加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto中国驻加拿大大使发文:孟晚舟事件是美国“有预谋的政治行动”
加拿大本来在广大中国人民心目中有着很好的国家形象,但加方此次做法让中国人民寒心。环球网快讯中国驻加拿大使馆网站14日消息,2018年12月13日,中国驻加拿大大使卢沙野大使在加《环球邮报》发表题为《我们不希望看到加拿大走上背离公平正义的道路》的署名文章,称孟晚舟被无端拘押事件不是简单的司法案件,而是有预谋的政治行动,是美国动用国家权力对一家中国高科技企业的政治追杀;卢沙野大使还表示,“加拿大本来在广大中国人民心目中有着很好的国家形象,但加方此次做法让中国人民寒心。” 全文如下: 华为公司CFO孟晚舟女士被加方应美国要求无端拘押后,加媒体出现了不少评论。我们欣慰地看到许多加民众富于正义感,批评加政府的做法不合理、不合法。但也有人极力为这一行为辩护,他们的论点集中在两条,一是华为对西方国家构成“国家安全”威胁,二是加司法独立,加政府不应进行“政治干预”。 华为公司合作伙伴遍及全球,华为以其信誉获得广大合作伙伴的认可。华为已多次公开澄清,其在全球开展业务严格遵守所在国的法律法规。“五眼联盟”国家一口咬定华为威胁了其国家安全,却从来未拿出任何证据,仅凭其所谓的“推测”,在社会上散布恐怖氛围,误导民众。如果说华为的电信设备存在安全风险,那么西方国家电信设备制造商生产的设备也同样存在安全风险,它们所使用的科学技术是一样的。要说谁对别国的安全造成最大威胁,可以了解一下棱镜门事件。当有人指责中国的华为公司时,他们应该拿镜子照照自己。 归根结底,他们还是在用陈腐的冷战思维看待中国,始终把中国共产党领导的社会主义中国视为“异类”。他们是担心中国发展太快,不仅在经济上,而且在科技上要超过西方国家了,才用“国家安全”的幌子打压中国企业,阻碍中国发展。这起事件不是简单的司法案件,而是有预谋的政治行动,是美国动用国家权力对一家中国高科技企业的政治追杀。美国按照自己的国内法进行所谓的“长臂管辖”,这在国际法上根本没有法理依据。美国之所以如此霸道,不过是仗着其悬殊实力对别国推行强权政治罢了。试想,如果是一家美国企业在外国遭遇如此不公待遇,美方将作何反应? 加方在孟晚舟女士并未受到任何加法律指控的情况下就对其进行无理拘押,这不是司法独立,而是司法不公。你们对中方口口声声强调司法独立,但你们对待美方的无理要求展现了司法独立了吗?你们并未独立作出自己的判断,否则就不应该拘押孟女士。你们振振有词地说是履行对美国的国际义务,可你们把维护中国公民合法权益的国际义务放在了哪里?孟女士只是在温哥华机场转机就被你们无理拘押。那些指责中方拘押有关人员以报复加方拘押孟女士的人,应当首先反思加方的所作所为,以双重标准对中国进行谩骂是无耻和虚伪的。 《环球邮报》的一位加拿大读者给报社写信称, “我为我们的政府参与这一起绑架外国企业高管的行为感到深深的羞耻。”连日来,许多加民众不断给中国驻加拿大使馆打来电话或网上发帖子,他们对华为公司受到的不公正待遇,特别是孟晚舟女士被加方拘押感到愤慨。 加拿大本来在广大中国人民心目中有着很好的国家形象,但加方此次做法让中国人民寒心。
_________________________來生還做自干五_____________________________時政觀察_________________________ 超赞 赏 反馈:panleica, awander 和 qiangwei001 sabre的马甲 1$(VIP 0,#427) 18,2332018-12-14#3 On China, has Canada lost its sense of justice?Lu Shaye is the Chinese ambassador to Canada.After the groundless detention of Meng Wanzhou, the CFO of Huawei Technologies Company Ltd., by the Canadian side at the request of the United States, a lot of comments emerged in Canadian media. We are gratified to see that many Canadian people were imbued with a sense of justice, criticizing the Canadian government for its unreasonable behaviour. However, some have defended Canada’s actions, largely arguing that either Huawei poses threats to national security of Western countries or that Canada has an independent judicial system that should be completely independent from any political interference of the government.Huawei, with many partners around the world, has a great reputation globally. It has publicly stated, on many occasions, that its global operations are in strict compliance with local laws and regulations. Nevertheless, members of the Five Eyes countries – the United States, Britain, Australia, New Zealand and Canada – have accused Huawei of threatening their national security while providing no evidence. With such speculation, they have sown fear and misled people. If Huawei’s telecom equipment poses a security risk, so do the devices produced by Western telecom equipment manufacturers, since they use the same science and technology. To find out who poses the biggest threat to the security of other countries, please refer to the United States' PRISM program. Those who criticize China’s Huawei should exam themselves in the mirror. It all comes down to the fact that many still have a stale cold-war mentality, believing