加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto魁北克清真寺枪击案凶嫌被捕,是白人右翼极端分子,特朗普的粉丝


枪案唯一嫌疑人Alexandre Bissonnette,是Laval University 的学生 Quebec City mosque attack suspect known for right-wing online postsThe suspect in the deadly attack on a Quebec City mosque was known in the city’s activist circles as a right-wing troll who frequently took anti-foreigner and anti-feminist positions and stood up for U.S. President Donald Trump.Alexandre Bissonnette, 27, a student at Laval University who lived on a quiet crescent in the Cap-Rouge suburb of Quebec City, was expected in court Monday to face murder charges for the shooting that killed six people and wounded 19 others. Police initially arrested a person they considered a second suspect but they later backtracked, saying he was a witness.Mr. Bissonnette’s online profile and school friendships revealed little interest in extremist politics until last March when French nationalist leader Marine Le Pen visited Quebec City and inspired Mr. Bissonnette to vocal extreme online activism, according to people who clashed with him.Read more: One suspect in custody after six killed in ‘terrorist attack’ at Quebec mosqueExplainer: The Quebec City mosque attack: What we know so farRelated: Quebec City shooting was act of terror against Canada, Trudeau saysVincent Boissoneault, a student in international relations at Laval University, grew up with Mr. Bissonnette and was friends with him on Facebook. He said they frequently clashed on politics when Mr. Bissonnette attacked refugees or expressed support for Ms. Le Pen or Mr. Trump.“I can tell you he was certainly no Muslim convert. I wrote him off as a xenophobe. I didn’t even think of him as totally racist, but he was enthralled by a borderline racist nationalist movement,” Mr. Boissoneault said.François Deschamps, an employment councillor who runs a refugee support Facebook page, said he immediately recognized Mr. Bissonnette’s photo. “He was someone who made frequent extreme comments in social media denigrating refugees and feminism. It wasn’t outright hate, rather part of this new nationalist conservative identity movement that is more intolerant than hateful.”Mr. Bissonnette’s Facebook profile was removed from public view Monday morning along with the comments he left behind. Before Ms. Le Pen’s visit, Mr. Bissonnette’s friends say he showed little interest in politics, despite studying the subject at Laval University.Former classmates from the CEGEP junior college he attended after high school described him as a quiet, unassuming guy who blended in. “It’s scary that this would happen here,” said one of the friends, Antoine Cabanac.Michel Kingma-Lord, who grew up with Mr. Bissonnette, said he was “shocked” by the news that his erstwhile friend was suspected in a mass shooting. The two had grown apart in recent years, but spent many happy hours collecting minerals together as boys, scouring the schoolyard for bits of quartz.“He was a really good guy,” said Mr. Kingma-Lord. “A very generous kind of guy, always listening, polite.”Mr. Bissonnette studied political science, Mr. Kingma-Lord said, but seemed more interested in the campus chess club than any kind of ideology. “He never posted anything about hate speech,” Mr. Kingma-Lord said. “He wouldn’t share any political ideology. When we talked, it was just normal talk.”Acquaintances from Mr. Bissonnette’s earlier years at Les Compagnons-de-Cartier high school in Quebec City say he was introverted, socially awkward and frequently bullied. Toma Popescu remembered bigger kids teasing Mr. Bissonnette for his slight, pallid appearance and his unfashionable clothing. “He dressed like a country boy,” Mr. Popescu said.The bullies who targeted Mr. Bissonnette would demand his money and his lunch, even roughing him up, Mr. Popescu added. But Mikael Labrecque Berger said that Mr. Bissonnette wasn’t cowed by his social problems at school.“He never seemed to take it like personally,” Mr. Berger. “He had an almost happy attitude about it.”“Someone [would] tell him, ‘You’re ugly,’ and he would say, ‘You too are ugly.’”Before it was removed, Mr. Bissonnette’s Facebook page revealed normal preoccupations of young adulthood. While he “liked” the page of Ms. Le Pen and other right-wing politicians, he also liked Garfield and pop stars such as Katy Perry.On Halloween, he posted a picture of himself in a screaming ghoul costume – first popularized by the Scream horror-movie franchise. “Nothing original but it’s a classic,” he wrote.He also posted a photo of himself wearing what appeared to be a cadet uniform several years ago. A spokesman for the Canadian Forces confirmed that Mr. Bissonnette had participated in the cadet program from 2002 to 2004 in the Quebec City area.Records show he bought a Chevy Malibu with his twin brother, Mathieu, in 2011. They were also chess-club teammates around that time.Police searched a house belonging to Mr. Bissonnette’s father, Raymond Bissonnette, on Monday morning. The address showed up on several traffic tickets issued to Alexandre Bissonnette in recent years.Police say the suspect was not on their radar before the attack. A court records search shows no other involvement with police other than traffic tickets.

