加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto登陆定居 - 妈妈带宝宝回国,出入境时需要爸爸的授权书吗?
回复: 妈妈带宝宝回国,出入境时需要爸爸的授权书吗?委托书最好准备一个(我上次写的是委托书,不是授权书),16岁以下小孩随行都需要。不一定每个查,但有时会问你要,上次我女儿跟朋友回国,加拿大出境时就需要出示委托书。 我们的委托书没有公证,写的时候在一张纸内中英文对照。格式应该也没有固定的,只是写清楚委托人姓名、住址及孩子的关系,被委托人的姓名、住址,由于什么原因需要委托人带孩子出入境,落款:委托人名字加上签名、日期就行了。
多伦多生活信息:http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=349313微信:cindyliu68 QQ: 2507685694 超赞 赏 urchin随波逐浪零向量 0$(VIP 0) 2,6172011-01-14#3 回复: 妈妈带宝宝回国,出入境时需要爸爸的授权书吗?学习~~~
世事短如春梦,人情薄似秋云。不须计较苦劳心,万事原来有命。 幸遇三杯酒好,况逢一朵花新。片时欢笑且相亲,明日阴晴未定。 超赞 赏 dg777 0$(VIP 0) 4,1332011-01-14#4 回复: 妈妈带宝宝回国,出入境时需要爸爸的授权书吗?有备无患必备无患
回复: 妈妈带宝宝回国,出入境时需要爸爸的授权书吗?委托书最好准备一个(我上次写的是委托书,不是授权书),16岁以下小孩随行都需要。不一定每个查,但有时会问你要,上次我女儿跟朋友回国,加拿大出境时就需要出示委托书。 我们的委托书没有公证,写的时候在一张纸内中英文对照。格式应该也没有固定的,只是写清楚委托人姓名、住址及孩子的关系,被委托人的姓名、住址,由于什么原因需要委托人带孩子出入境,落款:委托人名字加上签名、日期就行了。点击展开...楼主的意思,那孩子是她自己生的吧,带自己亲生的孩子也要配偶另一方的委托书么?想不通啊,我。
[FONT=仿宋_GB2312]末世必有危险的日子来到;因为那时人要专顾自己,贪爱钱财,自夸,狂傲,谤[FONT=仿宋_GB2312]渎[/FONT][FONT=仿宋_GB2312],违背父母,忘恩负义,心不圣洁;无亲情,不解怨,好说才言,不能自约,性情凶暴,不爱良善;卖主卖友,任意妄为,自高自大,爱宴乐不爱神;有敬虔的外貌,却背了敬虔的实意。[/FONT][/FONT] 超赞 赏 Zero! 0$(VIP 0) 3,7402011-01-14#6 回复: 妈妈带宝宝回国,出入境时需要爸爸的授权书吗?没有。你除已经非惹上了官司,比如离婚等。
回复: 妈妈带宝宝回国,出入境时需要爸爸的授权书吗?楼上二位不知这里的情况
回复: 妈妈带宝宝回国,出入境时需要爸爸的授权书吗?同意2楼意见
内事不决问老婆外事不决问Google计划带孩子回国,因为宝宝是加拿大籍,请问出入境时需要有爸爸的授权书吗?如果需要,内容应该怎么写?是否有固定的格式?需要公证吗?多谢各位童鞋。点击展开... This is the format I used last time for my son. To Whom It May ConcernI, [my name], am the father ofChild’s full name: Date of birth (DD/MM/YY): Place of birth: Canadian passport number: Date of issuance of Canadian passport (DD/MM/YY): Place of issuance of Canadian passport: [Name of child] has my consent to travel withFull name of accompanying person: Canadian or foreign passport number: Date of issuance of passport (DD/MM/YY): Place of issuance of passport: to visit China during the period of … and …. During that period, [Name of Child] will be residing with [name of mother] at the following address: Telephone: Any questions regarding this consent letter can be directed to the undersigned at Telephone: Signature(s):______________________________________ Date:_________________ Signed before me, ________________, this _________________ (date) at ________ ______ (name of locationSignature: ________________ (name of witness)
回复: 妈妈带宝宝回国,出入境时需要爸爸的授权书吗?楼主的意思,那孩子是她自己生的吧,带自己亲生的孩子也要配偶另一方的委托书么?想不通啊,我。点击展开... 是这样的,还是很多年以前了,我一个朋友带着11岁的儿子回国,也被要求出示父亲的委托书了,他们并没有闹离婚或离婚之类的。 这应该是抽查的,准备好会好一些。
多伦多生活信息:http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=349313微信:cindyliu68 QQ: 2507685694 超赞 赏 civil 0$(VIP 0) 312011-01-14#11 回复: 妈妈带宝宝回国,出入境时需要爸爸的授权书吗?官方说明:http://www.voyage.gc.ca/preparation_information/children_enfants-eng.asp
回复: 妈妈带宝宝回国,出入境时需要爸爸的授权书吗?出关,很少问, 从来也没准备过
回复: 妈妈带宝宝回国,出入境时需要爸爸的授权书吗?是有这事,但逻辑上说不通.我女儿以前自己走,只要我一个人授权就可以与其它大人/航空公司同行了.我领着她走,权力却可能没了.
