加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto想问一下大家如果将principal residence租出去, 大家是如何处理captial gain的申报的


我的理解是每年将principal residence的租金收入做income报税并且所有房屋维护成本不claim capital cost allowance. 就不必每年申报captial gain了谢谢指点http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tx/ndvdls/.../lns101-170/127/rsdnc/chngs/chngngll-eng.htmlChanging all your principal residence to a rental or business propertyWhen you change your principal residence to a rental or business property, you can make an election not to be considered as having started to use your principal residence as a rental or business property. This means you do not have to report any capital gain when you change its use. If you make this election:you have to report the net rental or business income you earn; andyou cannot claim capital cost allowance (CCA) on the property.While your election is in effect, you can designate the property as your principal residence for up to four years, even if you do not use your property as your principal residence. However, you can only do this if you do not designate any other property as your principal residence for this time.You can extend the four year limit indefinitely if all of the following conditions are met:You live away from your principal residence because your employer, or your spouse's or common-law partner's employer, wants you to relocate.You and your spouse or common-law partner are not related to the employer.You return to your original home while you or your spouse or common-law partner are still with the same employer, or before the end of the year following the year in which this employment ends, or you die during the term of employment.Your original home is at least 40 kilometres (by the shortest public route) farther than your temporary residence from your, or your spouse's or common-law partner's, new place of employment.If you make this election, there is no immediate effect on your income tax situation when you move back into your residence. However, if you change the use of the property again and do not make this election again, any gain you have from selling the property may be subject to tax.To make this election, attach a letter signed by you to your income tax and benefit return of the year in which the change of use occurs. Describe the property and state that you want subsection 45(2) of the Income Tax Act to apply. If you started to use your principal residence as a rental or business property in the year, you may want information on how you should report your business or property income. If so, see the T4002, Business and Professional Income guide or the T4036, Rental Income guide.


yutong 说:维护成本是可以claim的,只是折旧不可以的吧?点击展开...4年貌似是个大限, 4年以后呢?貌似有点麻烦啊


you should claim renal income and the rental related expense.when you sell your house, then the gain should be considered capital gain if this is not your residential house.

马版好, 延伸一下, 纯学术讨论如果加拿大唯一住宅一直出租(比如全家回流),直到卖出此物业前一年,全家搬回来住。住满一年之后将此物业作为primary residence 买掉 理论上capital gain不需要报税吧(不考虑通货膨胀,如果还有capital gain的话)。增值的报税只有在卖掉房子后申报和交税。自住房在出租期间, 只报净租金收入, 根本没有必要报增值。CRA的意思是 最多4年内自住房全部出租再卖掉仍是自住房, 不交增值税。和不能申报CCA 去抵税, 就是 改造, 加建,装修等的费用。其实可以把地税,贷款利息,保险和维护等费用的 45% 用于抵扣租金, 这样是保持 55%的 主人一直拥有自住房性质业权, 去保证在若干年后卖掉不交增值税。点击展开...


请问马版主您的意思是说,我有一套自住房,而出租第二套房,即使我把100%都出租了,但是我每年报税时,只报45%的各项费用,就可以保持这个第二套房的自住性质,将来出售时不用交增值税是吗?税局网站有这样的条文吗,谢谢。增值的报税只有在卖掉房子后申报和交税。自住房在出租期间, 只报净租金收入, 根本没有必要报增值。CRA的意思是 最多4年内自住房全部出租再卖掉仍是自住房, 不交增值税。和不能申报CCA 去抵税, 就是 改造, 加建,装修等的费用。其实可以把地税,贷款利息,保险和维护等费用的 45% 用于抵扣租金, 这样是保持 55%的 主人一直拥有自住房性质业权, 去保证在若干年后卖掉不交增值税。点击展开...

Horse Dragoon 说:不对, 不是我原来的解释, 我说的是只有1套房, 你问的是第2套房出租是吗?,第2套房出租严格按投资房报税, 费用100%是抵税的, 而且卖掉要交增值税。点击展开...是的,我是说的第二套房,谢谢版主回答,明白了。

Horse Dragoon 说:增值的报税只有在卖掉房子后申报和交税。自住房在出租期间, 只报净租金收入, 根本没有必要报增值。CRA的意思是 最多4年内自住房全部出租再卖掉仍是自住房, 不交增值税。和不能申报CCA 去抵税, 就是 改造, 加建,装修等的费用。其实可以把地税,贷款利息,保险和维护等费用的 45% 用于抵扣租金, 这样是保持 55%的 主人一直拥有自住房性质业权, 去保证在若干年后卖掉不交增值税。点击展开...想搭车问一下地产投资大牛马版,先谢谢了。我原来自住的独立屋,现在完全出租了,我知道这个独立屋房贷的利息根据税法,可以抵税。但是我的问题是,我以这个独立屋作为抵押,再贷出一笔钱,做首付,购买了我现在自住的城市屋,那么这个城市屋的每月的贷款的利息是否也可以抵税?我知道如果这个第二套房如果是自己独立的贷款,那么利息绝对不可以抵税,但是它是用第一套房抵押的,所有贷款文件都是用的第一套独立屋,这样的条件下,那个城市屋贷款的利息是否也可以抵税?

Horse Dragoon 说:这个问题是有点复杂的,首先我们认定你的独立屋是投资房,你的TH是自住房。你用独立屋抵押出的钱当首付款买了城市屋TH,比如 抵押出的 20万买了100万的TH, 你有另外80万的贷款在TH,抵押出来的20万是要付利息的,是从投资房独立屋抵押出来又投资了TH, 从独立屋是投资房的角度看, 20万的利息是可以抵税的, 且只能抵在独立屋的净收入里,包含本身独立屋的贷款利息抵税。但从你自住的TH的方面讲,你的 80万贷款利息是不能抵税的, 因为是自住房, 不是投资房。总之一点,贷款利息能否抵税一定是跟投资的东西有关,跟免税的(保险产品等)无关。因为投资的东西要报税和交税。第二点, 如果你的TH有部分出租比如租了1间房给别人住,那么你的TH 80万贷款利息可以按出租比例(最大不要超45%)来抵税。点击展开...很清晰,明白了,谢谢马版。

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