加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto登陆定居 - 请教华为 mate 7 哪个版本可以用 wind mobile 或者 Bell 网络



联通版,联通是FDD制式4G LTE,和北美运营商一致

2009/01决定移民 9/28第一次烤鸭 2010/1/22初表妥投 3/20第二次烤鸭 5/25FN 11/2变5 12/20二次补料妥投、24日主动补料妥投 2011年8/19小孩补料 2012/02/21变5句话3/6 电子ME!9/27 毕业风间的雅思心得 风间的G牌心得 超赞 赏 反馈:a1475346 hn23505 0$(VIP 0) 4802014-12-01#3 Check compatibility with your phone’s manufacturer first.The WIND Mobile network uses a frequency called AWS, with bands 1700/2100 MHz.(Phones compatible with the U.S. T-Mobile network often work with WIND). It’s best to check out your phone maker’s website to check out specifications and then visit us in store to confirm with a specialist. The phone must be unlocked If you're in doubt, bring your phone into any WIND store and we'll check it out on the spot. We can’t unlock your phone for you but you could get in touch with your current carrier or a third party company who can unlock it for you. There are risks to unlocking your phone as it may impact your device warranty. Check with your current carrier and phone brand to see.

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