加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto请问有昨天晚上乘南方航空311航班从广州来的吗?我拿错了你的行李箱...
Lise123 说:退回航空公司。让他们帮忙查。点击展开...多谢你的建议,已经打南航的电话,没有人接,估计还没有上班吧...
2011。2。19长登 超赞 赏 反馈:哈法 和 秦砖汉瓦 Z ztgp3614 0$(VIP 0) 1,9412017-05-25#6 应该马上送回去。失主肯定已经报告机场了。一旦送回去机场会马上给失主送过去的!
三月三十日抵达卡尔加里. 超赞 赏 反馈:哈法 ERGO111 2$(VIP 0,#353) 1,9962017-05-25#7 第一时间打电话给机场还回去。。发帖没用
jamesli72 说:多谢你的建议,已经打南航的电话,没有人接,估计还没有上班吧...点击展开...打机场Lost & Found 电话Lost and FoundYVR's Lost and Found is located at the Customer Service counter on Departures Level 3 of the International Terminal. It is open from 09:30 to 17:30 daily. The phone number is 604.276.6104 or TTY/TDD 604.207.7070. There is also a World-wide Toll Free service available at 1.866.817.5243.Please complete as much of this form as possible for any lost and found items from within the airport terminals only. You will be notified within 48 hours. If you have received an inquiry number from the YVR Lost and Found Department, please do not duplicate the inquiry with this email form.Items left onboard the aircraft or gone missing while under care of your airline (lost baggage, for instance) must be inquired about directly to the airline. Airline phone numbers are available here. For items lost on a taxi, bus, cruise ship or other locations please call or email companies directly.
ERGO111 说:打机场Lost & Found 电话Lost and FoundYVR's Lost and Found is located at the Customer Service counter on Departures Level 3 of the International Terminal. It is open from 09:30 to 17:30 daily. The phone number is 604.276.6104 or TTY/TDD 604.207.7070. There is also a World-wide Toll Free service available at 1.866.817.5243.Please complete as much of this form as possible for any lost and found items from within the airport terminals only. You will be notified within 48 hours. If you have received an inquiry number from the YVR Lost and Found Department, please do not duplicate the inquiry with this email form.Items left onboard the aircraft or gone missing while under care of your airline (lost baggage, for instance) must be inquired about directly to the airline. Airline phone numbers are available here. For items lost on a taxi, bus, cruise ship or other locations please call or email companies directly.点击展开...这里说得很清楚,这种情况机场不管,要找航空公司。
jamesli72 说:这里说得很清楚,这种情况机场不管,要找航空公司。点击展开...他们不管但是他们会告诉你机场行李遗失部门的电话, 你错拿行李的失主一定会报备在那里
2011。2。19长登 超赞 赏 一庐春秋居小庐看春去秋来 0$(VIP 0) 29,9632017-05-26#13 我在自己箱子的两处系上不同颜色的标识彩绳,这样既装扮了箱子同时也不容易认错也可以在箱子醒目处贴上彩色贴纸做标记
感谢生命中的一切人和事,无论好与坏,无论对与错,无论爱与恨,施予的都是收获 超赞 赏 eleph知行合一 0$(VIP 0) 8272017-05-26#14 不要用太好的箱子,就没有人拿。。
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