加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto如何麻袋套白狼投资地产


对于任何生意来说,用别人的钱来为自己赚钱是正道。大家伙儿都这么聪明,这个道理就不用细说了。房地产里有三部分能挣钱,主要是:1) 正现金流(Positive Cashflow),2)房产增值,3)积累财富(Build asset,以租金养房)对于一般的想进入房地产领域的人来说,资金是一个大问题,对于大多工薪阶层来说尤其如此,因此怎样把有限的钱用在刀刃上,或者说用有限的钱买到更多的房子,是值得考虑的问题。十几年前我开始买投资房时,手里只有二万美刀,还是欠信用卡公司的债,若是还了,手里就一分钱都没有了,那可是真正的无产阶级。在这种情况下,用别人的钱投资就成了唯一的选择。除了朋友外(我从未借过),能借到钱的地方就是银行和信用卡公司。银行指房贷,信用卡公司可以搞到些钱短期周转一下,但里面有些陷阱要避免。我已经很多年没朝信用卡公司借钱了,不知现在的规矩变了没有。还有一种方法是Owner Finance,指的是房主给购房者提供贷款。我的房子有三分之一是用这种方法买到的,包括我的自住房。这种方式存在的理由是房主在多年拥有出租房的过程中已经把房子的价值通过抵税的方式抵光了,要是一下子拿到卖房全款,就会面临着全部交税的问题。因此愿意用Owner Finance的方法降低每年的上税额和税率。还有一个原因是房主要退休了,不愿意再投资,因此通过这种方式得到稳定的收入和吃点利息。当然还有就是房子所在的地区一般,房主用它来吸引投资者。对于卖方来说,要求是房贷已还清,或用买方的首付还清房贷,极端情况下会自己掏钱还清。房地产投资的第一步是找房子,其实是找Deal,从上市的房子中找只是方法之一。还有个方法是多认识所在区域的投资者(房东),说不定就会有收获。能避开房产代理,对买卖双方都有帮助。有一次我在给自己的一个投资房换Siding,碰到旁边房子的房东,就聊了起来。聊的结果就是从他那买了两个房子,都是Owner Finance,Deal 很不错,基本零首付。其中一个房子买入价六万五,现在月租过两千。后来他有朋友想卖房时都先来问问我,只可惜除了帮朋友买了一个外,没什么太好的Deal。不试是不知道的,试试是一定没有坏处的。Owner Finance对于买方的好处是不用跟银行打交道,可以省几千元的Closing Cost,且没有贷款数目限制。能不能达成协议的关键是看卖方是否愿意这样做。在卖方市场的情况下,这种情况较少,但也不是不可能,买方市场时机会较多。房子的转让过程和正常过户一样,只不过是卖方代替了银行。过户后把双方的贷款协议在镇政府登记一下就可以了,很简单,后来我自己去办理过户的手续,律师费都省了,当然这只限于和朋友间。至于贷款的利息,首付,年限都是可以协商的,一般情况下利息会略高于银行利息。有时卖方为了稳妥起见,会要求把Title 放在卖方律师手里,如果有几次不交贷款,房子会自动转回去,我的自住房就是这样。这也没啥大不了的,只要按时交钱就是了,以后要是自己给别人做Owner Finance时可以考虑这样做。做房地产投资不是去卧儿马买东西,也不是买一、两个房子就大功告成了。在扩张期需要把大量的精力投在找Deal上,包括Owner Finance。只要是下足了功夫,什么奇迹都会发生的。房地产投资首先是一个Money Game。

去华人超市,用中国vendor,中国人要帮助中国人,团结互助才能赢得尊重 超赞 赏 sofia我的生活我做主 158$(VIP 0,#17) 12,8572017-04-12#2 转帖请注明。

买房,卖房,管理投资房Grande Prairie唯一说国语的Realtor到大草原安家,投资就找Sofia。Cell:(780) 605 0234微信:sofia9999 转帖请注明。点击展开...可惜这不是你写的帖子,此贴是一好友牛城地主所写。

