加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto取消了iPhone 6 plus订单,订购了华为Ascend Mate 7手机


鉴于国产智能手机华为Ascend Mate 7各项指标完胜苹果iPhone 6 plus,本人昨日毅然决然取消了苹果订单,改订国货。很多人太迷信苹果,一听说国产货就不置可否,对国货丝毫信心没有。我在研究了两种产品各个数据对比以及用户评价后,决定改用华为。它在几个主要方面明显胜出苹果——第一是外表,华为设计更气派,屏占更高,也就是说,一个手机的正面几乎全是屏幕,苹果的一个Home键死活摆脱不了,占据很大位置。第二是摄像头,苹果iPhone 6 plus像素仅800万,而华为这一款达到了1300万。第三是屏幕,Mate 7配备了全球首款JDI IPS-NEO负向液晶屏,同样是超视网膜屏幕,对比度更高。第四是上网速度。Mate 7所采用的麒麟925超八核芯片组,支持Cat6 LTE标准,相当于传说中5G的水平,理论上可达到300Mbps的上网速率,是新iPhone的一倍之多。第五,Mate 7发热量远低于iPhone、三星等其他品牌手机。第六,Mate 7是一款双卡双待全网通手机,iPhone可从来没有涉足过。第七,大家最关心续航能力,这也是为什么我准备放弃三星,早上出门是电池100%,到了学校就80%,到下午就没电了。尽管iPhone 6 Plus已经破纪录地采用了2915毫安电池,但还是难以抗衡配备4100毫安电池并具有反向充电功能的Mate 7。第八,Mate 7将可以同时装两套Android系统,在业界尚属首创。第九,据了解Mate 7的指纹技术远比iPhone的指纹解锁高超!华为Mate7安全且便捷的指纹支付则更贴近用户生活。最后,苹果性价比最糊弄人,七八千人民币的价格,一小半卖的是牌子,专门糊弄崇尚华而不实的牌子的爱慕虚荣的消费者,就好比200元能买到好包,但是偏偏有人愿意花20000去买路易威登、爱马仕的包,无非就是出于虚荣心而已。

我对国产货很有信心 所以我用富士康做的水果手机


我用的国产一加 ONE PLUS 各方面性能很好。公司的老外同事见了很惊叹,问我是不是很贵。虽然没买华为,但很看好华为手机的前景。

俺也打算入手1个土豪金的Mate 7,高配版3699

环球科技综合报道国外网站loadthegame 9月24日发布了iPhone 6 Plus与华为Ascend Mate 7对比的评测,下面一起看看这两款手机各自都有哪些特点吧。  首先,价格方面,存储空间为128G的iPhone 6 Plus为950美元(约合人民币5829元),而根据存储空间大小的不同,Ascend Mate 7的价格有500美元(约合人民币3068元)和600美元(约合人民币3681元)的版本。  而对这两款手机进行比较的话,最显著的特点就是它们的指纹传感器。为满足Apple Pay的移动支付功能,苹果已经对iPhone的指纹传感器进行了性能提升,使其能工作得更好、更快。而华为Ascend Mate 7上也有一个指传感器,华为表示,这是市场上最好的有超高灵敏度的传感器。即时手是湿的,该传感器也能检测你的指纹。华为还表示,该传感器比iPhone 6、三星Galaxy Note、Galaxy Note Edge和Galaxy S5上的都要快。  外观方面,苹果iPhone 6 Plus有一个金属一体成型的机身,在机身顶部和底部饰有条纹,而有些人认为,这些条纹使其给人一种廉价的感觉。华为Ascend Mate 7也是铝合金机身,这是一个6英寸的设备,这会吸引一部分消费者,但却对其可操作性产生一定影响。iPhone 6 Plus重172克,厚7.1毫米,而华为Ascend Mate 7重182克,厚7.9毫米。  此外是配置方面。iPhone 6 Plus有一块5.5英寸的1080p屏幕,而华为Ascend Mate 7的屏幕是6英寸的1080p屏幕。在像素密度方面,iPhone 6 Plus(401ppi)比华为Ascend Mate 7(368ppi)更高,但后者的屏幕更加明亮和生动。除非将两者摆在一起,你是不会注意到两者屏幕间的差异的。iPhone 6 Plus有一个800万像素的后置摄像头,并有光学防抖功能;华为Ascend Mate 7有一个1300万像素的后置摄像头和一个500万像素的前置摄像头。尽管前者有内置双LED闪光灯,但后者的LED的闪光灯足以满足大多数使用者的需求。  苹果iPhone 6 Plus配有自家的A8处理器和M8协处理器,内存为1GB;华为Ascend Mate 7配有海思麒麟925八核处理器,内存为2GB或3GB两种版本。此外,前者无法插存储卡而后者可以。苹果iPhone 6 Plus的电池为2915毫安时,而华为Ascend Mate 7的电池为4100毫安时,且后者的电池足够手机用1天半。加之它是一个如此大屏幕的平板手机,这足以使人们印象深刻。  在谈谈软件方面。苹果iPhone 6 Plus的采用的操作系统是iOS 8,该系统的运行速度比iOS 7要快。iOS 8的设备间协同做的不错,因此你可以在iOS 8与OS X Yosemite设备轻松切换任务。另一方面,华为Ascend Mate 7运行的系统是基于Android 4.4的Emotion UI3.0。  如果你支持苹果、想在HealthKit和HomeKit等功能中受益、热衷于尝试iOS 8且不差钱,那么iPhone 6 Plus会是你的选择。如果你喜欢Android与大屏,那华为Ascend Mate 7比前者更适合你。(实习编译:张昊 审稿:陈薇)

6英寸屏指纹识别金属旗舰 华为Mate7评测2014-09-04 22:03:41 来源:pconline 原创 作者:深蓝 责任编辑:chenjianhang (评论2017条)·iPhone6 港版在线预约展开返回分页浏览1华为Mate7评测:机身外观  PConline 评测在9月4日的德国柏林IFA展会上,华为正式发布了Mate系列的新款机型华为Ascend Mate7,这款翘首期盼的巨屏金属旗舰也终于向大家见面了。毫不夸张地说,华为Mate7是实实在在的巨屏旗舰,加入了先进的按压式指纹传感器,并且搭载了6英寸巨屏,一体化金属机身等等。面对这款引以为豪的产品,连余承东都充满自信地说华为Mate7绝对值5000元以上!那么华为Mate7是否真的如此优秀出色呢?下面就让评测室带大家来详细了解这款巨屏金属旗舰。Mate 7评测  作为华为今年用心打造的一款巨屏旗舰机型,华为Mate7的配置相信不用多说,都是达到了现在手机中的顶级配置水准了。华为Mate7搭载的是华为自行研发的海思麒麟925超八核处理器,是由4颗A15、4颗A7和一颗“微智核”组成的,处理器频率分别为1.8GHz和1.3GHz,采用异步大小核+智核的设计,能够达到性能和低功耗的完美平衡。在内存方面,3GB的运行内存自然是少不了的了,而且还内置了32GB的机身内存,支持最大的128GB内存扩展。 华为Mate7参数CPU海思Kirin925超八核处理器 4xA15(1.8GHz)+4xA7(1.3GHz)+微智核RAM3GB(高配)/2GB(标准)ROM32GB/16GB 支持128GB内存卡扩展屏幕6.0英寸 1920x1080像素分辨率 LTPS 2.9mm边框 大猩猩三代玻璃摄像头1300万索尼IMX214堆栈式+500万像素摄像头 f/2.0光圈操作系统EMUI 3.0(基于Android 4.4.2)SIM卡类型双卡位 Micro+Nano SIM卡电池4100mAh(不可拆卸)尺寸重量157x81x7.9mm 185g特色功能按压式指纹传感器 NFC 蓝牙4.0 5G WiFi网络制式FDD-LTE/TD-LTE/TD-SCDMA/WCDMA/GSM 双待双通  在屏幕方面,华为Mate7延续了Mate系列的大屏特色,搭载了6英寸的巨屏,分辨率为1080P级别,没有搭载2K分辨率还是有些可惜的。其余方面,华为Mate7配备了1300万像素索尼堆栈式摄像头、前置500万自拍镜头,内置4100毫安时电池,分别支持移动、电信、联通4G网络。华为Mate7最大的特色就是采用了现在十分先进的按压式指纹传感器,支持指纹解锁功能,这也是华为Mate7整机的灵魂所在。外观:83%超高屏占比、金属质感机身  华为Mate7的外观和前两代Mate系列机型相比起来变化是比较大的,可以明显看到华为Mate7的外观变得更加商务和时尚,华为Mate7的巨屏配上紧凑的机身就显得十分有旗舰手机的样子。值得注意的是,华为Mate7分为高配和标准两个版本,这次评测室拿到的便是琥珀金高配版本的华为Mate7,在标准版本中还配有了曜石黑和月光白版本供用户选择。华为Mate7  而另一个明显的变化就是华为Mate7外观的金属质感更加强烈。