加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto大家给出个主意, 咋办啊?
我们家在家时, 就是一人守台电脑,可现在这网一会有,一会没,头痛啊!我用的是Acanac. 我网不稳定后,公司新寄了个modem&Dlink。可没好两天又断断续续了。有耐心的,看看这信,We have already ruled out faulty hardware by replacing your modem. Please also confirm that you are using the telephone cable which came with the new modem.In order to avoid any possible diagnostic fee from Bell, should they determine that something on your end is causing the problem, our next step needs to be checking the signal quality with the modem plugged into the demarcation point.Testing the modem at the demarcation point, informs us if the problem is inside or out. The demarcation box is a gray box from Bell. It is usually attached OUTSIDE on the side or back of the house. However, it can occasionally be found in a basement or garage. There is a customer access panel on the front of the demarc box. If you open this panel, you will find a jack inside to test the modem with. You need only plug the modem's telephone cable into the test jack and get power to the modem. If you are able to leave the modem plugged into the demarcation point, you can update this ticket to let us know that it is connected and we can check the signal status on the line. If you are not able to leave it plugged in at the demarc, then you may need to contact our support line so we can check the signal quality in real-time. 我家bell 盒子打开, 看不到demarcation point。 我让他们联系technician上门吧, 现在让我承担100刀上门费,如果是我家屋子内电话线有问题。谁能告诉我,我怎么知道屋内电话线有问题呢?我这信号时好时坏,他上门时我刚好是好的,能查出问题吗?啰嗦了半天,请懂行的朋友指点下,先谢了!
你这干说怎么帮你,把你家demar box拆了面板拍个照片让大家瞅瞅。网线测试器我见过,电话线的没注意过
女友用的是Teksavvy, 自3 星期前地區性斷網之後,就開始每日都會不時龜速或掉線.多次電聯tech line ,甚至有Rogers技師到她住處check及"修理",問題仍然沒法解決.代致電Router tech line,測試過router 運作正常.也試過將我家的router 跟她的對調用,甚至兩部router都upgrade firmwork,仍然是不時斷線.所以可以確定了不時router的問題.Modem 用了大半年左右,他們check 過沒壞.Rogers 技工說signal 太強及有雜音,為她加了個分流器及重鋪一條新cable直入modem.但就完全無幫助!
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