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背景知识,Richard Hopkins,邮局举报人,举报领导要求他们把11/3以后收到的邮件改成11/3收到现状是他被停薪,被FBI威胁,没有撤回举报。前两天,网上传出他撤回举报,他出来辟谣,他没有撤回目前这个案子FBI在调查,FBI的人威胁他,也被他录了下来用这个关键字去搜索,Richard Hopkinsduckduckgo 给出的,他被停薪,被FBI威胁,他没有撤回,没有撤回举报“I DID NOT RECAN"google top stories 给出的结果,都是他RECAN,撤回举报



jjsheng 说:未尝,你不会是高级黑吧?点击展开...才知道啊,俺其实是级别很高的五毛 和尚这种小喽啰,差的太远

Pennsylvania Postal Worker Waffles on Election Fraud Claim - FactCheck.orgA postal worker in Erie, Pennsylvania, claimed that his superiors were backdating postmarks on ballots, then told federal investigators that he didn't actually know that -- and then went back to his original position. Despite the flimsiness of the claim, President Donald Trump and his supporters...www.factcheck.org

意见不保证正确,但感受保证真实 超赞 赏 Dayday-up 12$(VIP 0,#93) 3,8192020-11-13#6 至于Google和DuckDuckGo的搜索结果,没觉得有多大区别,用Google也搜索出来Richard denied recant,而且很醒目

意见不保证正确,但感受保证真实 超赞 赏 Dayday-up 12$(VIP 0,#93) 3,8192020-11-13#7 调查人员也不是FBI,是邮局内部调查机构的人员Further undercutting Hopkins’ claim is audiofrom the interview conducted with him by postal investigators after the initial Project Veritas video. Hopkins secretly recorded the interview (he revealed to the agents that he had been recording it at the end), and Project Veritas posted it on YouTube.

意见不保证正确,但感受保证真实 超赞 赏 Dayday-up 12$(VIP 0,#93) 3,8192020-11-13#8 Hopkins first made the allegation anonymously in a video with James O’Keefe, founder of the conservative activist organization Project Veritas, on Nov. 5. Hopkins provided no evidence to support his allegation beyond repeating a conversation he claimed to have overheard. Erie Postmaster Robert Weisenbach, who was targeted in the allegation, told O’Keefe on a phone call included in the original video that the allegation was “untrue.”So, initially, the claim amounted to one man’s word against another’s.But evidence has mounted since then that weighs against Hopkins’ account.On Nov. 10, the Erie Times-News reviewed 129 mail-in ballot envelopes that were postmarked Nov. 3, which was Election Day, but arrived at the Erie County Board of Elections after that. Election officials oversaw the review, according to the newspaper. Of those 129 ballots, only two were processed through the Erie facility, the newspaper reported.“A bulk of the ballots were processed at various [postal service] locations across the state and the country, from places as far west as Tacoma, Washington, and as far south as Florida,” the newspaper reported. Those voters were registered in Erie County, but were out of town for any number of reasons, including for work or college.“Not only did the Erie Times-News review find that only two late-arriving ballots processed at the Erie postal facility have a Nov. 3 postmark,” the story said, “but it also found that nine late ballots processed in Erie were postmarked Nov. 4 or later.”

意见不保证正确,但感受保证真实 超赞 赏 M marianboo 0$(VIP 0) 2,6822020-11-13#9 这个是内部调查人员与richard核实事情经过2小时的对话录音,从1小时26分开始是总结他们之前反反复复确认之后的谈话重点,有兴趣的话可以听听。richard在与他们对话结束前告知对方对话已经被录音,这也是他保护自己的一个方式吧。

Dayday-up 说:至于Google和DuckDuckGo的搜索结果,没觉得有多大区别,用Google也搜索出来Richard denied recant,而且很醒目点击展开...是recant很醒目吧,将谣言放在top stories,google已经裸奔站队

搜索改用 duckduckgo流量急速增长

代替推特的Parler,现在是top app我6月份就注册了,一直没咋用Social Media App 'Parler' Gains 5 Million Users, Americans Fed Up with 2020 Election CoverageSocial Media App 'Parler' Gains 5 Million Users, Americans Fed Up with 2020 Election CoverageThe conservative-leaning social media platform Parler saw a sharp increase in downloads last weekend as many users are now opting for this app over Facebook and Twitter.cmsedit.cbn.com

阿吾 说:是recant很醒目吧,将谣言放在top stories,google已经裸奔站队点击展开...好吧,我同意Google有自己的政治立场,或者说是政治偏见,但大媒体的特点是慎重,尊重事实,相对客观,但这世界没有绝对客观,重要的是尊重事实。而你的主贴就没有尊重事实,明明FBI根本没插手,你却说是FBI。下面摘抄quora里解释的FBI和IG的区别:The FBI is an agency tasked with rooting out crime and where appropriate seeking prosecution. The IG is a watchdog. Someone who does an internal audit of compliance with policies and procedures. If the the IG in the course of his or her investigation uncovers administrative non-compliance with departmental policies or criminal activity, recommendations for follow-up investigation are made with the agency’s Internal Affairs department (by whatever name the unit goes… in the Department of Justice…. for which the FBI is the investigative arm… it’s called the Office of Professional Responsibility or OPR for short). If the activity is determined to be criminal, the OPR (or it’s comparable unit in other federal branches) can make a recommendation to a US Attorney, who will evaluate it for presentation to Grand Jury and criminal charges to be sought.