华为Mate7的内部及背壳均采用了重量更加轻巧的高强度铝合金材质,整机的金属覆盖率达到了95%,和同等的金属材质机型相比,搭载6英寸屏幕的华为Mate7整机重量仅为185克,与同等级别机型相比,这个重量还是控制得比较好的。华为Mate7华为Mate7  作为一款巨屏机型,华为Mate7的整个机身却变得更加紧凑了。华为Mate7搭载了一块6英寸的屏幕,但整个机身的尺寸和5.7寸屏的三星Note3的基本一致,那是怎么做到的呢?华为Mate7这次采用了2.9mm的超窄边框设计,上下边框高度也仅为10.4、13.7mm,屏占比高达83%。极高的屏占比能够打造出更紧凑的机身,从而解决了手机大手握不住的问题。2华为Mate7评测:机身细节机身细节:做工很赞  看完华为Mate7的总体外观,接下来就逐个看看细节。华为Mate7的顶部上方分别设有了感应器、前置500万像素的摄像头、金属滤网听筒和一个隐藏式的呼吸灯。可以看到华为Mate7的屏幕和上边框的距离是十分窄的。华为Mate7华为Mate7  而华为Mate7的屏幕下方与边框的距离也是十分窄的,这也是为什么华为Mate7能够做到这么高屏占比的原因了,在保持机身尺寸不变,扩大屏幕的同时,尽量缩窄屏幕与边框的距离,来达到更高的屏占比。因此华为Mate7也是采用了屏幕虚拟按键的设计,这个设计也是由Mate1一直延续到华为Mate7身上,虚拟按键也是可以由用户自定义显示还是隐藏的,用户可以充分体验华为Mate7 6英寸巨屏带来的视觉魅力。华为Mate7  华为Mate7采用了一体化机身的设计,也是不支持打开后盖的,所以手机的各个卡槽设置在了机身的左侧上方处。但华为Mate7这次是采用了一个比较特别的设计,就是一个卡槽是插小SIM卡的,而另一个则是内存卡和Nano SIM卡二合一使用的,这个设计能够给用户带来更自由的选择。华为Mate7  相信通过这张图大家都会明白这个两个卡槽是怎么使用的了。华为Mate7这次是支持FDD-LTE/TD-LTE全网4G网络,向下支持TD-SCDMA/WCDMA/GSM网络,并且支持混插和双卡双待双通的功能。而另一个值得惊喜的地方就是华为Mate7加入了4G LTE Cat6的技术,能够支持最大300Mbps的下载速率,可以说这是现时全球最快的4G速率。华为Mate7华为Mate7华为Mate7  其他机身细节方面,华为Mate7的右侧是手机的锁屏和音量按键,这两个按键也是采用了实在的金属材质搭载,并加入了纹理处理,和整机外观搭配得十分和谐。机身的顶部和底部设有了耳机、数据线接口和双麦克风,因此也具备双麦克风降噪效果。华为Mate7  在背部方面,华为Mate7也是采用了三段式的设计,整个背壳采用的是铝合金材质打造的,金属背壳表面加入了磨砂质感处理,上下两端则是塑料背壳,配合紧凑轻盈的机身,手感十分优秀。华为Mate7  华为Mate7的背部上方是闪光灯,1300万像素的索尼第四代堆栈式摄像头。而比较特别的是,华为Mate7的NFC芯片设置在了摄像头中心的位置,在使用NFC功能的时候,需要对准这个位置。而摄像头下方就是华为Mate7的指纹传感器的感应区域了,这个小方块是向内凹陷的,周边有一圈金边包裹着,这个指纹传感器和iPhone5S的一样是按压式指纹传感器。华为Mate7  华为Mate7的背部下方就是华为和移动4G的品牌LOGO,左下方网格的位置就华为Mate7的扬声器。据官方介绍,华为Mate7的扬声器是采用了一体化音腔设计,并且支持DTS音效。经过实际试听之后,华为Mate7的这个小小的扬声器音量十分足,也没有出现破音的情况,一般播放的话效果还是比较不错的。3华为Mate7评测:指纹识别体验指纹解锁:体验超iPhone5S  搭载按压式指纹传感器,支持指纹解锁功能可以说是华为Mate7最大的核心卖点了。华为Mate7搭载了和iPhone5S一样的按压式指纹传感器,这个指纹传感器也是由美国Authen Tec(指纹认证传感器和解决方案的提供商)提供的,为电容式的area sensor(区域扫描,按压式)。原理是通过给手指皮肤带点后,检测出指纹的纹路(指纹的谷和脊的距离差导致成列中的不同电容上出现差异),通过相应的算法即可获得相应的指纹。虽然和iPhone5S为同种的指纹传感器,但从实际使用体验上来说,华为Mate7可以说是达到了更高的水准,甚至比iPhone5S的指纹解锁要更好用。华为Mate7  什么?这世界上竟然有比iPhone5S体验更好的指纹解锁?说这话你肯定是觉得笔者在吹牛逼,但笔者在体验过后可以很老实地回答你,华为Mate7的指纹解锁体验的确要比iPhone5S的要好。iPhone5S采用的也是按压式的传感器,但在解锁的时候需要按一下HOME键不松手,再等待传感器识别成功才能够解锁,虽然整个过程耗时也是1秒多一点,体验也是十分不错,但实际解锁过程还是多了按下去这一步。华为Mate7  华为Mate7虽然也是采用了按压式指纹传感器,但整个解锁过程要比iPhone5S的要更直接一些。在手机锁屏的状态下,用户不需要按任何按键,只需要把手指轻轻放在华为Mate7的指纹传感器上触碰一下,即可完成整个解锁过程。华为Mate7 华为Mate7  要使用华为Mate7的指纹解锁功能首先需要录入指纹。指纹在设置选项就可以有了,进入之后就会提醒你录入指纹,指纹除了可以解锁之外,系统自带的保密柜、应用锁和华为账号都可以用指纹来解锁。华为Mate7 华为Mate7  录入的过程也是十分简便,将你的手指放在传感器上,录入成功之后手机就会震动,然后再调整手指的位置录入,整个过程需要5次录入,完成之后就可以使用指纹解锁功能了。华为Mate7最多支持5组指纹的录入,一般情况下也足够使用的了。下面就来看看华为Mate7的指纹解锁演示视频吧:  从以上的演示视频中可以看到,华为Mate7的指纹解锁体验十分优秀。在锁屏状态下,只需要用手指轻碰传感器区域就可以解锁了,完全不需要碰任何按键,解锁的速度和识别效率都可以令人满意,而且手指基本上是可以360°不同位置解锁的。笔者实际测试了一下iPhone5S约为1.5秒,而华为Mate7的只需要1秒。由此可见,华为Mate7的指纹解锁功能的体验出色,要比广受好评的iPhone5S指纹解锁体验还要好一些。4华为Mate7评测:6寸1080P屏幕屏幕表现  华为Mate系列一直是以大屏(巨屏)为卖点,而Mate 7吸引人的地方首先是6英寸的大屏幕。虽然对比上一代(Mate 2)的6.1英寸并没有增大,但是Mate 7的屏幕在分辨率、色域、亮度等各项屏幕参数上是得到的提升。首先华为Mate 7依然是6英寸的巨屏幕,但是其拥有超高的屏占比,达到80%以上,因此其机身三围也控制得到,与众多5.7英寸的手机相当。 屏幕显示  屏幕配置上,华为Mate 7配备6英寸屏幕,拥有FHD 1080p分辨率,368PPI,LTPS(低温多晶硅)技术,像素开口值更大,亮度更高,功耗控制更优秀。此外其能够达到1500:1的对比度,表面覆盖康宁大猩猩第3代玻璃。屏幕显示屏幕显示  可以感觉到Mate 7在亮度方面有不错的表现,而在颜色还原上也达到了较高的水平。屏幕显示  当然单机来看,察觉不了差距。我们拿来了Find 7的轻装版进行翻拍对比。屏幕显示  同样是1080P的分辨率,Find 7屏幕PPI要比Mate 7要高,但是正常视距下像素点已经基本察觉不了。Mate 7对比上代的720P,这一代的显示细腻度提升还是很明显的。屏幕显示  可视角度的对比,Mate 7要更胜一筹,亮度更好,而且并没有出现偏色的状况。屏幕显示  在户外光线充足下,Mate 7在低角度下的可视表现要比Find 7强,这也是LTPS拥有更高亮度的优势。屏幕显示  这一张图片本来是想呈现可视角度的差异,但是从中却发现了两者在颜色还原上的差异。屏幕显示  华为Mate 7在还原更偏向暖色调调教,色温更加低,而Find 7对比下偏冷。  三原色的对比,默认上为Mate 7,下为Find 7。屏幕显示屏幕显示屏幕显示屏幕显示屏幕显示  1080P的分辨率虽然对比现在很多旗舰上的2K要略逊一筹,但可以看到其对字体的细腻度表现已经起到不错的支撑,这对于图像和文字显示都是有保障的。总结下来,华为Mate 7的6英寸大屏并没有最高的2K分辨率配置,不过各方面已经达到很高标准,没有明显的弱点,整体表现不错。5华为Mate7评测:电池续航电池:续航惊人  华为Mate7此次是内置了一块4100毫安时的电池,并且支持华为独有的智电2.0软硬件一体化省电技术,最高能省电30%,能够带来更优秀的续航效果。华为Mate7  从安兔兔电池性能检测排名中可以看到,华为Mate7以一万二千多分的成绩摘得了桂冠,超越了众多机型,稳居第一名。华为Mate7  在实际的使用中,华为Mate7的功耗控制得也是十分好。从上面的使用记录可以看到,华为Mate7的续航能力很出色。在大型游戏,1080P视频播放等高功耗应用下,华为Mate7的耗电比较少,海思麒麟925超八核处理器配合华为独有的智电技术,续航的提升还是比较明显的。在充电时间方面,华为Mate7的表现一般,4100毫安时的电池充满需要3个多小时。