加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto最近收到NDP的EMAIL要求捐款,有人遇到类似的事情吗?


前几天收到来自[email protected]的电子邮件,说希望得到捐款给NDP政党,全文如下,文中隐去人名,我捐了10元钱,这几天又收到邮件,还希望得到捐款,这件事是真的还是假的?Last quarter, more Canadians like you donated to the NDP than to any other political party – proving that ordinary people are taking this election back from Stephen Harper’s insiders.Now, for the next 72 hours only, those record-setting NDP donors are lining up to match your first donation.Turn your $5 into $10 – and have double the impact in the fight to replace Stephen Harper.If you’ve been waiting for your chance to own a piece of this campaign, it’s right now. We’re ready to match whatever you give before the August 31st deadline. Donate $5 or more:http://action.ndp.ca/donateThanks and solidarity,******* ****PresidentCanada’s New DemocratsA quick explanation about your donationStephen Harper’s so-called “Fair Elections Act” changed the election spending rules to stack the deck in favour of US-style, big money campaigns. That’s why he called this election early – to increase the campaign spending limit to nearly $54 million and make this the most expensive election ever.Stephen Harper will try and buy this election – unless we stop him. Our campaign focuses on small donations from grassroots supporters like you. Whatever you can afford today will make a difference to the outcome of this election, and the future of our country. It only takes two minutes, and you’ll get up to 75% of your donation back in generous tax credits. Can you chip in today? New Democratic Party of Canada300-279 Laurier West, Ottawa ON K1P 5J91-866-525-2555Cliquez ici si vous préférez recevoir les courriels en françaisPaid for and authorized by the registered agent of Canada’s NDP.

Horse Dragoon 说:NDP 就是do nothing for People!点击展开...他们还是做事的,例如广开福利,广增税收,广扩赤字,至于怎么还,怎么发展,那是他们下台后另一届政府的事情,他们不管的。至于老百姓,有部分拿福利的当然会支持他们,难民也支持他们,广大工作者如果如果脑子有问题的也会支持他们。

大家拿卢梭 说:他们还是做事的,例如广开福利,广增税收,广扩赤字,至于怎么还,怎么发展,那是他们下台后另一届政府的事情,他们不管的。至于老百姓,有部分拿福利的当然会支持他们,难民也支持他们,广大工作者如果如果脑子有问题的也会支持他们。点击展开...hehe

大家拿卢梭 说:他们还是做事的,例如广开福利,广增税收,广扩赤字,至于怎么还,怎么发展,那是他们下台后另一届政府的事情,他们不管的。至于老百姓,有部分拿福利的当然会支持他们,难民也支持他们,广大工作者如果如果脑子有问题的也会支持他们。点击展开...NDP 的支持率现在最高,以你的理论看来你来到了神经病国度啊!

szhang816 说:NDP 的支持率现在最高,以你的理论看来你来到了神经病国度啊!点击展开...不是这样的。是因为经济不好,困难的人多了。



summer289 说:我不是什么党员,我也不太了解政党,我只是想问一下这封信是真的还是骗人的,都想哪去了?点击展开...这封信是真的,捐款的地址没有问题。是不是参加过什么活动,表示支持NDP, 人家才会找上你的。NDP经济上还是要保持财政平衡,所以还是可以考虑的政党。这十年来,全世界普遍贫富差距扩大,这绝不是一件好事情。当然论搞经济,PC是最令人放心的政党。

_________________________來生還做自干五_____________________________時政觀察_________________________ 超赞 赏 lamborghini 0$(VIP 0) 1,5692015-09-27#10 投NDP之前想一想,你愿意交更多的税么?愿意更多的穆斯林难民进来享受福利制造社会动乱么?愿意等你退休时发现养老院早被父母移民挤得人满为患么?如果你有足够心胸就选NDP吧!

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