加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto看到PNAS这个关于covid19的基因分析:武汉的病毒是中国外变异的


Phylogenetic network analysis of SARS-CoV-2 genomesThis is a phylogenetic network of SARS-CoV-2 genomes sampled from across the world. These genomes are closely related and under evolutionary selection in their human hosts, sometimes with parallel evolution events, that is, the same virus mutation emerges in two different human hosts. This makes...www.pnas.orgwe find three central variants distinguished by amino acid changes, which we have named A, B, and C, with A being the ancestral type according to the bat outgroup coronavirus. The A and C types are found in significant proportions outside East Asia, that is, in Europeans and Americans. In contrast, the B type is the most common type in East Asia, and its ancestral genome appears not to have spread outside East Asia without first mutating into derived B types, pointing to founder effects or immunological or environmental resistance against this type outside Asia. The network faithfully traces routes of infections for documented coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases, indicating that phylogenetic networks can likewise be successfully used to help trace undocumented COVID-19 infection sources, which can then be quarantined to prevent recurrent spread of the disease worldwide.

以佛修心,以道做人。 超赞 赏 木尘子 0$(VIP 0) 5,6392020-04-12#3 武汉运动会是10月18日开始,运动员一般提前到 所以在18日之前就到。也有可能是澳洲火山大火烧死几万动物引起什么东西。

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