回复: 妈妈带宝宝回国,出入境时需要爸爸的授权书吗?是这样的,还是很多年以前了,我一个朋友带着11岁的儿子回国,也被要求出示父亲的委托书了,他们并没有闹离婚或离婚之类的。 这应该是抽查的,准备好会好一些。点击展开... 哦,有意思,那不知道如果是爸爸带着孩子走,是否也要妈妈的委托授权呀? .
[FONT=仿宋_GB2312]末世必有危险的日子来到;因为那时人要专顾自己,贪爱钱财,自夸,狂傲,谤[FONT=仿宋_GB2312]渎[/FONT][FONT=仿宋_GB2312],违背父母,忘恩负义,心不圣洁;无亲情,不解怨,好说才言,不能自约,性情凶暴,不爱良善;卖主卖友,任意妄为,自高自大,爱宴乐不爱神;有敬虔的外貌,却背了敬虔的实意。[/FONT][/FONT]哦,有意思,那不知道如果是爸爸带着孩子走,是否也要妈妈的委托授权呀? .点击展开...当然,一样的。
回复: 妈妈带宝宝回国,出入境时需要爸爸的授权书吗?This is the format I used last time for my son. To Whom It May ConcernI, [my name], am the father ofChild’s full name: Date of birth (DD/MM/YY): Place of birth: Canadian passport number: Date of issuance of Canadian passport (DD/MM/YY): Place of issuance of Canadian passport: [Name of child] has my consent to travel withFull name of accompanying person: Canadian or foreign passport number: Date of issuance of passport (DD/MM/YY): Place of issuance of passport: to visit China during the period of … and …. During that period, [Name of Child] will be residing with [name of mother] at the following address: Telephone: Any questions regarding this consent letter can be directed to the undersigned at Telephone: Signature(s):______________________________________ Date:_________________ Signed before me, ________________, this _________________ (date) at ________ ______ (name of locationSignature: ________________ (name of witness)点击展开...太好了。正是我所需要的。非常感谢。加你声望了。
回复: 妈妈带宝宝回国,出入境时需要爸爸的授权书吗?This is the format I used last time for my son. To Whom It May ConcernI, [my name], am the father ofChild’s full name: Date of birth (DD/MM/YY): Place of birth: Canadian passport number: Date of issuance of Canadian passport (DD/MM/YY): Place of issuance of Canadian passport: [Name of child] has my consent to travel withFull name of accompanying person: Canadian or foreign passport number: Date of issuance of passport (DD/MM/YY): Place of issuance of passport: to visit China during the period of … and …. During that period, [Name of Child] will be residing with [name of mother] at the following address: Telephone: Any questions regarding this consent letter can be directed to the undersigned at Telephone: Signature(s):______________________________________ Date:_________________ Signed before me, ________________, this _________________ (date) at ________ ______ (name of locationSignature: ________________ (name of witness)点击展开...再次感谢,也是我所需要的!
Be the change that you wish to see in the world. 超赞 赏 libra11 0$(VIP 0) 4112012-02-08#18 回复: 妈妈带宝宝回国,出入境时需要爸爸的授权书吗?绝对百分百要准备,没有什么想不通的,就冲着人家对孩子重视的这种理念,我们都愿意配合。
回复: 妈妈带宝宝回国,出入境时需要爸爸的授权书吗?不至于吧?
_________________________來生還做自干五_____________________________時政觀察_________________________楼主的意思,那孩子是她自己生的吧,带自己亲生的孩子也要配偶另一方的委托书么?想不通啊,我。点击展开...为什么不?小孩是妈的, 也是老公的
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