加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto关心环境的网友看过来, 安省环境局征求公众意见


以下三项正在征求公众意见:Ministry posts Modernizing environmental compliance practices for public consultation:https://ero.ontario.ca/notice/019-2972Guideline to address odour mixtures in Ontariohttps://ero.ontario.ca/notice/019-2768Land Use Compatibility Guidelinehttps://ero.ontario.ca/notice/019-2785

这个是公告,没有征求意见,您要是有什么看法,也不妨提提,可以直接 email 给相关的人员或办公室:Strengthening our environmental compliance approachhttps://ero.ontario.ca/notice/019-3268

多伦多市政府也要征求公众意见了。City of Toronto begins provincially-mandated review of its Official PlanCity of Toronto begins provincially-mandated review of its Official PlanNews Release May 11, 2021 The City of Toronto is reviewing its Official Plan to develop a revised vision for city planning over the next 30 years, through to 2051. The City is calling this Official Plan review process “Our Plan Toronto” because it is a plan for everyone and requires input from...www.toronto.caOfficial Plan ReviewOfficial Plan ReviewCity Planning is seeking your input on our 180+ Major Transit Station Areas. Learn more about and provide comments on our MTSAs, draft delineations and minimum density targets. Visit our MTSA Interactive Engagement Tool If you missed our October 2021 Stakeholder meetings or our Public...www.toronto.ca

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多伦多 Toronto-加拿大


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多伦多 Toronto-加拿大


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多伦多 Toronto-加拿大


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