加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto罢工取消!!!Education First Children First 工会和政府最后一分钟达成协议
Some 55,000 education workers in Ontario will not strike Monday after successful last-minute contract talks with the provincial government, according to Education Minister Stephen Lecce.The Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), representing a number of education support workers across the province, reached a tentative deal on Sunday evening — a move that should allow public schools to open as normal. Lecce said he expects tonight's deal means students across Ontario will be able to go to school as normal on Monday morning following the "positive outcome" of the negotiations."Parents can rest easy knowing that the government worked tirelessly to ensure their children remain in the classroom, where they belong," Lecce said.He added that the deal represented "incremental success" as contract talks with the major teachers unions continue.The union said it was able to secure modest wage increases and maintain its existing sick leave plan — a sticking point for the school trustees.https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ontario-education-workers-latest-1.5310641
学校清洁工的要求不过分,凡是接触孩子的岗位,应该多花钱,否则万一心理变态,后果不堪设想。罢工挺好的,有怨气,冲着政府来,不要忍者,否则向中国一样,心理失衡学校门口砍杀孩子,那就不和谐了。The Ontario Public School Boards' Association (OPSBA) says terms of the tentative deal are to be kept confidential until ratification. "OPSBA will continue to negotiate with other unions representing teachers and education workers, with the best interests of students in mind," said OPSBA President Cathy Abraham in a news release Sunday. Walton apologized on Sunday for how long it took to be able to provide an update."Believe me this process has taken longer than I hoped it would," she said. "I do regret the disruption to your lives."Had the province and the union failed to reach an agreement, many school boards around the province planned to close schools entirely. Parents were also warned to expect closures and disruptions of recreational and after-school programs.
hechun 说:Education First Children First教育和下一代是国家未来! 作为教师在某一些方面 要有社会责任感和 对于职业的荣誉感!加拿大 应该有 国家教师协会? 教师 应该受到社会和国家 的普遍尊重。不仅仅是给与 工资待遇, 也应该 给与一定的社会荣誉!点击展开...我建议联邦成立教育部,统筹管理大中小学和私立教育机构,制定类似美国的SAT统考,参加英澳的IELTS命题,参加美国的GMAC命题,参加法国的法语考试命题,参加中国的汉语托福命题。推广加拿大教育,支持各项全国青少年STEAM竞赛。华人是加拿大教育部部长最佳人选!加拿大有超过30万海外留学生,每个留学生每年抽1000管理费(学生和学校各出50%),一年就是3亿的经费,足够联邦教育部的日常开支和运营了。不增加省政府的支出,不增加纳税人负担。
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