移民科幻小说《种秧帝国崛起之后》弘扬主旋律传播正能量的饥饿游戏版《红旗颂》 超赞 赏 反馈:sirapaz L laox888 0$(VIP 0) 18,0682017-01-30#2 阶级斗争很复杂。


移民科幻小说《种秧帝国崛起之后》弘扬主旋律传播正能量的饥饿游戏版《红旗颂》据报道,这小子是专门在网上发表排外、反对妇女权利等言论的极端右翼五毛。堪称保守党的模范党员。不过在自己真名实姓的Facebook里倒装得人模狗样儿的没有表现出对政治感兴趣的样子,所以没有引起警方注意。此人还崇拜特朗普,估计此次袭击,大概是受了特朗普的“穆斯林禁令”的启发吧?而此前据报道被警方当嫌疑人逮捕的摩洛哥学生,现警方宣布为“目击证人”。看来这次恐袭穆斯林是受害者,而恐怖分子是右翼极端分子。点击展开...你这篇文章只说,“I can tell you he was certainly no Muslim convert. I wrote him off as a xenophobe. I didn’t even think of him as totally racist, but he was enthralled by a borderline racist nationalist movement,” Mr. Boissoneault said.François Deschamps, an employment councillor who runs a refugee support Facebook page, said he immediately recognized Mr. Bissonnette’s photo. “He was someone who made frequent extreme comments in social media denigrating refugees and feminism. It wasn’t outright hate, rather part of this new nationalist conservative identity movement that is more intolerant than hateful.”极端右翼有点夸张了, 媒体愿意往政治上引导, 但是目前没证据显示他有什么政治关系,

天使面孔啊。最近看的电影也是天使男孩杀人: 1992年出生演17岁的中学生 Norman Bates.看不出年龄破绽。



Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第一!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian 超赞 赏 反馈:gasmetro CCOYYOTEE 0$(VIP 0) 23,7452017-01-30#8 被妖婆子 Ms Le Pen 蛊惑的:她还敢来魁北克吗?

sabre 说:你这篇文章只说,“I can tell you he was certainly no Muslim convert. I wrote him off as a xenophobe. I didn’t even think of him as totally racist, but he was enthralled by a borderline racist nationalist movement,” Mr. Boissoneault said.François Deschamps, an employment councillor who runs a refugee support Facebook page, said he immediately recognized Mr. Bissonnette’s photo. “He was someone who made frequent extreme comments in social media denigrating refugees and feminism. It wasn’t outright hate, rather part of this new nationalist conservative identity movement that is more intolerant than hateful.”极端右翼有点夸张了, 媒体愿意往政治上引导, 但是目前没证据显示他有什么政治关系,点击展开...同家园网上那些光说不练的右翼假把式相比,人家真刀真枪地一口气干掉了6个穆斯林。这不叫极端什么才算极端...

移民科幻小说《种秧帝国崛起之后》弘扬主旋律传播正能量的饥饿游戏版《红旗颂》 超赞 赏 反馈:tomleee012, 陪你去看牛猩雨 和 gossiip thecupoflife 0$(VIP 0) 7862017-01-30#10 完了,左派更加正确了

thecupoflife 说:完了,左派更加正确了点击展开...加拿大真奇葩啊

Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第一!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian同家园网上那些光说不练的右翼假把式相比,人家真刀真枪地一口气干掉了6个穆斯林。这不叫极端什么才算极端...点击展开...极端我同意,不同意跟政治挂钩, 这种行为, 就算他高呼革命口号, 也只能把他当精神病看,





_________________________來生還做自干五_____________________________時政觀察_________________________ 超赞 赏 幽 幽幽 0$(VIP 0) 9622017-01-31#17 多么狂妄的年轻白人!别当冷漠的看客,白人至上的心理在白人那里根深蒂固,这个只是更极端些。华人也是仇恨对象。那些帮助西方媒体抹黑中国,抹黑华人的,只会助长白人的狂妄。在这个论坛上,就有好几个这样的蠢货。在这里骂一句:狗日的,闭嘴!

mete 说:多么狂妄的年轻白人!别当冷漠的看客,白人至上的心理在白人那里根深蒂固,这个只是更极端些。华人也是仇恨对象。那些帮助西方媒体抹黑中国,抹黑华人的,只会助长白人的狂妄。在这个论坛上,就有好几个这样的蠢货。在这里骂一句:狗日的,闭嘴!点击展开...同意 覆巢之下,焉有完卵

mete 说:多么狂妄的年轻白人!别当冷漠的看客,白人至上的心理在白人那里根深蒂固,这个只是更极端些。华人也是仇恨对象。那些帮助西方媒体抹黑中国,抹黑华人的,只会助长白人的狂妄。在这个论坛上,就有好几个这样的蠢货。在这里骂一句:狗日的,闭嘴!点击展开...你國還需要摸黑嗎? 想效忠朝廷,滾回兲朝去。

_________________________來生還做自干五_____________________________時政觀察_________________________极端我同意,不同意跟政治挂钩,这种行为, 就算他高呼革命口号, 也只能把他当精神病看,点击展开...我看今天的GAZETTE说没有以恐怖袭击起诉他,而是一级谋杀。没有搞懂据说目击者听到枪手喊阿拉万岁。我也觉得这个跟政治或者恐怖主义没什么关系,不过这种精神病以后会越来越多,伊斯兰国把穆斯林搞到高潮的同时,这种白人极端排外主义也跟着HIGH了起来。

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