加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科关于立遗书
大家觉得有必要立遗嘱吗在安省 现在自住房想以后留给孩子独生子
有比没有好, 没有的话万一有事真的很麻烦
Donald huang 说:平安书有钱有业有孩子的必须做,如果大吉利是忽然走了,所有资产政府都会封掉的必须通过律师来处理这些遗产和银行账户余额。点击展开...没钱的更应该要做, 要不然到时候几百的Court Order的钱都拿不出来。 我看过太多这样的例子了
gzhou8888 说:没钱的更应该要做, 要不然到时候几百的Court Order的钱都拿不出来。 我看过太多这样的例子了点击展开...可以举个例子吗?有点好奇有怎样的麻烦。谢谢。
reed 说:可以举个例子吗?有点好奇有怎样的麻烦。谢谢。点击展开...老公给孩子开了个教育基金账号, 孩子是受益人。 结果几年之后, 老公过世了, 但是没有遗嘱。 老婆理所当然的认为这个钱就是她的了, 但是由于这个账号只有老公和孩子的名字, 于是公司要求提供遗嘱, 或者是Court Order 不然的话不能给这个钱。 Court Order要花钱花时间。 出于教育基金公司的角度来说, 公司没有责任和义务去界定到底谁是合法的继承人。
每个省有关遗产在没有遗嘱的情况下的处理方式都是不一样的。比如NS省在没有遗嘱的情况下的处理方式是这样的:The basic rules are:• If you are survived by your spouse and had no children all yourproperty goes to your spouse• If you are survived by your spouse and you had one child, the first$50,000 goes to your spouse. The rest is equally divided betweenyour spouse and child.• If you are survived by your spouse and more than one child, the first$50,000 goes to your spouse. One-third of the rest would go to yourspouse, and two-thirds of the rest to your children.• If you are survived by your children, but no spouse, your wholeestate would go to your children.• If you had no spouse or children, your whole estate would go to yournearest relatives by blood or adoption, by order of priority as listed inthe Intestate Succession Act. Relatives by marriage are not included.• The government would inherit if you have no surviving relatives.A surviving spouse will always get up to $50,000 from the estate. If yoursurviving spouse is not a joint owner of the family home, they maychoose to take the home and household contents instead, or as part of,the $50,000.It is especially important to make a will if you want your common lawpartner, stepchildren, or grandchildren to inherit something from yourestate when you die.Here’s why:• If you die without a will, only your surviving married spouse orregistered domestic partner can inherit. Common law partnersare not included. Your common law partner will not automaticallyinherit your property or money. Your common law partner may haveto go to court to make a claim on your estate.我去年花了900多刀做了遗嘱。
Life is simple, but not easy.老公给孩子开了个教育基金账号, 孩子是受益人。 结果几年之后, 老公过世了, 但是没有遗嘱。 老婆理所当然的认为这个钱就是她的了, 但是由于这个账号只有老公和孩子的名字, 于是公司要求提供遗嘱, 或者是Court Order 不然的话不能给这个钱。 Court Order要花钱花时间。 出于教育基金公司的角度来说, 公司没有责任和义务去界定到底谁是合法的继承人。点击展开...好案例,教育基金公司当然不管客户家族的继承规则,于是只承认合同上的名字。
reed 说:好案例,教育基金公司当然不管客户家族的继承规则,于是只承认合同上的名字。点击展开...对啊, 他们没有必要去担这种风险, 于是就让客户自己去解决。如果联名的就没有这个问题了
gzhou8888 说:老公给孩子开了个教育基金账号, 孩子是受益人。 结果几年之后, 老公过世了, 但是没有遗嘱。 老婆理所当然的认为这个钱就是她的了, 但是由于这个账号只有老公和孩子的名字, 于是公司要求提供遗嘱, 或者是Court Order 不然的话不能给这个钱。 Court Order要花钱花时间。 出于教育基金公司的角度来说, 公司没有责任和义务去界定到底谁是合法的继承人。点击展开...这种情况老婆不能拿,但孩子拿应该没有问题吧?
A woman who has never seen her husband fishing, doesn't know what a patient man she married !每个省有关遗产在没有遗嘱的情况下的处理方式都是不一样的。比如NS省在没有遗嘱的情况下的处理方式是这样的:The basic rules are:• If you are survived by your spouse and had no children all yourproperty goes to your spouse• If you are survived by your spouse and you had one child, the first$50,000 goes to your spouse. The rest is equally divided betweenyour spouse and child.• If you are survived by your spouse and more than one child, the first$50,000 goes to your spouse. One-third of the rest would go to yourspouse, and two-thirds of the rest to your children.• If you are survived by your children, but no spouse, your wholeestate would go to your children.• If you had no spouse or children, your whole estate would go to yournearest relatives by blood or adoption, by order of priority as listed inthe Intestate Succession Act. Relatives by marriage are not included.• The government would inherit if you have no surviving relatives.A surviving spouse will always get up to $50,000 from the estate. If yoursurviving spouse is not a joint owner of the family home, they maychoose to take the home and household contents instead, or as part of,the $50,000.It is especially important to make a will if you want your common lawpartner, stepchildren, or grandchildren to inherit something from yourestate when you die.Here’s why:• If you die without a will, only your surviving married spouse orregistered domestic partner can inherit. Common law partnersare not included. Your common law partner will not automaticallyinherit your property or money. Your common law partner may haveto go to court to make a claim on your estate.我去年花了900多刀做了遗嘱。点击展开...如果不想按无遗嘱的规则走,立遗嘱的确有必要。律师费不低啊。
bear88 说:这种情况老婆不能拿,但孩子拿应该没有问题吧?点击展开...孩子小 不可能做账户持有人啊, 只能是受益人, 而且多数这种情况, 他们是想把钱取出来。试过, 办葬礼没钱, 想拿这个钱出来办, 结果还拿不到
大大的唐 说:立完遗嘱后是自己保管吗?还是托给人保管每月要交费吗?到时由谁来职行。需要付费吗点击展开...我的遗嘱是自己保管的。律师行有副本,但没有我和律师的签名。遗嘱是由遗嘱指定的执行人(Executor)执行的。
Life is simple, but not easy.我的遗嘱是自己保管的。律师行有副本,但没有我和律师的签名。遗嘱是由遗嘱指定的执行人(Executor)执行的。点击展开...可以签俩份吗?一模一样的,自己保留一份,律师行保留一份
calgarvan 说:可以签俩份吗?一模一样的,自己保留一份,律师行保留一份点击展开...我的律师行不保留签名的。因此只有我和律师签名的一份。比较大的律师行也许可以保留,但也许会收保留费。
Life is simple, but not easy. 超赞 赏 反馈:calgarvan C calgarvan知名网友 0$(VIP 0) 1,5602023-03-10#19 还有一个问题,如果遗嘱执行人拿着遗嘱去执行,法院如何知道这是当事人最后的遗嘱
哈法 说:指定点击展开...遗属签名需要自己找两个公证人签名吗?这两个公证人也是遗属执行人可以吗?
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