加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto松蘑能带进关吗?
2015 PGP--two cases for parents and parents-in-law:Jan 1st 10:30AM drop off to hr-ex.com Markham Office;Jan 2nd 8:01 delivered and signed by CIC;Jan 9th, CIC charged $2,200 on my Credit Card;Feb 22,eCAS shows that both applications were received on Jan 2nd;March 21, 1:44/1:49AM, received the email with file numbers.2016-4-13 parents in law sponsor! 2016-4-14 parents sponsor!2016-09-02 parents health check and police certificate; 2016-09-18 in-laws health check and police certificate.......想吃了,不知道海关让不让带点击展开...我带过松茸,蘑菇之类的
Horse Dragoon 说:只要干货都能进加拿大, 我带过, 白果, 香菇,莲子,枸记,点击展开...我想问,是不是合法
2015 PGP--two cases for parents and parents-in-law:Jan 1st 10:30AM drop off to hr-ex.com Markham Office;Jan 2nd 8:01 delivered and signed by CIC;Jan 9th, CIC charged $2,200 on my Credit Card;Feb 22,eCAS shows that both applications were received on Jan 2nd;March 21, 1:44/1:49AM, received the email with file numbers.2016-4-13 parents in law sponsor! 2016-4-14 parents sponsor!2016-09-02 parents health check and police certificate; 2016-09-18 in-laws health check and police certificate....... 超赞 赏 zj8341游客1 2$(VIP 0,#300) 2,9842017-01-27#8 这边华人超市卖的松蘑就挺好的。
2010:0212RN-IP0512-FN0508-ME05202011:DM0126-VISA-0201 2011:0316 Mississauga... 海为龙世界 云是鹤家乡... 超赞 赏 jjsheng恢复矿工啦。 30$(VIP 0,#39) 15,5632017-01-27#9 如果不清楚,可以申报。不过有点麻烦。
Horse Dragoon 说:不查没事, 查到没收, 因为这是加拿大海关禁入的食品, 炒熟的也没用,我朋友去年秋回来被抽查到, 海关给他看了电脑里的条例。点击展开...有意思,为什么糖炒栗子要单算?
2015 PGP--two cases for parents and parents-in-law:Jan 1st 10:30AM drop off to hr-ex.com Markham Office;Jan 2nd 8:01 delivered and signed by CIC;Jan 9th, CIC charged $2,200 on my Credit Card;Feb 22,eCAS shows that both applications were received on Jan 2nd;March 21, 1:44/1:49AM, received the email with file numbers.2016-4-13 parents in law sponsor! 2016-4-14 parents sponsor!2016-09-02 parents health check and police certificate; 2016-09-18 in-laws health check and police certificate.......合法的, 干货不是肉类都能进, 木耳银耳花生瓜子都行。但有一样不能带, 糖炒栗子,查到没收。点击展开...我认为花生瓜子要炒熟。生的不可以带入!个人观点,供参考。
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