6华为Mate7评测:EMUI 3.0介绍EMUI 3.0  华为Mate7搭载了华为最新的EMUI 3.0系统版本,是基于Android 4.4.2深度定制而来的。EUMI 3.0相对于2.3版本,无论是主页面图标和系统底层UI,都已经完全扁平化,整体风格素雅平淡。手中拿到的华为Mate7自带的也是琥珀金的商务主题,和机身搭配起来贵气十足。华为Mate7 华为Mate7  华为Mate7由于是支持指纹解锁功能,因此开启指纹解锁功能之后系统的锁屏界面便没有了解锁的提醒。在华为Mate7的EMUI 3.0中,锁屏界面的壁纸系统是会自动更换的,由屏幕底部向上滑动就可以进入快捷工具界面。华为Mate7 华为Mate7  琥珀金的商务主题配合琥珀金的华为Mate7在视觉效果上显得十分统一。当然这是系统的默认主题而已,用户可以到EMUI主题中心中更换主题,主题的数量和质量都有了很大提高。华为Mate7 华为Mate7  在通知栏方面,EMUI支持实时实时显示各项通知的具体时间,向右滑动就可以进入快捷工具设置,基本上手机里的所有设置都可以在这里完成。华为Mate7 华为Mate7华为Mate7 华为Mate7  华为Mate7自带虚拟按键导航栏自定义功能,用户可以根据需要来设置。华为Mate7 华为Mate7  针对华为Mate7的6英寸巨屏,加入了特色的单手操作优化。如单手操作和悬浮按钮等等,而且还加入了灵犀一指,就是手机屏幕的左上角和右上角增加两个可触控区域,用于快速录音和快速拍照。华为Mate7 华为Mate7华为Mate7 华为Mate7  另外,EMUI 3.0也具备亲情关怀的功能。亲情关怀可以远程协助亲友手机,提供帮助。具有屏幕共享/远程协助/涂鸦/语音通话的功能。具体的演示大家可以到《EMUI3.0长测(1):初尝亲情关怀与懒人模式》中查看,这里就不再详细叙述了。7华为Mate7评测:硬件跑分跑分性能  在核心硬件方面,华为Mate7采用了华为自行研发的海思麒麟925超八核处理器,这颗处理器由4个A15大核(频率为1.8GHz)、 4个A7小核(频率为1.3GHz)及1个“微智核”组成,采用了更加先进的big.LITTLE芯片架构,比标准ARM架构能效比提升20%。另外,麒麟925还配备了一枚微智核(i3),其作用就是取代外置Sensor Hub,配合手机中各种传感器在待机情况下可能需要长时间打开的功能,来实现低功耗待机。华为Mate7 华为Mate7华为Mate7 华为Mate7华为Mate7 华为Mate7华为Mate7 华为Mate7  另外,华为Mate7配以3GB的内存,整体性能强劲。在发布上曾提到,华为Mate7分为高配版和标准版(本次评测为高配版),高配版配备的是3GB/32GB内存,而标准则是2GB/16GB内存,两者除了在内存方面有差别之外其他配置保持了一致。而笔者手中的华为Mate7高配版的安兔兔跑分达到了四万二千多分,鲁大师跑分也达到了三万多分,表现抢眼。华为Mate7 华为Mate7华为Mate7 华为Mate7  在GPU方面,华为Mate7搭载的麒麟925配备的是Mali-628的GPU,和荣耀6采用的是同一款的GPU。这款GPU在图形性能上有了不少的提高,而且在兼容性方面也有了明显的进步,运行市面上的大中型游戏当然也是游刃有余的。8华为Mate7评测:拍照、总结相机表现  在相机方面,华为Mate7自然也是具备了很优秀的配置。华为Mate7这次搭载的是1300万像素的索尼堆栈式摄像头,传感器具体型号IMX214,支持F/2.0的大光圈,28mm超大广角和先拍照后对焦的功能。在前置摄像头方面,华为Mate7配备的是主流的500万像素摄像头,支持F/2.4大光圈和88°广角自拍。华为Mate7 华为Mate7华为Mate7 华为Mate7  拍照选项很丰富,常用的功能应有尽有,智能场景、HDR、连拍优选等功能也相当实用,更容易在不同的场景下拍出好照片。而且还有一个项功能是华为Mate7独有的,就是指纹传感器还可以充当“触摸按键”,可以实现触控指纹触摸拍照,尤其适用于自拍场景。华为Mate7 华为Mate7  “全焦拍照”先拍照后对焦是是如何实现的呢?就是在选择全焦功能之后,华为Mate7在拍照时会连拍数张照片,分别是不同焦距的样张。然后在图库里查看该照片的时候,就能够手动调节不同焦距,来实现先拍照后对焦。华为Mate7华为Mate7华为Mate7华为Mate7华为Mate7华为Mate7华为Mate7  拍照当天是多云的晴天,华为Mate7的样张表现得非常明亮清晰,照片的视觉观感较佳。而且样张色彩较为抢眼,但还是比较准确还原景物的颜色,也没有涂抹的现象。华为Mate7华为Mate7华为Mate7华为Mate7华为Mate7华为Mate7  室内环境下拍照的话,华为Mate7白平衡控制颇为不错,室内光线下也没有出现偏色的现象。得益于大光圈和索尼堆栈式镜头,样张细节得到较好的保留。但是在暗光环境下拍照,样张的噪点控制还没十分理想,因此在噪点方面华为Mate7还是有比较大的提升空间。评测总结  华为Mate7作为华为用心打造的年度巨屏旗舰手机,在各方面都达到了优秀的水准,可以明显地看到其进步的地方。相比起前两代的Mate系列机型,华为Mate7加入了创新的按压式指纹传感器,在国产手机中能带来如此好的指纹解锁体验,华为Mate7的确是做到了,也颇令人惊喜的。华为Mate7  最后回归到市场中来看,如果单靠指纹解锁和海思麒麟925处理器的话,从市场竞争力上来说还是不够的。如果华为Mate7在正式上市的时候,能给出一个惊喜的售价,再配合指纹解锁的亮点,那么华为Mate7成为一款热销的国产大屏手机,相信也只是时日问题而已。产品概览华为荣耀 |华为Mate7系列 | 更多手机 华为Mate7华为Mate72G/3G:GSM,TD-SCDMA(移动3G),双卡双待,WCDMA仅支持国际漫游4G网络:移动4G,TD-LTE主屏尺寸:6英寸屏幕分辨率:1920×1080像素(FHD)系统:EMUI 3.0(基于Android 4.4.2)电池容量:不可更换,4100mAH网友评分:4.5 参数报价图片点评评测论坛经销商本文导航第1页:华为Mate7评测:机身外观第2页:华为Mate7评测:机身细节第3页:华为Mate7评测:指纹识别体验第4页:华为Mate7评测:6寸1080P屏幕第5页:华为Mate7评测:电池续航第6页:华为Mate7评测:EMUI 3.0介绍第7页:华为Mate7评测:硬件跑分第8页:华为Mate7评测:拍照、总结今日聚超值移动下载今日聚超值App下载立即下载扫描左边二维码 快速安装客户端同价位产品竞争产品对比热门产品总排行榜我在第100位之后 华为Ascend Mate7标准版华为Ascend Mate7标准版参考价:¥29999个商家报价网友评分: 4.4详细参数|图片|文章|点评(4)|论坛¥3000锤子手机Smartisan T11¥2799三星I9500 16GB2¥2488华为Ascend P73¥2699索尼Z14¥2799苹果iPhone5C 16GB5¥2399三星N7100 16GB6¥2488华为P7电信版7聚超值详解各笔记本品牌保修条款 详解各笔记本品牌保修条款 只知NB?网友分享小众运动鞋 只知NB?网友分享小众运动鞋 罗技UE4000游戏耳机体验 罗技UE4000游戏耳机体验 2W毫安移动电源68元 2W毫安移动电源68元 网友分享智能客厅组建攻略 网友分享智能客厅组建攻略 国行版IP6于10月17日上市 国行版IP6于10月17日上市 详解各笔记本品牌保修条款 详解各笔记本品牌保修条款 只知NB?网友分享小众运动鞋 只知NB?网友分享小众运动鞋 罗技UE4000游戏耳机体验 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6卖649美元是合理的133461次新一代iPhone和iPad为什么都取消32GB版本了?231331次你会去看吗?周星驰《大话西游》20年后重新上映329263次每日签到:使用不到一月 iPhone 6 Plus就出现轻微弯曲现象?(2014-10-14)428104次广州封杀电动车 快递员:封杀马上辞职525147次非软文:为什么老美会极力推崇一加手机?623485次韩媒: iPhone 6 Plus技术很多都是我们韩国的,嗯!720313次每日签到:拿什么拯救你我的iPad mini,不上不下很尴尬?(2014-10-15)816085次简约而不简单 奢华而不奢侈——华为荣耀6 深度体验914681次使用MX4一日有感10汽车资讯2014巴黎车展 新能源车与SUV是重头戏女王直播:巴黎车展全方位报道巴黎车展60款新车预览2014上半年评测试驾精彩锦集 小型SUV篇2014上半年评测试驾精彩锦集 小型车篇广州车展 宝骏730 保时捷 创酷 新帝豪 陆风X5 标致508 凯迪拉克XTS 英菲尼迪Q50 五菱宏光 沃尔沃XC60 宝马1系 购车优惠 启辰D50 传祺GA5 森林人 科帕奇 宝马X4 探险者 高尔夫 长安逸动 卡宴 昂科拉 世嘉 启辰R30 辉腾 别克昂科威华为Mate7相关文章6英寸屏指纹识别金属旗舰 华为Mate7评测深圳 | 超强性价比 华为Mate7国行上市2999元起深圳 | 学苹果?华为Mate7近4K Note 4天价超6K!导购 | Note Edge/Mate7领衔 每周手机评测汇总深圳 | 魅族MX4发布在即 两个版本售价2499元起浏览本产品的网友还关注:锤子手机Smartisan T1¥3000三星I9500 16GB¥2799华为Ascend P7¥2488标签: 华为手机


