加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto快去Lindsay,Hamilton买大麻屋,破烂房!! 未来三年租金不愁! 国家发钱!
快去Lindsay,Hamilton买大麻屋,破烂房!! 未来三年租金不愁! 国家发钱!
去华人超市,用中国vendor,中国人要帮助中国人,团结互助才能赢得尊重 超赞 赏 Superintender 0$(VIP 0) 8,1662017-04-24#2 安省省长韦恩今天在汉密尔顿(Hamilton)宣布,Hamilton-Brantford地区、林赛(Lindsay)和雷湾(Thunder Bay)被确定为安省基本收入(basic income)试验区,这三个地区的低收入人士或家庭有望在三年内免费拿钱,多伦多则无社区入选。今年夏天就开始发钱前参议员Hugh Segal曾经建议,试点区域至少选择四个,包括一个大城市社区,安省北部和南部各选一个,再加一个原住民社区,参加对象则是这些试点区内生活在贫困线以下的人士及家庭。看来省府最后将试点区缩减为三个,将汉密尔顿作为大城市社区,从分布来看,则是西有Hamilton-Brantford,东有林赛,北有雷湾,基本照顾到各大地理区域。据悉,试验计划将在Hamilton-Brantford和雷湾各选出1,000人,而林赛将选出2,000人,Hamilton-Brantford和雷湾的参与者将在今夏就收到省府寄出的钱,林赛的参与者则在今秋开始收到政府发的钱。试验计划的参与完全属于自愿性质。上述参与者将主要通过他们递交的申请信件随机选出,无家可归者如果有庇护所的地址,也可以参与随机选择过程。一旦被选中,将会受到同等对待,并无厚此薄彼之嫌。给单身人士每年发放$17,000韦恩表示,在这个为期三年的试验计划中,省府将给生活在低收入状况下的单身人士每年发放$17,000,虽然这笔钱说不上奢侈,但将对人们的生活产生真正的影响。安省希望通过这个试验计划来测试基本收入项目对低收入人士及家庭的实际影响及效果。省长韦恩去年任命前参议员Hugh Segal对基本收入试点的相关方案进行研究,后者分别在去年11月和今年1月主持系列公听会议,以征求各阶层和团体对基本收入试点计划的意见。全省有35,000多人或出席了公听会,或参与了网络调查。在两场正式的咨询会之后,对究竟发多少钱有了原则性的意见和建议。在发放金额标准上,受邀参与咨询的人士原则上同意,基本收入的确定至少让参与者足以脱贫。但在具体数额上则存在分歧:在Hugh Segal向省府提出的报告中,曾经建议采用家庭低收入标准来确定基本收入的金额。而低收入衡量标准则相当于2016年安省低收入单身人士年收入的中位数,也就是$22,653/年。如果是家庭,则根据家庭成员的数量再进行调整。参与咨询的人士认可这个大原则,但在采用家庭收入中位数的75%(低方案),或是100%(高方案)的问题上有分歧。若以单身人士为例,如果按75%,接受基本收入的该人士每月可拿$1,416;如果提高到100%,那么每月就可以拿到$1,888,一年下来则可以拿到$22,656。显然,省府采纳了75%的低方案而不是100%的高方案,即单身人士每月可拿$1,416,一年12个月则是$16,992,化成整数就是韦恩今天所宣布的$17,000。按照相关规定,这项福利不必交税。给3区4,000人每月发钱安省自由党政府在2016年的预算中已经列出基本收入试点的开支,每年耗资$5,000万,三年则是$1.5亿。据悉,省府将给上述3个试验区的4,000人定期发钱。与此同时,如果参与者不愿躺着拿钱,希望增加收入继续打工,那么除拿基本收入之外,他们打工每赚1元,政府将匹配给0.5元,以鼓励拿基本收入者继续工作。如果参与者为残障人士,则每年再加最多$6,000。根据实施计划,有幸拿基本收入的人士包括:1)目前正在拿社会福利的人士(those on social assistance);2)单身人士其年收入税后不足$17,000;3)夫妇两人其年收入税后不足$24,000。前参议员Segal曾经提到,基本收入将代替现行的安省工作计划(Ontario Works)和安省残障资助项目( Ontario Disability Support Program),因此所谓拿社会福利的人士应该包括目前接受安省工作计划及安省残障资助项目的人士。Segal也说过,基本收入会比这两个福利项目更慷慨一些,获得基本收入的人士及家庭也不会受到类似这两个福利项目条条框框的限制或监管。
去华人超市,用中国vendor,中国人要帮助中国人,团结互助才能赢得尊重 超赞 赏 Superintender 0$(VIP 0) 8,1662017-04-24#3 Report: Close to one in five Hamiltonians are living in povertyClose to one in five Hamiltonians are living in poverty, according to data released Friday by the Social Planning and Research Council.Using population data from the 2011 census and poverty data from the 2006 census, the council's "Action on Poverty" series found around one-quarter of children and youth are living in poverty.It also points out that almost one third of all private dwellings in Hamilton are rentals and 7 per cent of residents are living in housing that needs major repairs.The report points to a number of factors like affordable housing, employment equity and living wage jobs as necessities for a "poverty-free" Hamilton.Here are the breakdowns for poverty levels in Hamilton by riding.Ancaster-Dundas-Flamborough-WestdaleThe community profiles completed by the Social Planning and Research Council show the poverty rate in this riding is lower than average for the City of Hamilton.Yet, the council found the poverty rate was rising in many parts of this riding, while decreasing in many other communities in Hamilton."Women of all income groups are affected by violence," said Clare Freeman, the executive director Interval House of Hamilton in Waterdown. "But the overlapping effects of violence and poverty make recovering from abuse and assault even harder for low-income women in our