加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto美国口罩生产的本土“救亡“运动,预示着疫情之后,将是一个中美完全脱钩和对决的世界。


美国95%的口罩是外国生产的,看看纽约时报的报道,上周六的时候,美国本土的口罩生产“救亡“运动,1)加拿大N-95口罩公司在中国的工厂生产的口罩,被禁止出口(尽管这些口罩是加拿大公司的财产)Medicom, a Canadian company that is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of N-95 and other medical face masks.Medicom has factories all over the world, including in China, which has barred the company from taking its masks out of the country, Mr. Reuben said. Mr. Reuben said there is no way to get those N-95 masks to the United States.2)中国禁止一家美国口罩公司原材料进口In its factory in Charlotte, N.C., Strong Manufacturers has three L-shaped machines that are set up to churn out about 70 masks a minute, or roughly 9 million a month.But the company sourced the raw materials for the masks from a supplier in Wuhan, China, where the coronavirus outbreak started. Now, the goods aren’t coming.“Our materials were ready to ship from Wuhan, and they got hung up on the dock as soon as this started,” said Alan Bagliore, the chief executive of Strong Manufacturers. He said orders from other suppliers aren’t expected to arrive for up to four weeks.3)美国纽约州上周六买了200万个N-95口罩,每个4$ .At a news conference on Saturday, Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York said the state was purchasing 2 million N-95 masks from American and foreign companies. He said the state was paying a rich price for the coveted masks: $4 apiece for products that normally go for 80 cents.--------------------------------再看看美国本土的救亡运动:1) 美国衣服公司Hanes,准备每周生产600万口罩。Matt Hall, a spokesman for Hanes, said Trump administration officials called the company about a week ago to see if Hanes could start making face masks. Hanes and a group of other yarn and clothing companies agreed to make up to 6 million masks a week, he said. But Hanes is not making the most-sought-after N-95 masks. “They are masks that would be helpful to prevent somebody from sneezing and coughing from spreading any kind of germs that they might have,” Mr. Hall said, adding that the Food and Drug Administration approved a prototype that can be used if N-95s were not available.2)芝加哥的一位医生,用她自家的sewing machine做口罩,她说她可以5分钟生产一个,然后在Youtube上发视频,教育大家怎么做口罩。Lauren Streicher, a surgeon in Chicago, has started using her home sewing machine to make cloth masks out of elastic bands, wire and material donated by a local fabric store. She said she could produce one every five minutes. On Saturday, she posted an instructional video on YouTube so others could do the same. “They don’t have to be perfect,” she said. “This is about making something practical, quick and functional. Oh, and they’re washable.”3)在洛杉矶,前珠宝公司老总,正在开设一个15万尺的工厂,制作口罩和防护服,希望每周能够生成30万口罩。In Los Angeles, Dov Charney, the founder of Los Angeles Apparel and former chief executive of American Apparel, in recent weeks devoted the majority of his 150,000-square-foot factory to manufacturing surgical masks and hospital gowns. The company started selling and shipping masks in mid-March; it is ultimately hoping to produce 300,000 masks and 50,000 gowns a week.4)在纽约,时装设计师要求他的10个女裁缝生产口罩,希望一周能生产几千个。In New York, the designer Christian Siriano has told his 10 seamstresses to begin making masks with the goal of producing a few thousand a week.5)在Virginia,一家游泳衣公司计划重开工厂生产口罩。And in Virginia, the swimwear company Karla Colletto plans on reopening its factory in the coming days to help combat the shortage of face masks.6) 在德州,一家家具公司也开始计划生产口罩,计划一天生产1000个。Jean Liu, the chief executive of Litex Industries, an outdoor furniture manufacturer in Texas, said that a relative who worked at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston described dousing her N-95 mask with alcohol each day to prolong its life. “I thought, ‘I own a factory I ought to be able to do something,’” Ms. Liu said.In recent days, one of the company’s plants in Michigan has begun using its fabric-cutting equipment to churn out surgical masks with material donated by textile companies in the Carolinas. The goal is to be able to quickly make 1,000 a day.7)苹果公司的老总,计划捐赠几百万口罩。And Tim Cook, the chief executive of Apple, said on Saturday that the company planned to donate millions of face masks in the United States and Europe.8)3M公司声称将增大美国本土N95口罩30%的产量,当前3M在美国本土每年生产4亿个。另一家口罩生产公司,Honeywell ,称它们的生产量最近翻了一倍。The manufacturing company 3M has said it is sharply increasing its production of N-95 masks, which filter small particles and droplets from the air. The company plans to increase its production in the United States, where it makes about 400 million masks a year, by more than 30 percent over the next year. Honeywell said it had more than doubled its production of N-95 masks in recent months.





家园小千 说:这次疫情给各国敲响了警钟,国计民生的必要物资的生产必须掌控在自己的手里,不要为了节约一点成本而导致对必要物质的失控,得小失大点击展开...特别是药品。我从来就反对药品在别国生产,去年就有几种药品回收,就是因为在别国生产,里面有致癌的成分。

Life is simple, but not easy. 超赞 赏 反馈:格林尼治时间, marianboo, wgwt 和 5 其他人 0.30 明 明珠 0$(VIP 0) 1,0192020-03-27#7 庞培奥已经明示医疗产品生产转回国内

哈法 说:特别是药品。我从来就反对药品在别国生产,去年就有几种药品回收,就是因为在别国生产,里面有致癌的成分。点击展开...是啊,资本追逐利润就会专注怎么减少成本,政府应该调控好,甚至立法。


哈法 说:这次疫情给各国敲响了警钟,国计民生的必要物资的生产必须掌控在自己的手里,不要为了节约一点成本而导致对必要物质的失控,得小失大点击展开...耿爽高瞻远瞩,为世界指明方向,

阿吾 说:耿爽高瞻远瞩,为世界指明方向, 点击展开...哈哈,无条件!无条件=偷。

Life is simple, but not easy. 超赞 赏 S scywlj 0$(VIP 0) 8,8262020-03-27#12 上了经济全球化的贼船。

Long Vacation 说:耿爽高瞻远瞩,为世界指明方向, 点击展开...阿吾的截图是自媒体的吧,我不相信耿爽这么无脑说话,除非给我正规媒体的链接

Long Vacation 说:你贴这个截图的时候,大脑是否有一秒钟的迟疑,然后判断,然后验证?中华人民共和国外交部www.fmprc.gov.cn上面链接供你参考点击展开...你要相信耿爽这么说了,就更有趣了

Long Vacation 说:阿吾同学现在只有立场,既不需要证据(前两天的总理讲话之争)也不需要验证(今天的耿爽讲话的截屏)我是服了他。点击展开...我需要验证的东西,我会很认真的去验证需要调侃的东西,我自然会拿出来调侃,你区分不出来,就是你的问题了,


这样的作业,还怕人抄, 浏览附件F5tJz8Vpy6fx8tk_.mp4

  ·生活百科 我被骗了,对吗? (水管工/热水器。)
·生活百科 地板隔热层

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