加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科求职面试常用英语
应征原因> 1. In response to your advertisement in today's newspaper,I wish to apply for the position of senior clerk in your esteemed firm. (贵公司在今日某某报上刊登广告招聘高级文员一职,现拟应征。 ) 2. Replying to your advertisement in today's China Times for an administration assistant,I tender my services. (拜读今日中国时报上贵公司招聘人才广告,本人特此应征行政助理一职。) 3. Your advertisement for marketing officer in China Trade news of May 17 has interested me,I wish to tender my services. (贵公司五月十七日在中国贸易报张刊登招聘市场部办公室主任的广告,本人拜读后极感兴趣, 特此应召。) 4. Referring to your advertisement in International Trade News of July 13 for an accountant,I feel I can fill that position. (贵宾公司七月十三日在国际经贸消息上刊登招聘会计的广告,相信本人能担任此职。) 5. I wish to apply for the position mentioned in your advertisement in today's newspaper,I hope to offer my services. (拜读贵公司今日在XXX报上刊登的广告,本人特此备函应征。)<应征函的的开头> 1. I will graduate from college in July of this year and I have heard that perhaps you might need an accountant with considerable experience working with companies such as yours.I wo- uld like to apply for the position. (我将于今年七月份从大学毕业,据悉贵公司有意招聘一名具有相当经验的会计,我拟应征。) 2. Gentlemen:Attention of personnel Manager,I am looking for a position as sales engineer.I think you can help me. (人事部经理勋鉴:本人正在谋求一份销售工程师的工作,希望您能对我有所帮助。) 3. Perhaps there is position in your organization for an young, experienced and conscientious sales representative,I should like to apply for it. (请问贵公司是否需要一名年轻有经验且有责任心的营业代表?我拟应征。) 4. As it is nearing the Spring Festival,it occurs to me that you may need additional assistance in selling gifts in your shop. I think I can assist you. (春节将至,我想贵公司可能需要人帮助销售礼物,本人可以帮忙。) 5. Shall you need an experienced cashier for your company in the near future?I wish to apply for the position. (请问贵公司近期是否需要一名有经验的出纳员?特此修函应征。)<叙述个人年龄、经验> 1. I am to graduate this July from Beijing Commercial College, having completed the four-year commercial course.During my summer vacation I was employed in the accounting department of a Chemical Company. (今年七月本人将从北京商学院毕业,读完四年的商科课程。在暑假期间,曾受雇于某化学公司会计部。) 2. I am twenty-three years old,and have been employed for the last years by Poly Technologies.INC.Aircraft Support Divi- sion,in the general clerical work of the office. (今年23岁,在过去的四年中一直为保利科技有限公司航空维修部服务,担任普通文职工作。) 3. I am thirty-six years of age,and have had ten years' experience in my present job,which I am leaving to better myself. (本人今年36岁在目前的工作岗位已有十年工作经验,准备离开此职位,谋求更大发展。) 4. I am just leaving school;and twenty-three years of age.I am anxious to settle down to office work. (本人23岁不久即可毕业,希望能尽快安定下来进入某公司做文职工作。) 5. I am twenty years old,female and have had one years' experience with a company as an executive secretary. (本人今年20岁,女性,曾在某公司担任行政秘书工作一年。)<叙述个人能力> 1. I graduated from Tokyo Commercial University,where have completed the four-year course.Besides,I have had two years' training in typewriting and also studied the English Language, including a year of Business English. (本人毕业于东京商务大学,除完成大学四年应修课程外,还曾接受过两年的打字训练并学习过一年的商业英语。) 2. I work as assistant editor on a trade journal in the food field,where my tasks included a great deal of interviewing and personal contact with members of the industry. (我曾在某贸易杂志担任食品方面的副编辑,主要工作还包括对工业界人士进行访问和与他们进行个人接触。) 3. I am a good accountant and I have a good bookkeeping by double-entry. (我是一个优秀的会计员,对联单记帐十分熟练。) 4. I am a graduate of Beijing Foreign Studies University.I won a scholarship and the first prize in speech contest in the University. (本人毕业于北京外国语大学,在校期间曾获得奖学金和演讲比赛冠军。) 5. I have received a good education and I have business knowledge and know the sales techniques. (本人接受过良好的教育,不但具有商业知识,而且熟悉推销技巧。)
温哥华,找工作+练习英语中如果觉得我的信息对您有益,请给我加声望,谢谢!!! 超赞 赏 御风行天下 0$(VIP 0) 3052005-04-28#2 咋的还是不能给你加声望,说要先评论别人的。建议改系统。顶先。
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