community.""A gender-based analysis of systems such as the income support system and the justice system will help to throw light on the complexity of violence against women, and help to answer why violence against women remains so pervasive. "Key figures111,835 people live in the riding10,153 (or 9.3 per cent) live in poverty, as opposed to 18.1 per cent in the city of Hamilton9.6 per cent of children under 18 are living in poverty, as opposed to 23.6 per cent in the city of Hamilton5.1 per cent of housing is in need of major repairs, as opposed to 7.4 per cent in the city of Hamilton0.5 per cent live in crowded housing as opposed to 1.2 per cent in the city of Hamilton18 per cent live in tenant households as opposed to 31.7 per cent in the city of HamiltonHamilton CentreThe council says there is a high concentration of renter households that need repair in Hamilton centre.They say many residents have health problems and many others work in low wage jobs that don't provide a living wage."Over 4,000 of those living below the low income cut-off in the riding of Hamilton Centre have full time full-year jobs, but don't earn enough to pull themselves or their families out of poverty," said Tom Cooper, the director of the Hamilton Roundtable for Poverty Reduction."It impacts family health, education levels and our community's future prosperity. Our community has identified a solution that is practical and necessary: paying all employees a living wage."Key figures117,525 people live in the riding, and 35,233 (or 31.1 per cent) live in poverty as opposed to 18.1 per cent in the city of Hamilton40.2 per cent of children under 18 are living in poverty, as opposed to 23.6 per cent in the city of Hamilton10.6 per cent of housing is in need of major repairs, as opposed to 7.4 per cent in the city of Hamilton1.5 per cent live in crowded housing as opposed to 1.2 per cent in the city of Hamilton53.3 per cent live in tenant households as opposed to 31.7 per cent in the city of HamiltonHamilton East-Stoney CreekOf the five ridings connected to Hamilton, at 19 per cent, Stoney Creek has the second highest rate of poverty.The council says many people reflected in this number are newcomers who face a poverty rate of 52 per cent.According to the report, "responding to the needs of people living in poverty in the small towns and rural areas of this riding also poses an increased challenge.""Some people say that poverty is not visible in Canada," said Ines Rios, the executive director of Immigrant Women's Centre. "That is certainly not true for the east end of Hamilton where new arrivals and their children land. The poor housing conditions alone depress the spirit of hard working, future-building newcomers."Rios says The Immigrant Women's Centre and Community Action Programming for Children are working to "ease and encourage participation of women, fathers and their children to access essential information to begin the process of integration."Key figures116,430 people live in the riding, and 21,993 (or 19 per cent) live in poverty as opposed to 18.1 per cent in the city of Hamilton27.9 per cent of children under 18 are living in poverty, as opposed to 23.6 per cent in the city of Hamilton8 per cent of housing is in need of major repairs, as opposed to 7.4 per cent in the city of Hamilton1.7 per cent live in crowded housing as opposed to 1.2 per cent