加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto新冠变体病毒开始在加拿大传播,现在等着打的疫苗管用吗


原体的疫苗还没打上,变体病毒已经开始传播了。。COVID-19 Q&A: Toronto's top doctor on province's reopening plan, March Break, variantsDr. Eileen de Villa joined CP24 to answer COVID-related questions.www.cp24.comToronto's top doctor is urging residents to keep following public health measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 variants as the city waits for more vaccines to be delivered.Dr. Eileen de Villa, Toronto's medical officer of health, reported during the city's COVID-19 briefing Wednesday afternoon that there are 32 confirmed cases of variants in Toronto."The variant spread from elsewhere gives us every reason to believe variants will spread here in the same way," the doctor said. "So, in the weeks ahead, let's make decisions about the degree to which we mix with one another to make it harder – not easier – for COVID-19 to spread in any form.""We do not want to make the situation worse."Living with COVID-19 is like trying to find the way out of a maze, de Villa said, and vaccines can lead to the exit. While the delay in vaccine supplies is frustrating, she asks everyone to wait mindfully."The variants and the vaccines intersect on our way out of the pandemic because one can affect the other," De Villa said."We do not want the variant to complicate the role of the vaccine in bringing an end to the pandemic."Dr. de Villa joined CP24 to answer questions about the COVID-19 pandemic.

Moderna 称,最近的实验室测试表明,它的 mRNA-1273 疫苗在抵抗英国变异病毒方面与源自中国武汉的原始病毒株一样有效,但对南非变异体的作用较小。为针对南非毒株,Moderna准备开发新疫苗( mRNA-1273.351)。刚才听新闻,目前安省发现的南非变种病例只有寥寥几例。


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