Carc 说:国产大厂牌手机本来就不比三星LG啥的差,小米系统的易用性,步步高的音乐播放,华为的性价比一直都是比较突出的不过楼主说的第一点不见得是什么好事,整个正面都是触摸屏,用的时候只能小心翼翼捏着边了,无法舒适地握持,否则就是误触,用户体验不会好。这是很多android手机设计上的通病,堆科技,堆“新特性”,堆指标。但是没有完善的UX测试流程。很多功能叫好不叫座,最后没什么人用。还有就是android娘胎里带出来的低效率,吃硬件问题。同为封闭系统的win8系统手机运行效率和稳定性上就高不少。点击展开...iPhone 6 plus 除了上下有黑边,也都是屏幕呀





bondejoe 说:看起来比较大啊,单手操作方便吗?手机这种东西国产应该不会比外国品牌差。华为如果在国外卖,虽不一定会超过苹果的市场占有率,但可能会比在国内更受欢迎。很多国人买手机很多买的不是实用性,而是可炫耀性。点击展开...没错。我说的国内朋友不听,洋人评测一好,他们就听了。

World Of Vikram1 month ago (edited) He said (and did, lol!) "swipe" which I am sure is a mistake, it can only be "touch" since it is a touch sensor!! Please correct me if I am wrong, but I think I am right, and I can't believe the reviewer made such a glaring error!Reply · 3View all 5 repliesjwhanhust1 month ago u r right!Reply · Cesar Antonio2 weeks ago Who cares already it's obvious it was just a mistake. Reply · Karly Johnston1 month ago Please BenchmarkReply · View all 4 repliesBigMo1 month ago it has been confirmed that the huawei mate 7 scores over 43500 in antutu, not sure about the g7 tho.Reply · Sandellyo Kauba1 month ago http://www.mobilegeeks.com/huawei-ascend-mate-7-review-e500-galaxy-note-4-killer/Reply · xSnowyCatx1 month ago Wow, I also want a free 500€ phone just kidding would be too big for my small hands anyway...looking forward on how the processor performs in the final review.Reply · 1View all 2 replieswen liu1 month ago http://www.mobilegeeks.com/huawei-ascend-mate-7-review-e500-galaxy-note-4-killer/Reply · ANTICHRIST JC MAYHEM1 month ago Fucking amazing can't wait to own one of this! I'm tired of my Note 3Reply · 8View all 10 repliesANTICHRIST JC MAYHEM1 month ago +hitmantwfuhk21997 no way!!Reply · ANTICHRIST JC MAYHEM1 month ago +hitmantwfuhk21997 lmao!! $9.99 for 3 months (I'm not a wwe either) CZW AND ROH YES! !!Reply · Romi4i1 month ago Htc One CloneReply · View all 5 repliesGhost Killer1 month ago +Tho Athome yes it isReply · AKdsad1001 month ago The menu look like Sense 6.0...Reply · bmt1341 month ago All it needs is OIS camera and front facing stereo speakers. Maybe HTC can step up and deliver a nice 5.5"+ phone.Reply · Tyler M1 month ago Wow no IR Blaster? That's a standard now on all flagships. wish everyone had a fingerprint scanner like that one though. Damn Note 4 and its shitty swipe scanner. huhReply · Jesus Vazquez1 month ago Thats a really nice phone the exterior looks way better than the GS5Reply · Broc Stefan1 month ago the chances of getting this in america?Reply · View all 3 repliesGavin Lee1 month ago Probably likely, I have the Mate2. They really wanted to come to the US with the Mate2!Reply · Gavin Lee1 month ago +Broc Stefan NYC and T-Mobile.Reply · 1Efo Dela1 month ago I think i'm in loveReply · KamiNoYari1 month ago please german versionReply · LittleOryx1 month ago I love how excited he sounds. So cute. Reply · Mac Lumen1 month ago Ex Gigabyte rep?Reply · Nicky Nugroho1 month ago I wish huawei will remove those stupid branding logo on the front .Reply · 1Ricardo Froes1 month ago How did you get the phone?Reply · World Of Vikram1 month ago Outstanding device! I WANT this one - just give me some nice color options if you can, Huawei! Rest everything is fabulous! Reply · 2devansh rajvanshi2 days ago india my kab ayga yeahReply · Kelvin Yeoh1 week ago This phone is too gorgeous Cesar Antonio2 weeks ago i like the note 3 and will buy the note 4 because I do use they stylus pen. It comes handy when you want to create quick notes, price quotes, numbers, that sorta thing. Otherwise I wouldn't mind getting this one. I prefer larger screens. This one seems ideal. ChromeFenix1 month ago The screen display seems to have a really warm color tone to it, I like cooler tone displays, guess you can always change it to cooler tone, maybe.Reply ·

