加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科找IT工作相关讨论
唉,来了半年了对找IT工作还是没有头绪。俺在国内苦编了7年的程序,难道到这里就那么难找工作。兄弟们,帮忙推荐几个好的西人中介或是提几个建议。谢啦!谢啦! -beautysnake(边缘蛇); 建议:应该是您求雇主,雇主求中介(或相互),而中介求您。之间交流沟通的语气口吻还应该多多揣摩。 -thisunreal(饭得志); 15:23 (#2071019) 如果没有面试多半是简历问题,如果面试拿不到offer,加紧练英语。 -hardywang(Hardy); 15:26 (#2071023)My experience, the agent is more important, usually the HR departments do nothing but calling the agents. Some good agents are CNC Global, Ajilon, Accenture, etc. there's a huge agent list in forum chinasmile Besides, update your resume twice a week in Workopolis.ca. You don't need change too much, one character change will keep your resume in the first page when someone searching the candidates. -yuheng(虞衡); 15:31 (191 bytes. #2071027)补充:对于有本地经验,人缘,交流或者技术超牛的IT(挨踢人士),CNC Global, Ajilon,Computer Horizon等大型Agent比较有用,否则您会感到上述中介很傲慢。至于Accenture,只知道它作outsourcing很猛,也归入Agent一类了? -thisunreal(饭得志); 15:38 (#2071034) Yes, Accenture is like CGI. they hir you as their employee then assign you to the client's site. -yuheng(虞衡); 15:46 (#2071047) You really don't know the difference between business consulting and job agent. -laofa(老乏); 21:27 (#2071787) 谢谢兄弟们。想了想一路走来都没有找过几个好中介。2005从找好中介出发。也祝兄弟们一帆风顺啊。 -beautysnake(边缘蛇); 20:46 (#2071702) 以逸待劳:在monster, workopolis, dice,net-temp 上放简历,每周在简历里加个空格,以更新简历更新日期。如果你简历太糟,就不会有人call你了
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