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IT好多名词不懂啊,是不是来自美国的文章?点击展开...加拿大也是这些词, 唯一不同的是owner finance,我看的用seller finance多,

sabre 说:加拿大也是这些词, 唯一不同的是owner finance,我看的用seller finance多,点击展开...加拿大也是这些词, 唯一不同的是owner finance,我看的用seller finance多。我从来没有听到seller finance的例子

Owner Financing CanadaIf you’ve had a hard time selling your house in the Canadian real estate market, and you have considerable equity in the home (or you don’t need the equity out to finance another mortgage), then you might consider owner financing.Owner Financing In CanadaOn the other side of the equation, if you’re having a hard time finding the financing that you need for your home purchase, pursuing a home that offers owner financing is one way to avoid having to stay in that same rent cycle year after year. Let’s take a look at some of the ways that owner financing in Canada can benefit both the buyer and the seller.If you’re selling a home, you want to get the best price possible, and you want to close as quickly as you can. You’re also looking for a way to avoid as many taxes as you can in the transaction.Here’s How Owner Financing Can Help You:Price: When you’re offering owner financing terms that are more flexible than what people can get from a bank, then you can charge more in the sale price — often receiving more than what you would have gotten in a “fair market value” transaction with a typical sale. When people need non-qualifying financing, they are generally always willing to pay a premium.Cash: A lot of sellers talk about wanting cash, but they don’t usually need it. Typically, sellers want net cash from the deal, because he has to pay the settlement costs, brokerage fees, title insurance cost and the balance of the mortgage that he had out on the home, if any.Quick closing: The #1 hindrance to a swift closing is waiting for lenders to approve the financing. Depending on where you are shopping in Canada, qualifying and closing a new loan can take months. Because the typical standard real estate contract has a contingency in case of financing, it’s possible to end up right back at the beginning if you have a buyer who ends up not qualifying.Fewer renovations before selling: Does your home have some aesthetic challenges? Many people have to spend thousands for new carpet, new paint and landscape care just to get the house ready to show. Instead of sinking money into those items, you might consider offering owner financing. You’ll have a wider buyer spectrum, and the people who are shopping might be willing to still pay that fair market value or more because of the soft financing — and then they’ll view the house as a “fixer-upper.”If you’re buying a home and are having a hard time qualifying for a loan, owner financing can be a real boon to you as well. Here are some of the benefits of owner financing for buyers. Even though you’re likely to pay more (and have a higher interest), you can still get a lot of advantages from owner financing.Leaving the rent cycle behind: If you’re coming up to the end of a lease, and you don’t want to sign another year’s lease, finding that owner financing can get you on the road to home equity. The cost is higher up front, but the good news is that if you can get your credit in order, you can take out a bank loan a couple years into your owner finance loan and get a premium interest rate.Easy qualification: An owner finance deal will still involve a look at your credit score. However, the owner is aware of the elevated risk and will charge you a higher interest rate as a result. You’ll likely get a lower interest rate than you would get from a private lender, though.Improved credit rating: As you make your installment payments on the owner-financed mortgage, ask the owner to agree to report your loan and payments to the major credit bureaus. Over time, that record will help your credit score improve so that you can qualify for a more favorable loan with a bank in a few years.No closing costs: This actually benefits both sides, as the side that faces closing costs can end up seeing five figures of money go out the door. As the buyer, you won’t face underwriting fees, origination fees, charges for points, title insurance or credit reports.Consider taking advantage of the many opportunities for owner financing in Canada. Amansad Financial has resources to connect you with sellers looking to provide owner financing from Ontario all the way to Vancouver.

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买房,卖房,管理投资房Grande Prairie唯一说国语的Realtor到大草原安家,投资就找Sofia。Cell:(780) 605 0234微信:sofia9999 没说是我写的,是说不是你写的。点击展开...和你一点关系都没。你贴你的。

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Things have changed a lot. 超赞 赏 J jessicalaw 0$(VIP 0) 9672017-06-10#15 瞬间想起油管上被人骂的那个教人炒房的三哥


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