happywings 说:iPhone 6 plus 除了上下有黑边,也都是屏幕呀点击展开...所以iphone 6单手直着拿,误触几率就会比前几代高(不止是误触屏幕按键,还有常见的误操作是单指操作被识别为多指操作,因为有其他手指进入屏幕区)。上下黑边可以给双手横持时提供安置大拇指的空间,安桌机其实是最需要这个空间的,因为三个系统操作键都是触摸键,容易被误触

StreamKenshin112121 month ago As someone who has the Galaxy Note 3, the Note 4 is basically the same thing but with a few downgrades. No USB 3.0, Speaker on the back, and no Menu button. Going to the Note 4 would be an incredibly stupid choice for me. The Ascend Mate 7 looks very nice, though. Fully aluminum back, larger screen on the same size body, and a much larger battery. I'm very much more interested in this phone than the disappointment of the Note 4Reply · 34View all 28 repliesJoe Garner1 month ago Yeah I've never used the 2.0 so I can't compare it to the three 3.0 that I use although I use wireless charging most of the timeReply · Airyl Jaszly1 month ago +TheInfamous Stephenson Honestly, if I were to pick between the two, if take the Mate any day. For one, the Mate just feels better in the hand then the Note 4. This is something you've got to experience to understand. Aside from that, the Mate is probably going to have better battery life thanks to it's larger battery and lower resolution display. The fingerprint sensor is fun to play with and EMUI 3.0 is so much more better than it's previous incarnations. Huawei also managed to trim down those bezels by a seriously huge amount. Another thing about EMUI is that it feels extremely simple and lighter than it's predecessors. It's still got a lot of features that can be found in the settings, but improvements are really astounding compared to the baby steps of TouchWiz, which honestly still feels bloated at times.Read moreReply · 1ETYW1 month ago Galaxy note 4 has a better screen, s pen, removeable battery, multi tasking, better camera, smaller and lighter, gear vr, heart rate monitor, uv sensor, it has a mode that makes the colors super accurate so that if you dont like amoled and like accurate colors you dont have to worry, it has s health, many app gifts, fast charging, and the exynos version has a 64bit processor. Why would you still buy huewie ascend mate7 that shit us so ugly and stupid omg what is wrong with people these days and there is not even comparision between these two phones, u forgot to mention that the brightness on yhe galaxy note 4 can go much lower so it is so much better and easier for your eyes in the dark and also the brightness can go much higher as well.Reply · 2View all 12 repliesKazu Utoshima2 weeks ago Im still figuring out which phone i like best and want to buy.But am I the only one who is really confused as of why a smartphone needs agear vr, (Oculus rift is coming out so why would you put a phone on your head)heart rate monitor,s health,Fast charging is also pretty much bullshit it charges about 30 minutes faster then the note 3. I'm never that much time hurry to charge my phone. I use it the entire day and charge it before I go to bed. When I wake up it will always be 100%. so why would I want my phone to charge 30 minutes faster It doesnt make sense.I also do not want a phone telling me how healthy I am its not what I need a phone for. So all those extra features are fun for a while but almost all people will just ignore them because care...Read moreReply · 1jbuggieee2 weeks ago +Kazu Utoshima i do agree its a bit much but there are people who are in to fitness and they find it convenient to have a heart rate monitor. Then the oculus rift is for people who love gaming and watching movies on the go, that would be for people who also travel a lot so that their entertainment. So there is