加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto学习法律或社会科学的网友,这里有一个工作 open


安省监察员办公室招人Early Resolution OfficerAs part of the Early Resolutions team, you’ll be the first contact for people coming to the Ontario Ombudsman’s office with complaints about the Ontario government. Early Resolution Officers (EROs) triage and analyze complaints to clearly identify issues and determine how to resolve them or when to escalate them. EROs must be able to capably frame issues for escalation and for regular reporting to senior management. Each ERO manages a caseload of files, as well as assists with trend analysis to identify complaint patterns and potential systemic issues. In addition to receiving complaints by email and letter, EROs use their active listening and interviewing skills to take complaints over the phone and in person, at times dealing with complainants who may require special accommodation, or who may be frustrated and distressed by their experience with different government organizations.This opportunity will appeal to people who are keen to develop innovative solutions within a structured framework and while respecting existing processes and procedures. Successful candidates are both analytical and empathetic, and enjoy working independently as well as collaboratively. Opportunities to work on complaints in French for bilingual candidates.ABOUT YOUSuccessful candidates will have the following:A minimum of two years experience providing intake and complaint handling services in a similar organizationPost-secondary education in social sciences or lawDemonstrated experience in analyzing and identifying issues without injecting opinion or acting as an advocateAbility to bring innovative thinking to an issue, while working within a prescribed frameworkCapable of multitasking, balancing the need to resolve issues quickly with an effective and thorough analysisDemonstrated ability to communicate with individuals who are distressed, emotionally distraught or who may require special accommodationExcellent verbal and written skills, and ability to communicate effectively and efficiently with individuals at all levelsSelf-starter with a proven ability to work independently and with a teamPreference will be given to candidates with experience related to provincial government organizations including boards, tribunals and agenciesFamiliarity with social media and new technology is an assetRead full job descriptionApplyNOTE: If you experience technical difficulties with the link above, please submit your resume to [email protected] is a unique opportunity to join a dynamic, exciting work environment and be part of a world-renowned office with a team of top public sector professionals. You will have the opportunity to directly resolve individual problems, as well as participate in broader investigations which contribute to systemic change and improved public policy and administration. We are hiring both permanent and contract positions. Accommodation will be provided in accordance with the Ontario Human Rights Code. All applications must be received by 11:59 pm on Friday, March 30, 2018.Please Note: Only applicants selected for interview will be contacted. Moving expenses will not be paid. This is a unionized position. Starting salary for this position is $67,238/year.https://www.ombudsman.on.ca/what-we-do/careers/current-opportunities

这个办公室很差,基本上不做事,看看 Google 的评论就知道了。问题出在哪里,不知道,但是绝对需要一些人去这个办公室工作,改变一下。

一位监管今天上午来与我告别,说他过两天要调到另一个工程去了,我向他要了 Business Card,在加拿大交个朋友真不容易,刚刚混熟就要分开了,如果有缘第二次再聚合,那就成了铁哥们儿,至今为止才勉勉强强有 4 个。

j0n6dj2y2w 说:一位监管今天上午来与我告别,说他过两天要调到另一个工程去了,我向他要了 Business Card,在加拿大交个朋友真不容易,刚刚混熟就要分开了,如果有缘第二次再聚合,那就成了铁哥们儿,至今为止才勉勉强强有 4 个。点击展开...这个相聚的缘相对几率大,你们在一家公司。

小小喇叭 说:这个相聚的缘相对几率大,你们在一家公司。点击展开...公司太大,工程点很多,特定的两个人相聚还是要凭缘分的,我有些走运,和一位老朋友又在一起半年了,上一个工程在一起是 1 年半。两个熟人在一起干活好很多,有时候不太想干的内容可以请对方干,可选择工作内容。你为什么要介绍这个呀?和你有关系吗?还是纯粹的助人为乐?


tototo 说:我以为是监察委呢。点击展开...Ontario Ombudsman Office



laox888 说:楼主很适合做这个工啊,只不过要求这么多工资太低了点。点击展开...我什么都达不到要求,希望有同胞能拿到这个工作。


j0n6dj2y2w 说:你为什么要介绍这个呀?和你有关系吗?还是纯粹的助人为乐?点击展开...说实话吧,我想去干这个工作,因为我发现这个办公室很差,需要改变,安省问题很多,百姓无处伸冤。但是看看要求,我达不到。我想中国移民也许有合适的,可以去做,如果好的人选进入,慢慢也许能改变安省政府的差劲状态,希望不要被带坏了,变成又一个被百姓不喜欢的政府工作人员。助人为乐,希望帮助某些人获得好工作,也帮助安省人民得到好公务员,组成一个好政府。学法律或者学社会科学的,应该从政,这个国家的法规漏洞很多,腐败也比我们想象的严重,建立一个廉洁,公正,民主,透明的政府,一个真正为民众服务的政府,任重道远,大有可为。

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