加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto12首中英文经典圣诞颂歌,传唱千百年依旧热泪盈眶,这是无比的喜悦和感恩!
12首中英文经典圣诞颂歌,传唱千百年依旧热泪盈眶,这是无比的喜悦和感恩!小编整理分享 全球见证 昨天We Wish You A Merry ChristmasChildren's Christmas Favorites - Children's Christmas Favorites2019年再有20天就结束,想想这一年,过得好吗?有些人还在艰难之中,有些人还未走出困境,有些人已全然跨越。生活中,有时你会面对背叛,有时你会面对天灾人祸等等......记得唯有信仰,能使人谦卑得着真智慧,以上帝的眼光去恩待万物,从容淡定的直面人性的黑暗和世间的冷暖。信仰,能帮助你度过人生的艰难,还能让你再次重获力量展翅上腾。昨天一个朋友说:神不给你困难,你如何看透人心;神不给你失败,你如何懂单单信靠祂;神不给你孤独,你如何反思自省;神不给你生命中遇上君子和小人,你如何发现真心与假意;神不偏待人,有人让你哭,一定有人让你笑。是的,环境不会十全十美,那只是神给我们人生的一个个转角。感谢神!磨练了我们唯有顺服祂的心志。现在呢?我们期待着最重要的节日:圣诞节12月,对你和我来说是很特别,因为圣诞节的到来,内心无比喜悦、感恩。12月,有些人在工作忙碌之中,还要挤时间参加圣诞节的排练;有些人在年终总结之中,数算着主的恩典,以及对明年的期许。这一年,家人们有什么样的收获呢?小编猜猜或许你已经拥有了爱的人,或许你在专业上多了些技能,或许你拥有了上帝给你的产业,也可能你还是一个人在陌生的城市漂泊着......对吧?不要紧,要知道你不是一个人,因为,耶稣是你最美的陪伴!CHRISTMAS IS FOR JESUS CHRIST,圣诞不是宴乐的狂欢,不是盼望收到礼物,更不是消费购物,乃是为记念耶稣的出世!我们基督徒更是藉着这美好的节期,为的是纪念主耶稣的出世为人,是为拯救世人而来到世上,是耶稣基督激励我们以充满爱和怜悯的心彼此相爱,此时更思想我们盼望的缘由,同时借此机会向世人报这大喜的信息。我想,这就是圣诞节存在的重要意义。没有任何一个时候像圣诞月这样,到处充盈着救主出世的喜乐气氛。不论在教会,还是商场、街头,你都可以看到温暖缤纷的圣诞装饰,听到那传唱了千百年依旧热泪盈眶的圣诞颂歌,心中无比感动,巴不得身边的朋友都知道耶稣为你而来,为救你而来......12首经典圣诞颂歌迎接基督君王出世▼01Joy To The WorldPentatonix - That's Christmas To Me (Deluxe Tracks)基督教歌曲普世欢腾群星“Joy To The World 普世欢腾歌词:oy to the World , the Lord is come普世欢腾!救主下降!Let earth receive her King大地迎接君王Let every heart prepare Him room惟愿众心预备地方And Heaven and nature sing诸天万物歌唱And Heaven and nature sing诸天万物歌唱And Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sing诸天,诸天万物歌唱Joy to the World, the Savior reigns普世欢腾!主治万方Let men their songs employ民众首当歌唱While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains沃野、洪涛、山石、平原Repeat the sounding joy响应歌声嘹亮Repeat the sounding joy响应歌声嘹亮Repeat, repeat, the sounding joy响应,响应歌声嘹亮He rules the world with truth and grace主藉真理恩治万方And makes the nations prove要使万邦证明The glories of His righteousness上主公义无限荣光And wonders of His love主爱奇妙莫名And wonders of His love主爱奇妙莫名And wonders, wonders, of His love主爱,主爱奇妙莫名02Angels We Have Heard On HighChris Tomlin - Arriving天使歌唱在高天纯音乐“天使歌唱在高天:Angels we have heard on high天使歌唱在高天Sweetly singing o'er the plains美妙歌声遍平原And the mountains in reply四周山岭发回声Echoing their joyous strains响应天使欢乐音Come to Bethlehem and see请君前往伯利恒Christ whose birth the angels sing天使所颂圣婴生Come adore on bended knee前来跪拜同声唱Christ, the Lord, the newborn King基督救主新生王Gloria in excelsis Deo荣耀,荣耀,荣耀归至高神!荣耀,荣耀,荣耀归至高神!See him in a manger laid马槽内出世主圣婴Whom the choirs of angels praise天使为他高唱赞歌Mary, Joseph, lend your aid马利亚 约瑟 伸出你们的手While our hearts in love we raise赞美我主今出世Gloria in excelsis Deo荣耀,荣耀,荣耀归至高神!