加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto接到 自称 CRA 的电话, 留的电话号码 用YP.ca 一查是美国的


昨天接到 一个自称 CRA 的人 (男子, 无印度口音), 通知我去年报税的一项内容需要补充相关材料。 能准确说出我的名字和税表中一项的金额 (手头肯定掌握我的信息)。 留了个电话 18665189016 , 要我以后通过这个电话联系他。 回头上 CRA 网站一查, 没有收到任何 Mail 。 这个电话号码在 YP.CA 上查询,归属地在美国 (难道 CRA 的 call center 都外包到美国了吗 ? )深深的怀疑这是个骗子, 但是又不清楚他是怎么拿到我的个人信息的,太郁闷了。 同志们有过这样的经验吗 ?


是的, 我查询了CRA 的on line mail ,没有信 , 不过骗子是怎么拿到我个人信息的? 真是奇怪


The CRA may: validate your identity by asking for certain personal information (e.g., your full name, date of birth, your address and, in the case of a business, details about your account).The CRA will not: ask for information about your passport, health card, or driver’s license.The CRA may: email you a link to a CRA webpage, form, or publication in response to your telephone enquiry.The CRA will not: email you a link requesting you fill in an online form with personal financial information.The CRA may: send you a notice of assessment or re-assessment by mail or notify you by email when it is available to view in My Account, My Business Account, or Represent a Client.The CRA will not: send you a link to your refund by email or text message.The CRA may: ask for financial information such as the name of your bank and its location.The CRA will not: set up an in-person meeting in a public place to take payment.The CRA may: request payment for a tax debt through any of the CRA’s payment options.The CRA will not: demand immediate payment by prepaid credit card.The CRA may: take legal action to recover the money you owe if you refuse to pay your debt.The CRA will not: threaten you with immediate arrest or prison sentence.Recently, there has been an increase in telephone scams where the caller claims to be from the CRA but is not — these calls are fraudulent and could result in identity / financial theft.For information on scams or to report deceptive telemarketing, contact the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre online at www.antifraudcentre-centreantifraude.ca or toll-free at 1-888-495-8501.9:00AM--4:00PM东部上班时间打上面这个电话认证。18665189016 这个电话还能接通,留言电话。要是骗子,他就不怕警察追踪?建议不要盲目拒绝,打 CRA CALL CENTER 的电话 1-888-495-8501 验证后再拒绝。

AVANTAR 说:The CRA may: validate your identity by asking for certain personal information (e.g., your full name, date of birth, your address and, in the case of a business, details about your account).The CRA will not: ask for information about your passport, health card, or driver’s license.The CRA may: email you a link to a CRA webpage, form, or publication in response to your telephone enquiry.The CRA will not: email you a link requesting you fill in an online form with personal financial information.The CRA may: send you a notice of assessment or re-assessment by mail or notify you by email when it is available to view in My Account, My Business Account, or Represent a Client.The CRA will not: send you a link to your refund by email or text message.The CRA may: ask for financial information such as the name of your bank and its location.The CRA will not: set up an in-person meeting in a public place to take payment.The CRA may: request payment for a tax debt through any of the CRA’s payment options.The CRA will not: demand immediate payment by prepaid credit card.The CRA may: take legal action to recover the money you owe if you refuse to pay your debt.The CRA will not: threaten you with immediate arrest or prison sentence.Recently, there has been an increase in telephone scams where the caller claims to be from the CRA but is not — these calls are fraudulent and could result in identity / financial theft.For information on scams or to report deceptive telemarketing, contact the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre online at www.antifraudcentre-centreantifraude.ca or toll-free at 1-888-495-8501.9:00AM--4:00PM东部上班时间打上面这个电话认证。18665189016 这个电话还能接通,留言电话。要是骗子,他就不怕警察追踪?建议不要盲目拒绝,打 CRA CALL CENTER 的电话 1-888-495-8501 验证后再拒绝。点击展开...Area codes 800, 833, 844, 855, 866, 877 and 888 The area codes or prefixes 800, 833, 844, 855, 866, 877 and 888 are used by toll free numbers in the United States, Canada and all the countries covered by the North American Numbering Plan. A toll free number is a telephone number people can call free of charge (the owner of the toll free number pays the calling charges).The North American Numbering Plan (NANP) is a telephone numbering plan that encompasses twenty-five distinct regions in twenty countries primarily in North America, including the Caribbean. Some North American countries, most notably Mexico, do not participate in the NANP. 不用浪费时间,scam无疑.CRA会发信,除非发了几次信都没回应.,而且你是比较有价值的大case,才有可能电话找你通常几次发信你都不回应,就直接冻结你银行帐户,你自然就会主动联系CRA了,税局大爷不爱用电话联系你的


最后汇报一下, 给 CRA 打电话, 确认了这个是他们 Agency 。 看来我的个人信息没泄露, 下面按 CRA 的要求办就好了。 经验不如变化快, CRA 现在也开始用电话联系了。 我跟这个 Agency 还聊了几句, 他说好多人都怀疑他是骗子,也很郁闷....

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