that China – a socialist country led by the Communist Party of China – is an abnormal country. They are worried that China is catching up to Western countries too quickly, and that it will surpass them in terms of the economy as well as science and technology. That’s why they crack down on Chinese enterprises and impede China’s development under the pretext of national security.The detention of Ms. Meng is not a mere judicial case, but a premeditated political action in which the United States wields its regime power to witch-hunt a Chinese high-tech company out of political consideration. The so-called long-arm jurisdiction of the United States, however, has no legal basis in international law. The reason behind all the bullying behaviours of the United States is that it pursues power politics against other countries relying on its huge advantage in national strength. Just imagine how the United States would react if an American company suffered from such unfair treatment in a foreign country.The Canadian side detained Ms. Meng in an unreasonable way given she has not received any charges according to Canadian laws, which is clearly not judicial independence but a miscarriage of justice. While Canada has continued to stress its judicial independence, did it insist on that independence when facing the United State’s unreasonable request? The Canadian side has not made its judgement independently, otherwise it would not have arrested Ms. Meng. The Canadian government has asserted that it was fulfilling the international obligation to the United States, but did it fulfill the international obligation of protecting the lawful and legitimate rights and interests of a Chinese citizen? Ms. Meng was abrasively arrested just as she transferred at the Vancouver International Airport.Those who accuse China of detaining some person in retaliation for the arrest of Ms. Meng should first reflect on the actions of the Canadian side. It is both ignominious and hypocritical to revile China with double standards.As a Canadian reader of The Globe and Mail wrote: “I am ashamed our government would participate in the kidnap and ransom of a leader of a foreign company.” In the past few days, many Canadians have made phone calls to the Chinese Embassy or posted their views online, expressing their indignation at the unfair treatment of Huawei, especially at the detention of Ms. Meng by Canadians.The Chinese people used to have a favourable impression of Canada. But Canada’s behaviour this time has chilled their feelings.https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-on-china-has-canada-lost-its-sense-of-justice/赞环球邮报发表大使文章
sabre的马甲 说:赞环球邮报发表大使文章点击展开...朝廷五毛工作忙啊,對朝廷大使馬屁拍的不錯。
_________________________來生還做自干五_____________________________時政觀察_________________________朝廷五毛工作忙啊,對朝廷大使馬屁拍的不錯。点击展开...五毛个屁, 一分钱没有, 纯粹是闲的,还不如你, 吃饱了撑的,你有功夫学点语文, 阅读能力太差, 招人笑话,
sabre的马甲 说:五毛个屁, 一分钱没有, 纯粹是闲的,还不如你, 吃饱了撑的,你有功夫学点语文, 阅读能力太差, 招人笑话,点击展开...進出使館拍馬屁大使,不要瞧不起朝廷給你了精神骨頭的獎勵。既然精趙,就不要挑三揀四了。
_________________________來生還做自干五_____________________________時政觀察_________________________五毛个屁, 一分钱没有, 纯粹是闲的,还不如你, 吃饱了撑的,你有功夫学点语文, 阅读能力太差, 招人笑话,点击展开...大使发文,应该不是小事了,为何加拿大方面却静悄悄的?难道自知理亏了?