something for everyone. You don't have to use all them but it's there because everyone loves options, unless your love is Apple.Reply · Mike Neufeld1 month ago Galaxy Note 4 vs Ascend Mate 7: Show Floor Comparison Galaxy Note 4 vs Ascend Mate 7: Show Floor ComparisonBy far my favorite devices that have been announced. Reply · 6View all 10 repliesMiguel Bleau1 month ago My 2 fav companies right there Reply · 1Kazu Utoshima2 weeks ago +Mike NeufeldThe huawei has a sd micro slot so it does has expandable storage.Reply · 1Rodrigo Freijanes1 month ago (edited) Galaxy Note 4 vs Ascend Mate 7Pra colocar mais lenha na fogueira. heheAgora imagine o hardware e software do Note 4 dentro desse design, acabamento, com tela de 6 polegadas indo quase até as bordas, bateria de 4100mAh e nessa espessura do Huawei.TranslateReply · 1View all 6 repliesrenoir jean1 month ago +youbalci Bravo Rodrigo. Excellente réponse. Comme vous avez si bien dit : la langue a peu d'importance pour qui veut s'informer sur un produit tel que Huawei. Pour ma part, j'ignorerai à l'avenir cette compagnie en raison de l'absence de tout service après vente et du peu d'empressement qu'elle montre à proposer des mises à jour de ses systèmes d'opération Android. TranslateReply · Rodrigo Freijanes1 month ago +renoir jean Très bon de connaître ces négatifs Huawei. En fait, je ne pense pas à l'achat de ce modèle de smartphone. Juste envie de forcer les fabricants comme Samsung, Sony, LG et HTC pour apporter des modèles avec de plus petites jantes et des écrans plus grands, comme les termes sans la nécessité pour les gros appareils. Je pense à l'achat d'un smartband Huawei, Talkband B1, pour être celui qui a créé un dispositif qui utilise le poignet et donne à souligner et à porter à votre oreille pour faire des appels téléphoniques.Read more · TranslateReply · 1unonice1 month ago My next phone will be Samsung Galaxy Note 4 .. Zerolemon extended battery + Zerolemon Protective Case with built in Screen Protector.. Oh Yeah.. That's a Winner Reply · View all 4 repliesAiryl Jaszly1 month ago You're going to make the thing bulky as all hell. I'm not even sure it's going to be mobile anymore. Also, that's a lot of money to shell out.Reply · Gregory Lawrence3 weeks ago I still prefer the Hauwei Mate 7 though.Reply · Uli Resi4 weeks ago In direct comparison, the Ascend 7 is much more appealing, if only the narrow frame for display. The only thing is getting used to, is the emotion UI.Reply · 1View all 3 repliesUli Resi4 weeks ago +Prinzessin Twilight ? Aha ;-)Reply · Sarah Bräutigam4 weeks ago +Uli Resi naja oder auch nicht TranslateReply · Tony Salinas1 month ago The screen on that Hawaaowowooww Mate 7 is just disgusting. Yeah, the overall phone is nice with the thin bezels, but the screen is hideous. The Galaxy Note 4 crushes it with ease! I'm not even talking about the resolution, I'm referring to the colours and brightness. I'd definitely go with the Galaxy Note 4 since it has no no competition! Not until the Galaxy S6 is released. Reply · 6View all 6 repliesqiman wang1 month ago Hey tony, im speaking from a sales consultant point of view who use to work with samsung products. The 4k display is useless on a 6 inch phone . you will not notice a difference. i agree The color on the samsung phone looks good. But it looks too good... to be real. The color are boosted and so saturated it looks so fake. samsung make the screen so bright that it attracts you, but the color is not accurate at all. Reply · Tony Salinas1 month ago +qiman wang I don't want accurate. I want bright and vivid colours! The screen is 2K not 4K. Reply · 1BigMo1 month ago Battery : Huawei winsBuild quality: Huawei winsCamera:Note 4 but not by a long shot.Software: Depends on the user but it would probably be the note 4 for the functionality.Processor: