加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 TorontoTo be forgotten.....
之前发的red balloons里面的英文歌,歌词写的不错,也很写实They never told us Time waits for no man They never told us Time never truly heals They never told us We will never be happy They never told us We are doomed to fall Under the sky I'm just a little man To be forgotten, that's all Would having faith do any harm Perhaps, I don't know, I don't know But I'll just go on Believing and craving Laughing and crying Dreaming and flying They never told us Life is a losing game They never told us Hope only results in pain They never told us We will never be happy They never told us We are doomed to fall Under the sky I'm just a little man To be forgotten, that's all Would having faith do any harm Perhaps, I don't know, I don't know But I'll just go on Thinking and forgetting Turning and reaching Loving and lying Turning and reaching waking and dying
·新西兰新闻 本周末,新西兰全国降温!南岛部分地区有雷暴风险!
·新西兰新闻 浪完了撞,撞完了跑…奥克兰“烧胎”司机被网友群嘲