加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 TorontoTTC presto card
PRESTO card customers will be able to take advantage of the TTC’s new two-hour transfer to hop on and off the bus, streetcar or subway on one fare as long as they are within a two-hour window.The new two-hour transfer is only available to PRESTO card customers. Those paying by cash, tickets or tokens will not be able to use the hop on and off feature.To use the two-hour transfer, PRESTO card customers should tap their card each time they enter a subway station and whenever they board a bus or streetcar. Tapping validates the transfer or monthly pass on the card and will not deduct more than one fare.
积少成多,每天有计划地利用这两个小时顺便办件事,一年能办不少事,也能节省一些(3刀*5天*50周=750刀),如果时时处处都能运用好政策,一生的付出和收获是很明显的。周四下班去韩国超市 pat ,昨天周五下班去 bay 街 & Queen 街,各办了一件事。
Two-hour transferAvailable to PRESTO card customers only.How it works:Tap your PRESTO card on a card reader when you enter a subway station or board a vehicle.Your fare will be deducted and a transfer will be applied to your card. Your transfer is valid for two hours.Hop on and off the system or switch directions at any point in your journey.Tap your PRESTO card on a reader each time you enter a subway station and when you board a bus or streetcar. As long as you’re within two hours from your first tap, you won’t be charged another fare.NOTE: The two-hour transfer does not apply to ticket, token or cash customers. Our same transfer rules apply, customers must be travelling in a continuous one-way direction with no stop overs.
有一种情怀,淡如轻烟,却能长久而执著地散发着暖人的温馨;有一种感动,默无声息,却能让我们为之心酸并为之泪流满面. 超赞 赏 反馈:j0n6dj2y2w j0n6dj2y2w 0$(VIP 0) 41,4062018-11-17#6 朋友说,明年开始不出售 token。
最新消息未来的Presto Card营运大多伦多及咸美顿运输系统的都市联通(Metrolinx),发行一种可以在多个运输系统上使用的快板卡(Presto Card)。安省交通厅长邓德华(Steven Del Duca)宣布这一消息时称,「这对我们所有人都是一个好消息,因为这方便大家购买和使用此卡,对大多伦多地区的居民有更大的吸引力。」
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