I would say a tie since both score over 42000 in antutu benchmark (The Huawei scored 43500, not sure about the note though).Screen: 2K is overkill, FHD is good but not as sharp, i would say this depends on the user to.Finger print scanner:Are you kidding me, obviously huawei wins, i dont think Samsungs fingerprint scanner counts as one.Design: Huawei but the note 4 doesnt look bad by any means.Durability: I think samsung gets this one, i have an s2 and its still rocking, never tried a Chinese manufacturers phone before.Aging:Samsung phones get laggy after a year of use, i cant predict a winner in this situation.Read moreReply · 5View all 5 repliesAiryl Jaszly1 month ago +wwwgolowboy34 Fanboy alert!Reply · Kazu Utoshima2 weeks ago This so much. Samsung phone are perfect at launch and I rock Samsung since the galaxy S. But after a year maybe a bit more they just stop working correctly. The screen starts getting hiccups and the phone reboots one to many times when using to much apps. Even after a clean install.Reply · Django Groen1 month ago note 4 because better custom rom support and removeable batteryReply · 6View all 4 repliesVictor Noel Cory Paz1 month ago Totally agreed...Reply · 2Django Groen1 month ago +jesse dupere S pen is a good point. But 2K screen? 1080 screen is better. You see not much difference and it drains the battery. And yes I think the note 4 have great battery life. But is better if they do a 1080 P screen Reply · 2Tyler Hayman-Harrison1 month ago Is that ascend running android L? Or is it just the custom UIReply · View all 5 repliesRichard Gao1 month ago +Tyler Hayman-Harrison but it is exclusive...lolReply · qiman wang1 month ago It looks like android L, but it's running their custom EMUI which features alot of edge swipes to expand the page. In other words, alot of the apps have extended screen if you swipe up down left or right. Reply · jia ma1 month ago My question is: huawei when will you sell it in Australia??????DO NOT forget Australia!!!Reply · 1harish rockz1 month ago u have any idea how much it cost in AUD$$(mate 7)?Reply · jia ma1 month ago +harish rockz I don't even know if Australia is in that list which includes more than 30 countries. If I can't get it in Australia, I will import one from ebay or ask my friends to bring one600 would be perfect.Reply · 2Jaimie Edmond1 month ago Note 4 all the way. I'd buy one today if I could.Reply · 16youbalci1 month ago Why?Reply · 1Rajvir Singh3 weeks ago Me too..Reply · 1Konstantin Stefanov1 month ago i had note 3, but id sure get the Ascend Mate 7 by a long shot! and id defiantly get it, in a bit as i currently own a OPOReply · 1ANTICHRIST JC MAYHEM1 month ago Same here HUAWEI ASCEND MATE 7!Reply · 3Marius Hofert1 month ago 1) Does the Ascend allow input by a (wacom) stylus?2) Does the Note 4 allow multi-windows for all apps or just selected ones?Reply · 1View all 9 repliesMarius Hofert1 month ago +Zhiyang Zeng Thanks. I just checked. Cool app, but only available for Samsung devices. Cheers, M.Reply · wwwgolowboy341 month ago If you root your phone you can get an app called "Pen Window Manger" That Will Allow You to use other apps on pen-window and For Ultra Power Saving Mode You Would Have to root it and get Ultra Power Saving Mode Manger To add any app you want to ultra power saving mode lolReply · Broc Stefan1 month ago (edited) So many people saying Note 4 despite it having shit specs compared to it's predecessor.You people remind me of the "Sony Ponies". You take one look at something and judge it at face value.. and more so even than that, you don't even judge things evenly.You are worthless human beings.Reply · 1View all 12 repliesKelvin Miller3 weeks ago (edited) +Broc Stefan First, I have the Note 3. Just saw the Note 4 in Best Buy over the weekend. I will be pre-ordering