CHTDR 说:大使发文,应该不是小事了,为何加拿大方面却静悄悄的?难道自知理亏了?点击展开...自知理亏还让你发表啊人民日报能发表加拿大驻华大使的文章吗?
sabre的马甲 说:自知理亏还让你发表啊人民日报能发表加拿大驻华大使的文章吗?点击展开...大师,你好像没有回答我的问题啊?再说,加拿大执政党也不见得管得了所有的媒体。不能和中国比。
CHTDR 说:大使发文,应该不是小事了,为何加拿大方面却静悄悄的?难道自知理亏了?点击展开... 在加拿大大使发文就是小事,奴才国可能不同
sabre的马甲 说:On China, has Canada lost its sense of justice?Lu Shaye is the Chinese ambassador to Canada.After the groundless detention of Meng Wanzhou, the CFO of Huawei Technologies Company Ltd., by the Canadian side at the request of the United States, a lot of comments emerged in Canadian media. We are gratified to see that many Canadian people were imbued with a sense of justice, criticizing the Canadian government for its unreasonable behaviour. However, some have defended Canada’s actions, largely arguing that either Huawei poses threats to national security of Western countries or that Canada has an independent judicial system that should be completely independent from any political interference of the government.Huawei, with many partners around the world, has a great reputation globally. It has publicly stated, on many occasions, that its global operations are in strict compliance with local laws and regulations. Nevertheless, members of the Five Eyes countries – the United States, Britain, Australia, New Zealand and Canada – have accused Huawei of threatening their national security while providing no evidence. With such speculation, they have sown fear and misled people. If Huawei’s telecom equipment poses a security risk, so do the devices produced by Western telecom equipment manufacturers, since they use the same science and technology. To find out who poses the biggest threat to the security of other countries, please refer to the United States' PRISM program. Those who criticize China’s Huawei should exam themselves in the mirror.It all comes down to the fact that many still have a stale cold-war mentality, believing that China – a socialist country led by the Communist Party of China – is an abnormal country. They are worried that China is catching up to Western countries too quickly, and that it will surpass them in terms of the economy as well as science and technology. That’s why they crack down on Chinese enterprises and impede China’s development under the pretext of national security.The detention of Ms. Meng is not a mere judicial case, but a premeditated political action in which the United States wields its regime power to witch-hunt a Chinese high-tech company out of political consideration. The so-called long-arm jurisdiction of the United States, however, has no legal basis in international law. The reason behind all the bullying behaviours of the United States is that it pursues power politics against other countries relying on its huge advantage in national strength. Just imagine how the United States would react if an American company suffered from such unfair treatment in a foreign country.The Canadian side detained Ms. Meng in an unreasonable way given she has not received any charges according to Canadian laws, which is clearly not judicial independence but a miscarriage of justice. While Canada has continued to stress its judicial independence, did it insist on that independence when facing the United State’s unreasonable request? The Canadian side has not made its judgement independently, otherwise it would not have arrested Ms. Meng. The Canadian government has asserted that it was fulfilling the international obligation to the United States, but did it fulfill the international obligation of protecting the lawful and legitimate rights and interests of a Chinese citizen? Ms. Meng was abrasively arrested just as she transferred at the Vancouver International Airport.Those who accuse China of detaining some person in retaliation for the arrest of Ms. Meng should first reflect on the actions of the Canadian side. It is both ignominious and hypocritical to revile China with double standards.As a Canadian reader of The Globe and Mail wrote: “I am ashamed our government would participate in the kidnap and ransom of a leader of a foreign company.” In the past few days, many Canadians have made phone calls to the Chinese Embassy or posted their views online, expressing their indignation at the unfair treatment of Huawei, especially at the detention of Ms. Meng by Canadians.The Chinese people used to have a favourable impression of Canada. But Canada’s behaviour this time has chilled their feelings.https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-on-china-has-canada-lost-its-sense-of-justice/赞环球邮报发表大使文章点击展开...下面这不是胡说八道嘛,你都了解案情,还点赞“加方在孟晚舟女士并未受到任何加法律指控的情况下就对其进行无理拘押”
你现在的气质里 藏着你走过的路 读过的书和爱过的人。。。在加拿大大使发文就是小事,奴才国可能不同点击展开...感觉你变成了洋奴之后,的确是有点趾高气扬了。
CHTDR 说:感觉你变成了洋奴之后,的确是有点趾高气扬了。点击展开...没办法奴才看人都觉得趾高气扬,老毛病,生活在加拿大也改不了
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