荣耀,荣耀,荣耀归至高神!03Silent NightJessie J - This Christmas Day平安夜歌李思琳 - 奇异恩典“Silent Night 平安夜:silent night, holy night平安夜,圣善夜all is calm, all is bright真宁静,真光明round yon virgin mother and child圣光环绕圣母圣婴holy infant so tender and mild圣洁婴孩纯真可爱sleep in heavenly peace尽享天赐安眠sleep in heavenly peace尽享天赐安眠silent night, holy night平安夜,圣善夜son of god, loves pure light神子爱,光皎洁radiant beams from thy holy face这是救恩黎明光芒with the dawn of redeeming grace救赎恩典降临四方christ, the savior is born主耶稣已出世christ, the savior is born主耶稣已出世christ, the savior is born主耶稣已出世04O Come All Ye FaithfulDavid Archuleta - Christmas From The Heart齐来崇拜华语群星 - 圣诞金曲“O Come All Ye Faithful 齐来崇拜:Come All Ye FaithfulJoyful and triumphant,O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem.O Come and behold Him,Born the King of Angels;O come, let us adore Him,O come, let us adore Him,O come, let us adore Him,Christ the Lord.O Sing, choirs of angels,Sing in exultation,Sing all that hear in heaven God's holy word.Give to our Father glory in the Highest;O come, let us adore Him,O come, let us adore Him,O come, let us adore Him,齐来 众主信徒 快乐又欢欣齐来 一齐来 大家上伯利恒来朝见圣婴 天使王已出世齐来虔诚同崇拜 齐来虔诚同崇拜齐来虔诚同崇拜 主基督天使结成乐队 欢然同歌唱光明众天军 来高声同赞扬至高的处所 荣耀归与君王救主生于今晨 我众来欢迎天人诸荣耀 完全归主一身大哉 父真道 藉肉体来显明05The First NoelPentatonix - That's Christmas To Me (Deluxe Tracks)“The First Noel 圣诞佳音:The first noel, the angel did say,天使曾预言过圣诞佳音到来Was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay;这喜讯先到达贫穷牧羊人躺着的田间In fields where they lay keeping their sheep,在那田野里他们正看管羊群On a cold winter's night that was so deep.正值一个寒冬深邃的夜晚Noel, noel, noel, noel,圣诞,圣诞,救主,诞生Born is the king of israel.生来便是以色列君王They looked up and saw a star他们抬头只见一颗星辰Shining in the east, beyond them far;在东方照耀,高远明亮And to the earth it gave great light,当降至大地,光彩四溢And so it continued both day and night.耀眼夺目,不分昼夜Noel, noel, noel, noel,圣诞,圣诞,救主,诞生Born is the king of israel.生来便是以色列君王This star drew night to the northwest,这颗亮星将夜幕趋于西北O'er bethlehem it took its rest;越过伯利恒地上止息And there it did both stop and stay,并使光芒在那一直驻留Right over the place where israel child lay.正好落在一位以色列因而降世的地方Noel, noel, noel, noel,圣诞,圣诞,救主,诞生Born is the king of israel.生来便是以色列君王Noel, noel, noel, noel,圣诞,圣诞,救主,诞生Born is the king of israel.生来便是以色列君王Born is the king of israel.生来便是以色列君王06Away In A MangerPentatonix - A Pentatonix Christmas Deluxe“Away in a Manger 马槽圣婴:Away in a manger, no crib for his bed,The little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head;The stars in the bright sky looked down where he lay,The little Lord Jesus asleep in the hay.The cattle are lowing,the baby awakes;But little Lord Jesus no crying he makes.I love you, Lord Jesus; look down from the sky,And stay by my side until morning is nigh.Be near me, Lord Jesus; I ask you to stayClose by me forever, and love me, I pray.Bless all the dear children in your tender care,And fit us for heaven to live with you there.