加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto视频:多伦多TTC地铁的一场"血案":黑小伙把腿放在椅子上,胖大姐坐在小伙腿上,然后就又如下一番争吵,然后就拉停了TTC地铁
黑小伙把腿放在椅子上,胖大姐坐在小伙腿上,然后就又如下一番争吵,然后就拉停了TTC地铁争吵的全文:video begins with a young black man, wearing glasses and appearing to use a phone, telling a white woman to “get off me.”She responds, “Sorry, I can’t.”The woman continues to sit on the man, a stranger, despite repeated requests to move. Their verbal argument then escalates.“Get your fat self of my [expletive] feet,” the man says. “You’re going to come sit down on other people? The [expletive is wrong with you?””“Your fat self has got a big mouth,” the woman says.“I know I have a big mouth and I’m [expletive] using it,” he says.“And you’re fat too!” she interjects.“I love my fat self,” he responds. “Thank you bitch.”“Ok then we’re equal,” she says. At this point, she is still sitting on his feet. He asks why she hasn’t moved.“I’m trying to explain to you that your feet shouldn’t be on the seat,” she says.“Why does it matter to you?” he says.“Do you own the subway? Let me ask you a serious question. Do you own the subway?” he says.“No! Do you?” she responds.“No,” he says.“Then how can you do whatever you want?” she asks.“Is there a rule on this train that says I can’t put my foot on the seat right now?” he asks.“There’s lots of social rules,” she responds.“Ok so I can take myself and just go like that?” he says, leaning forward and pushing the woman’s back with his shoulder. The woman, after sitting on the man for about a minute, then gets up. She walks to another seat and pushes the emergency alarm.“Thank you,” the man says. “I shouldn’t be having to touch a lady. Get off me. You put yourself on me. I have all right to push you off me. You sat on me. You pushing [the alarm] is just disrupting every body else … You could have left me alone… Shut up! Just shut up!”The woman is still criticizing the man she sat on.“Why does it [expletive] matter to you? It doesn’t [expletive] matter,” he says.“We’re a society! We all have to live together,” she says.At this point, the man bangs on the glass window of the train.“I don’t care! Is there an [expletive] rule, right here, that says I can’t put my feet right there?” he says. He adds that there are plenty of empty seats, he’s not stopping anyone from sitting, and that the woman was in another part of the car but moved to come speak to him.“You started this. I didn’t. You had to come sit your [expletive] fat ass on my leg. So leave me the [expletive] alone. Now that you pressed [the alarm], you stopped the whole [expletive] train. For what?”“That’s right. I did,” the woman says. “Because you pushed me.”“You sat on me!” the man responds. “You put your body on me. I can push you off me.”The woman argues that she was not sitting on him.The man, visibly angry, then leaves the train, saying he doesn’t want to “spit in your [expletive] face.”The video then ends.According to the TTC website, there is a rule against putting your feet on the seat (bylaw 3.19 A). It comes with a $200 fine, though it is rarely enforced, a TTC spokesperson said.
gasmetro 说:北美文化的一部分,淡定。点击展开...总有屁放
gasmetro 说:哥这就把你release了。点击展开...任你放什麼马后炮,爷只点到为止。
Lightening 说:那女的,屁股蹭的太有水平了点击展开...前年,在 TTC subway,一个女孩在地铁刹车时没站稳,一屁股坐在我的腿上,怕她摔倒,竟然不但没有把她推起来,反而下意识地抱住了她,好在没有发生误会,否则要是被抽一个大嘴巴那多冤呀。
gasmetro 说:孙子你就是屁,无所谓马前马后。点击展开...别吵来吵去的,好玩呀?
gasmetro 说:它皮子痒,我就不介意给它赎。点击展开...要吵就另开贴单挑,我们给你们摇旗、呐喊、助威,这夹在别人贴子里看起来有点儿犯嫌。
j0n6dj2y2w 说:前年,在 TTC subway,一个女孩在地铁刹车时没站稳,一屁股坐在我的腿上,怕她摔倒,竟然不但没有把她推起来,反而下意识地抱住了她,好在没有发生误会,否则要是被抽一个大嘴巴那多冤呀。点击展开...这个"下意识"用得好啊。
传国玉玺 说:这个"下意识"用得好啊。点击展开...实话实说。
j0n6dj2y2w 说:实话实说。点击展开...呵呵,开个玩笑。要是有美女入怀,我估计也会下意识抱抱她。
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