加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科在加找工作的又一法宝--REPERENCE


很多人在找工作时都听到这样一句话,"你没有加拿大经验(Canadian Experience),所以我们暂时不考虑"所谓加拿大经验,其实就是不承认移民在外地所取得的学历和经验,有一位同胞见工多次不成,每次被这句话打发,忍不住愤而言之:"加拿大移民局是审查过我的资历,认为我适合来这里工作才批准我移民,而你们就说我们没有加拿大经验,试问如果没有一间公司肯雇我,那么我又怎么获得加拿大经验呢?"面试官沉默不语了一阵,说:"好吧,我就给你一个机会,你下周来上班吧"不是每个面试官都会给你机会,可见所谓的加拿大经验多么重要,那么找第一份工作的人怎么办呢? 有两个办法:  第一是找推荐人(Reference)推荐人可以是以前工作上的同事,也可以是做相类似工作的朋友,后者叫做Personal Reference.这个推荐人本身必须在工作,已经在本地生活了一段时间,而且最好能在你的专业上肯定你的资历,比如笔者就曾给自己一位学电子专业,转行做电脑专业的旧同学做推荐人,我在一个大公司的IT部门工作了五年,当劳务中介公司打电话给我求证时,详细问了我的职业,以及我为什么认为我的同学可以胜任未来的工作,他的强项弱项,以前的成绩,等等,我的同学事先已经给我打了招呼,所以我早就把答案背熟,极力推荐他,后来过不多久,就听到他找到了程序员的工作,其实我们的新移民不是不如人,而是太难得到第一次机会,只要有机会,我相信他一定能干好,有了第一个工作就有了加拿大经验,以后就顺利多了,世界看似大其实是小,五个你碰到的中国人里面说不定就有你的故交,大家互相扶持,一定可以走出困境。  第二是在有外国人的义务机构里工作,一来扩大社交圈子,二来学英语,这样也等于获得加拿大经验,等找到更合适的职位,就可以跳槽了。

温哥华,找工作+练习英语中如果觉得我的信息对您有益,请给我加声望,谢谢!!! 超赞 赏 Z zhangyl 0$(VIP 0) 6,8662005-04-27#3 http://post.iask.ca/canadameet/topic/11250

温哥华,找工作+练习英语中如果觉得我的信息对您有益,请给我加声望,谢谢!!! 超赞 赏 Z zhangyl 0$(VIP 0) 6,8662005-04-27#4 sorry,please see the following recommendation.Bill Clintion" Professor Emeritus Department of Applied Mathematics "University of Minnesota" "Twin City", "Minnesota" P.R.China, 100000 Phone: 86-123-4567890-3644 Dear Sir/Madam: I am writing this letter of recommendation for Mr. caleb, my former student. I have known Mr. Caleb for more than 6 years since his freshman year at "Un iversity of Minnesota". At that time, he took the course--" Mathematical Analysis," which I taught mainly for juni or students majoring in Mathematics. To my surprise, I found he was among th e few students in his class who could keep up with the pace of my lectures. Moreover, he often posed thought-provoking ] questions during the course. Th us it was natural that I liked discussing with this young man and became fa miliar with him. The more I knew him, the more I found he was talented at ma thematics. As you can see, he got excellent scores on the course. In fact, he ranked No. 1 on this 270 hours course in the talented student class whic h has 34 intelligent others. With his outstanding talent and solid mathematical background, he also did quite well in most other courses during his undergraduate study. By the way, you may wonder why his undergraduate scores look not so good compared to other Chinese applicants. It is easy to explain, because he belonged to the talented student class, which were required to endure harder test papers and stricter grading than most other college s tudents did at least at "University of Minnesota". He even served as Prof. Linda 's Research Assistant for one year. No one could deny his commitment to his job. As a matter of fact, Prof. Linda's el ectronic lab happened to be neighboring my office and I could always see hi m working in the lab,either repairing the instruments or helping Prof. Linda collect lab reports. Maybe one more exam ple will demonstrate his commitment more clearly. Once he suggested compilin g a FORTRAN program to solve a complicated circuit problem in his class. In order to do that, he had to do a lot of com puter work. However, because there were few computers available in our compu ter lab, he had to wake up at 5 a.m. in winter (please note: "Twin City" is a downtown near the north border of Chin a, so it is pretty cold in winter and the heating system is not working very well.) to ensure the 1st position of the long waiting line for his classmates and himself! At last he and his cla ssmates finished the program successfully with his great efforts. As to his personality, I would like to say Mr. caleb is a warm-hearted, honest and upright student. He was always ready to help others. During my l ectures, many students got confused at some points and I could always see Mr. caleb help them explain during breaks . In the meanwhile, I must admit that Mr. caleb was a bit impatient sometime s. Finally, I would like to conclude my recommendation as follows: frankl y, Mr. caleb is not a genius, but I promise his great intelligence, commitme nt to work and his kind nature will impress you deeply. Thus I recommend him without reservation for his admissi on and financial aid to your program. Please feel free to contact me if need ed. Sincerely Yours, "Clintion Bill"

温哥华,找工作+练习英语中如果觉得我的信息对您有益,请给我加声望,谢谢!!! 超赞 赏 Z zhangyl 0$(VIP 0) 6,8662005-04-27#6 凯婶,已经两天都没加了,我的记录里已经看不见你给得声望了,在给我加吧。谢谢,等待中

温哥华,找工作+练习英语中如果觉得我的信息对您有益,请给我加声望,谢谢!!! 超赞 赏 御风行天下 0$(VIP 0) 3052005-04-28#8 贴子不错,给你声望,可加不上,要先加别人的。再试。

somnambulating in Vancouver,waiting for the daybreak…… 超赞 赏 御风行天下 0$(VIP 0) 3052005-04-28#9 系统要我再等,因为我给的太多了。晕。对了张哥,推荐信是不是一定要在加工作的人士写,而且还要同专业???

somnambulating in Vancouver,waiting for the daybreak……系统要我再等,因为我给的太多了。晕。对了张哥,推荐信是不是一定要在加工作的人士写,而且还要同专业???点击展开...不一定,最好是你的老板,说话有一些分量的。

温哥华,找工作+练习英语中如果觉得我的信息对您有益,请给我加声望,谢谢!!! 超赞 赏 Z zhangyl 0$(VIP 0) 6,8662005-04-28#12 我准备了50份

温哥华,找工作+练习英语中如果觉得我的信息对您有益,请给我加声望,谢谢!!! 超赞 赏 Z zhangyl 0$(VIP 0) 6,8662005-04-28#14 羡慕,节俭

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