远远在马槽里,无枕也无床,小小的主耶稣,睡觉很安详;众星都照耀着主安睡地方,小小的主耶稣,睡在干草上。众牲畜呜呜叫,圣婴忽惊醒,小小的主耶稣,却无啼哭声。主耶稣,我爱你,求靠近我旁,坐在我小床边,看守到天亮。求主来临近我,与我在一起,爱护我,亲近我,永远不分离。求主赐福孩童,常关怀看顾,让我们在天家与耶稣同住。07Oh Holy Night (圣善夜) (Remaster)Patti Labelle;The Bluebelle - A Very Special Christmas - 40 Unforgettable Classics Digitally remastered哦!圣善夜.mp3来自全球见证00:0004:50“O Holy Night 圣善夜:O Holy night哦 圣善之夜the stars are brightly shining群星闪耀It is the night of our dear Savior's birth挚爱的救世主生辰之夜Long lay the world in sin and error pining世界蛰伏彷徨于罪与恶之中Til He appeared and the soul felt it's worth直到他的灵魂感受到了它的价值A thrill of hope the weary world rejoyces困倦的世界因希望悸动而欣喜欢乐For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn远际天边 初晨破晓Fall on your knees屈膝吧O hear the angel voices哦 静听神的呼唤O night divine!哦 圣善之夜!O night when Christ was born哦 救世基督出世之夜O night divine!哦 圣善之夜!O night, O night divine!哦 夜啊,哦 圣善之夜!And in His Name, all oppression shall cease以神的名义 所有的压迫将终止Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we感激之情在甜美的颂歌合唱中升华Let all within us praise his holy name让我们衷心的赞美他的圣名Christ is the Lord!基督为主!Their name forever praise we我们永远赞美主Noel, Noel诺埃尔啊诺埃尔O night, O night Divine哦 夜晚, 哦 圣善之夜Noel, Noel诺埃尔啊诺埃尔O night, O night Divine哦 夜晚, 哦 圣善之夜Noel, Noel诺埃尔啊诺埃尔O night哦 夜晚O holy night!哦 圣善之夜!08Mary, Did You Know?Pentatonix - That's Christmas To Me“Mary Did You Know ?马利亚,你可曾知道:Mary did you know that your baby boy马利亚 你可曾知道 你的孩子Would one day walk on the water有天将在水面上行走Mary did you know that your baby boy马利亚 你可曾知道 你的孩子Would save our sons and daughters将会拯救我们的后裔Did you know that your baby boy你可曾知道 你那孩子Has come to make you new是来此带给你新生This child that you've delivered你生下的孩子Will soon deliver you.不久要来迎接你Mary did you know that your baby boy马利亚 你可曾知道 你的孩子Will give sight to a blind man能使瞎子重见光明Mary did you know that your baby boy马利亚 你可曾知道 你的孩子Will calm a storm with His hand能用祂的手平息风暴Did you know that your baby boy你可曾知道 你的孩子Has walked where angels trod已踏过天使的足迹And when you've kissed your little baby当你亲吻你的孩子时you've kissed the face of God便是亲吻上帝脸庞Oh Mary did you know喔 马利亚 你可曾知道Mary did you know...马利亚 你可曾知道...Mary did you know马利亚 你可曾知道Mary did you know...马利亚 你可曾知道The blind will see the deaf will hear盲者将得见 聋者将闻声The dead will live a-gain死者将复生The lame will leap the dumb will speak跛者将疾行 哑者将道出The praises of the Lamb.