in the city of Hamilton30.3 per cent live in tenant households as opposed to 31.7 per cent in the city of HamiltonHamilton MountainThe report says Hamilton Mountain has a wide variety of neighbourhoods and mix of incomes. The poverty rate in Hamilton Mountain is 16 per cent, which is slightly lower than the average for the city as a whole.There is a high proportion of senior households in the riding and many types of housing, from apartments and post-war bungalows to new housing in sub-divisions."Too many residents are still struggling to put healthy nutritious food on their table," said Dr. Ninh Tran, the associate medical officer of health for the City of Hamilton."People with limited incomes are forced to choose between necessities and not being able to provide nutritious food. (This)leaves them at higher risk for obesity and chronic disease."Key figures122,725 people live in the riding, and 19,439 (or 16 per cent) live in poverty as opposed to 18.1 per cent in the city of Hamilton22.9 per cent of children under 18 are living in poverty, as opposed to 23.6 per cent in the city of Hamilton6.2 per cent of housing is in need of major repairs, as opposed to 7.4 per cent in the city of Hamilton1 per cent live in crowded housing as opposed to 1.2 per cent in the city of Hamilton26.3 per cent live in tenant households as opposed to 31.7 per cent in the city of HamiltonNiagara West-GlanbrookThe council found that Niagara West-Glanbrook has the lowest rate of poverty out of the five ridings connected to Hamilton at 6.7 per cent.However, they note the majority of the population lives in rural areas and small towns, making it more difficult for people to respond to poverty.Reverend Bill Mous, co-ordinator of social justice for the Anglican Diocese of Niagara, says poverty is a very painful reality in this riding."In rural and suburban communities, the indignity of poverty is often amplified because community resources are not always easily accessible or available," Mous said. "Transformation will only come when people at all levels work collaboratively, recognizing the dignity we share with one another."Key figures111,030 people live in the riding, and 7,322 (or 6.7 per cent) live in poverty as opposed to 18.1 per cent in the city of Hamilton8.2 per cent of children under 18 are living in poverty, as opposed to 23.6 per cent in the city of Hamilton4.5 per cent of housing is in need of major repairs, as opposed to 7.4 per cent in the city of Hamilton0.4 per cent live in crowded housing as opposed to 1.2 per cent in the city of Hamilton11.5 per cent live in tenant households as opposed to 31.7 per cent in the city of Hamilton
去华人超市,用中国vendor,中国人要帮助中国人,团结互助才能赢得尊重 超赞 赏 迷 迷失的兔子 0$(VIP 0) 2,4962017-04-24#4 TNND.这要交多少税啊。。。。养猪啊
Hamilton的房子这之前就已经起来了。因为说有Go Train要延伸。现在别说Hamilton连Guelph都是抢Offer抢到不要不要。至于Lindsay就算了。不是考驾照没人跑那鬼地方。还不挨湖连湖景房都没有还不如Coburg。
M&M 说:Hamilton的房子这之前就已经起来了。因为说有Go Train要延伸。现在别说Hamilton连Guelph都是抢Offer抢到不要不要。至于Lindsay就算了。不是考驾照没人跑那鬼地方。还不挨湖连湖景房都没有还不如Coburg。点击展开...Hamilton的豪宅价位空间很大
M&M 说:不看好点击展开...对你买的东面,本人不看好。
M&M 说:那就等着瞧吧。未来皮克林机场会替代皮尔逊机场。也就是10,20来年的事。至少几千的工作岗位会Relocate到东面。点击展开...不看好这事, 反而西面很多项目已经在实施中了。
去华人超市,用中国vendor,中国人要帮助中国人,团结互助才能赢得尊重那就等着瞧吧。未来皮克林机场会替代皮尔逊机场。也就是10,20来年的事。至少几千的工作岗位会Relocate到东面。点击展开...等着瞧吧。。。30 年也未必建好。。。
bigfatcat 说:等着瞧吧。。。30 年也未必建好。。。点击展开...不用,没听说过抄概念吗?
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