵呵点击展开...我是无党派人士,不具备参选资格,我明白完全出于为民而参政的人很少,但至少收了人工后不要利用职务之便再捞其他东西啊。

回复: free trade to Korea我是无党派人士,不具备参选资格,我明白完全出于为民而参政的人很少,但至少收了人工后不要利用职务之便再捞其他东西啊。点击展开...近三十年论腐败当属自由党的Chrétien政府。将千万加元的联邦广告合同以"招标"形式发给自由党的朋友。导致全党落选

回复: free trade to Korea我给你说实话吧,大姐我就在哈呗的老家,我们这圪瘩的白人政府全同哈珀一个妈生的,一样的德性,干活是手下人的责任,出了问题也是手下人的责任,credit就是老板的,白人政府整天想的是如何给自己多发工资,不惜裁掉干活的,点击展开...总理的行为举止和昔日在国内一位国企领导的行为举止异曲同工,上位后就是敛财不择手段任人唯亲,甚至酒楼认识的小姐也纳入管理,全公司专政管理,什么副职其他人都不过摆设,睚眦必报,清除障碍心狠手辣,发工资不公布不保底,不听话给你几百块你熬不住就走了,国企的管理大家是知道的,没有什么明摆着的条条框框,所以他能如此猖狂,最后改制还顺利以在国企搜刮到的钱顺利收购变成私营企业。

回复: free trade to Korea近三十年论腐败当属自由党的Chrétien政府。将千万加元的联邦广告合同以"招标"形式发给自由党的朋友。导致全党落选点击展开...不可否认自由党有腐败的事情,保守党就没有?

回复: free trade to Korea当中国农民李书福都能做出有模有样的汽车的时候,传统汽车工业在加拿大被淘汰是迟早的事了。早割肉走人早得解脱。政府为了照顾就业,只会误导投资在错误的方向走得更远。救不活的,就该让它早死,早死早托生。上个世纪中叶在纺织工业中繁华一时的小镇,目前都衰败得开始撤销并入了。

回复: free trade to Korea当中国农民李书福都能做出有模有样的汽车的时候,传统汽车工业在加拿大被淘汰是迟早的事了。早割肉走人早得解脱。点击展开...这话80年代相当流行,08年叫得更凶,可美加汽车工业并未淘汰。

回复: free trade to Korea不可否认自由党有腐败的事情,保守党就没有?点击展开...关键是比经济政策。Chrétien的自由党胜在Paul Martin的经济政策,输在那腐败。可惜其金额不及国内的许多村官,县官就别提了。当今自由党尚无任何经济政策出笼,其看点是Trudeau公子。但老Trudeau当年经济崩溃政策仍令许多人谈虎色变。不知Trudeau公子能否学学Chrétien和Martin的经济策略。

回复: free trade to Korea每个人都要维护自己的和自己团体的利益我个人觉得安省的汽车业和阿省和我没有直接关系便宜的韩国车倒是不错要是逼得其他国的车也跟着降价就更不错了

回复: free trade to Korea每个人都要维护自己的和自己团体的利益我个人觉得安省的汽车业和阿省和我没有直接关系便宜的韩国车倒是不错要是逼得其他国的车也跟着降价就更不错了点击展开...

回复: free trade to Korea当中国农民李书福都能做出有模有样的汽车的时候,传统汽车工业在加拿大被淘汰是迟早的事了。早割肉走人早得解脱。政府为了照顾就业,只会误导投资在错误的方向走得更远。救不活的,就该让它早死,早死早托生。上个世纪中叶在纺织工业中繁华一时的小镇,目前都衰败得开始撤销并入了。点击展开...韩国不是只有汽车工业, 三星对blackberry的优势在这个政策下也将扩大,你不会以为电子、信息、通讯产业也是夕阳产业吧。

回复: free trade to Korea每个人都要维护自己的和自己团体的利益我个人觉得安省的汽车业和阿省和我没有直接关系便宜的韩国车倒是不错要是逼得其他国的车也跟着降价就更不错了点击展开...要是和中国建立free trade zone,基本上90%以上的你能用的着的产品都会便宜。

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