神羔羊之赞词Mary did you know that your baby boy马利亚 你可曾知道 你的孩子Is Lord of all creation是创造万物的主Mary did you know that your baby boy马利亚 你可曾知道 你的孩子Will one day rule the nations有天能管辖万邦Did you know that your baby boy马利亚 你可曾知道 你的孩子Is heaven's perfect Lamb是从天而来完美圣洁的羔羊That's sleeping child you're holding你怀中所抱熟睡的孩子Is the great I am.正是那自有永有的oh Mary did you know喔 马利亚 你可曾知道Mary did you know马利亚 你可曾知道Mary did you know马利亚 你可曾知道09Hallelujah胡德夫 - 大武山蓝调哈利路亚蔡琴“Hallelujah:I heard there was a secret chordthat david played and it pleased the lord but you don′t really care for music, do you well it goes like this the fourth, the fifth the minor fall and the major lift the baffled king composing hallelujah hallelujah hallelujahhallelujah hallelujah well your faith was strong but you needed proof you saw her bathing on the roof her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you she tied you to her kitchen chair she broke your throne and she cut your hair and from your lips she drew the hallelujah hallelujah hallelujahhallelujah hallelujah well, maybe there′s a god above but all I′ve ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who outdrew you it′s not a cry that you hear at night it′s not somebody who′s seen the light it′s a cold and it′s a broken hallelujah hallelujah hallelujahhallelujah hallelujah 10圣诞佳音.mp3来自全球见证00:0003:18“圣诞佳音:天使初报 圣诞佳音先向田间 贫苦牧人牧人正当 看守羊群严冬芳冷 长夜已深欢欣 欢欣欢欣 欢欣天国君王今日出世博士三人 大家走进屈膝敬拜 虔诚虚心敬将礼物 奉献尊君乳香没药 又有黄金 11When A Child Is BornGregorian - Christmas Chants & Visions“When A Child Is Born:A ray of hope, flickers in the sky希望之光 划破夜空A tiny star lights up way up high小小的星 点缀苍穹All across the land dawns a brand new morn穿越大地 复苏黎明This comes to pass when a child is born都是因着 圣婴降临A silent wish sails the seven seas无声心愿 驶向七海The winds of change whisper in the trees幽婉的风 树梢呢喃And the walls of doubt crumble, tossed and torn猜忌之墙 坍塌倾圮This comes to pass when a child is born都是因着 圣婴降临A rosy hue settles all around玫瑰风韵 铺满全地You got the feel, you're on solid ground你将感知 大地立定For a spell or two no one seems forlorn消磨的心 散尽孤影This comes to pass when a child is born都是因着 圣婴降临It's all a dream an illusion now橙色梦想 灰色幻象It must come true sometime soon, somehow她必敞开 唯美心扉All across the land dawns a brand new morn穿越大地 复苏黎明This comes to pass when a child is born都是因着 圣婴降临This comes to pass when a child is born都是因着 圣婴降临12圣诞快乐.mp3来自全球见证00:0002:07“圣诞快乐:众信徒在世间常盼望过节,是耶稣我救主的圣诞,看我们的仰慕是何等恳切,因主赐人何等大指望。那东方的博士被福星所引,我知道你们想往何处,众信徒有意思同到那乐境,在马棚拜圣婴献礼物。我满心有喜乐要携手同行,众弟兄与姐妹都联络,成圣洁的团体常相亲相爱,愿上帝要坚固这盟约。副歌:我们拍着手唱歌,我们欢喜快乐。快乐满心,忧愁除尽,同围绕这棵树,表明欢欣。| 约翰福音 3: 16 |上帝爱世人,甚至将祂的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信祂的,不至灭亡,反得永生。点击展开...
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