a Note 4 this week. Improvements for the Note 4 over the 3, 1) Better back camera with optical image stabilization which I have been waiting for (Note 3 is not good for shooting video or taking pictures while moving or in low light, Note 4 is) , 2) way faster processor and faster gpu for better gaming, 805 processor blows everything out the water to include the A8, 3) camera can grab notes and formulas from paper or chalkboards and import them into S-Note. Saw this first hand at Best Buy, damn good feature for me since I'm currently in a college math class, 4) S-Pen has improved dramatically, 5) the metal frame on the Note 4 looks awesome and will not bend like iPhone 6 Plus (bend test was done on Note 4 and it didn't budge), 6) screen is way better, #1 on DisplayMate for all cellphones, beat the snot out of iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, even has improved outdoor performance, 7) improved battery life over Note 3 and has ultra power saver mode, 8) improved multi-window support, can open up to 16 windows at a time (floating) and display all (Note 3 could only do 4 at a time and display 2), 9) works with Gear VR. Go check on out at Best Buy before you judge. The have working ones on display. Read moreReply · Kelvin Miller3 weeks ago Mentioned this in my last post, but I will expand on it here. The Note 4 has a bigger battery than the Note 3. The Note 4 is supposed to last longer than the Note 3, even with the higher resolution screen. The Note 4 will charge faster than the Note 3. It will charge the battery to 50% in 30 minutes. The Note 4 will have ultra power saver mode. So, to answer your question, Note 4 will have a better screen than the Note 3 (and every other phone on the market) and not take a hit in battery life. Reply · Jeremy Tanudtanud1 day ago I would choose the Huawei Ascend Mate 7 bcuz they care more about battery life and the battery saving features built in are an added bonus and having a massive stock battery than any high end phone coming out and I prefer the UI on the Huawei Mate 7 and even without an app drawer u can always use a different launcher and I prefer having software keys and having more screen real estate and I have a note 3 and Huawei Ascend Mate 2, the battery and performance is way better on my Huawei Ascend Mate 2 than my note 3 and I don't really like touchwiz which makes it lag like crazyReply · 1Skyline7111 month ago Mate 7!! That battery and upgraded ui looks Soo nice but I may juz get the oneplus just cuz of pricing Lol all 3 r great phones in their own ways Reply · 1View all 3 repliesjia ma1 month ago oneplus is good but it is tooooooo old!!!dude try the new launched MEIZU MX4 which is almost the same price. I will choose one between MX4 and mate 7. Reply · Skyline7111 month ago not really lol my preference goes towards budget phones i wishhh i could order online instead of the invite based system lol its only came out in May 2014 May-Sept its not sooooo old yet still got a good year to go mate 7 is awesome too... idk about MX4 lolReply · EcBuddy1233 weeks ago REVIEW!!!!Reply · EcBuddy1233 weeks ago please...Reply · THEKMT61 month ago is it just me or that zoom in animation looked much smoother on the huawei?Reply · 1View all 3 repliesAYDELL21231 month ago Its just you dude..samsung blows that junk out the water..dont kid yourselfReply · Garron Horsley1 month ago +AYDELL2123 Cool. A fanboy that posts shit without thought or justification. Was just a matter of time.Reply · 1Thor Power1 month ago I had the note 3 sold it after i got huawei x1 best phablet ever, this mate 7 looks awesome, i like the amoled colors on the note but i care more for a bigger screen, larger battery and the awesomely small bezels. 3Thor Power1 month ago MATE 72

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