意见不保证正确,但感受保证真实好吧,我同意Google有自己的政治立场,或者说是政治偏见,但大媒体的特点是慎重,尊重事实,相对客观,但这世界没有绝对客观,重要的是尊重事实。而你的主贴就没有尊重事实,明明FBI根本没插手,你却说是FBI。下面摘抄quora里解释的FBI和IG的区别:The FBI is an agency tasked with rooting out crime and where appropriate seeking prosecution. The IG is a watchdog. Someone who does an internal audit of compliance with policies and procedures. If the the IG in the course of his or her investigation uncovers administrative non-compliance with departmental policies or criminal activity, recommendations for follow-up investigation are made with the agency’s Internal Affairs department (by whatever name the unit goes… in the Department of Justice…. for which the FBI is the investigative arm… it’s called the Office of Professional Responsibility or OPR for short). If the activity is determined to be criminal, the OPR (or it’s comparable unit in other federal branches) can make a recommendation to a US Attorney, who will evaluate it for presentation to Grand Jury and criminal charges to be sought.点击展开...你这里说的IG,是司法部的 IG report吧,美国司法部(DOJ)态度和举动非常重要,我今天开了一个贴,关于部长比尔巴尔的举动据说司法部介入需要等大选10天以后,今天是第9天,大概5天前我转过一个很长的推,讲10天黑暗,很多人估计都没看,关注下个星期。。。比尔·巴尔打算做什么?多读各路文章,有助于开阔思路, https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/bill-barr-going/ 比尔·巴尔打算做什么? 由拉里·约翰逊(Larry Johnson) 发布于2020年11月11日,晚上10:33 958评论 在上周二试图民主党抢劫总统大选后,司法部长比尔·巴尔(Bill Barr)的沉默让很多特朗普支持者感到非常沮丧,甚至感到愤怒。但是,有迹象表明,巴尔知道如何与根深蒂固的官僚作风作斗争,而这种官僚作风涉及到涉及提供投票机的媒体,科技公司和计算机软件公司的阴谋,他正准备采取戏剧性的,深远的打击揭露这种欺诈行为。...forum.iask.ca

Dayday-up 说:好吧,我同意Google有自己的政治立场,或者说是政治偏见,但大媒体的特点是慎重,尊重事实,相对客观,但这世界没有绝对客观,重要的是尊重事实。而你的主贴就没有尊重事实,明明FBI根本没插手,你却说是FBI。下面摘抄quora里解释的FBI和IG的区别:The FBI is an agency tasked with rooting out crime and where appropriate seeking prosecution. The IG is a watchdog. Someone who does an internal audit of compliance with policies and procedures. If the the IG in the course of his or her investigation uncovers administrative non-compliance with departmental policies or criminal activity, recommendations for follow-up investigation are made with the agency’s Internal Affairs department (by whatever name the unit goes… in the Department of Justice…. for which the FBI is the investigative arm… it’s called the Office of Professional Responsibility or OPR for short). If the activity is determined to be criminal, the OPR (or it’s comparable unit in other federal branches) can make a recommendation to a US Attorney, who will evaluate it for presentation to Grand Jury and criminal charges to be sought.点击展开...看过高中生桑德曼那个本来善意的微笑如何被主流媒体解读为种族主义者的经典微笑吗?看看后来故事如何反转,主流媒体和左派的脸被打的劈吧响。再看看C N N被高中生起诉选择庭外和解,赔了几百万啊。故事反转以后左派议员拒绝就诽谤道歉。之前别人说主流媒体带节奏,还不太相信。看了这个案子以后,完全改变了我的看法。

jassy2007 说:看过高中生桑德曼那个本来善意的微笑如何被主流媒体解读为种族主义者的经典微笑吗?看看后来故事如何反转,主流媒体和左派的脸被打的劈吧响。再看看C N N被高中生起诉选择庭外和解,赔了几百万啊。故事反转以后左派议员拒绝就诽谤道歉。之前别人说主流媒体带节奏,还不太相信。看了这个案子以后,完全改变了我的看法。点击展开...高中生的案子,就是那个林肯伍德律师打的,把CNN搞的焦头烂额

阿吾 说:高中生的案子,就是那个林肯伍德律师打的,把CNN搞的焦头烂额点击展开...是的。多亏他了。

Long Vacation 说:抛开是否作弊,这次选票是一半一半其实也是美国社会转变过程中的一个反映,在这个过程中,保守主义和进步主义冲撞是不可避免的。。。我之所以支持川普代表的共和党,最大的一个原因,也是希望美国这个社会在向更左的方向大踏步时候,能够向右回转一下,这个跟我个人的价值观有关,再贴一遍这个视频,世界继续向左走,也许是历史的安排,倒是也符合我认同的末世论。。点击展开...

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