加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 TorontoSudbury man who attended Toronto convention confirmed as Ontario’s 37th coronavirus case


Health officials say that a man in his 50s who recently attended a convention in Toronto has been confirmed as the first case of COVID-19 in the Sudbury area, bringing Ontario’s total up to 37.An online statement from Public Health Sudbury & Districts said the man presented himself to the emergency department at Health Sciences North on March 7. He was diagnosed with the new coronavirus and was then sent home to remain in self-isolation.The statement also confirmed that the patient recently attended the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada 2020 convention from March 2-3, which was held in Toronto.According to the convention’s organizers, more than 25,000 people from over 132 countries attend the conference.

One of the attendees was Premier Doug Ford who spoke at the convention on March 2. “Premier Ford is in good health and has experienced none of the symptoms related to COVID-19. He remains vigilant and encourages all Ontarians to do the same by taking the preventive actions recommended by our incredible health officials,” Ivana Yelich, Ford’s press secretary, told Global News in a statement.

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