加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科如何写留学推荐信加样例
To whom it may concern:I think extremely highly of Hongbin Wu, and therefore it is my great pleasure to write a letter of recommendation on his behalf, for entrance into your MBA program.I have known Hongbin for more than one and a half years. I hired him to work for me as a Research Analyst at SRR in July of 1996. SRR is a full-service marketing research firm whose clients are primarily large radio stations and other music oriented media companies such as Capital Records, and MTV Networks. My roles at SRR include manager of new product development (research products and the software to analyze the results), and internal research consultant (sampling methodology and multivariate statistical analysis). In addition, as a member of the management team at SRR, I am charged with constantly working to find more efficient, cost-effective means of gathering respondent level data and producing our research products. Since joining SRR as a Senior Research Analyst, and more recently as Manager of Research and Development, Hongbin has been a major weapon in my arsenal of tools for accomplishing these tasks.Hongbin is a creative and original thinker. He has native intelligence, great curiosity about people and ideas, and plenty of common sense that he has applied to solving many problems at SRR. In addition, he has demonstrated excellent powers of observation, and an ability to communicate and suggest change in effective but non-threatening ways. To illustrate…Early on, Hongbin was assigned to an important research project as a fill-in Project Manager. In this role he was responsible for the technical aspects of creating a computer-based survey questionnaire (from one given to him by our client services department), monitoring the telephone data collection process, and completing the data processing and analysis of the survey results.From the beginning of this assignment, Hongbin began to re-define our expectations of a good project manager. He started by participating in discussions with the client and suggesting and implementing several changes to the script that shortened its length and clarified the instructions to respondents. Without prompting or precedence he spent several days working odd hours, observing and monitoring interviewers and supervisors as they began to field this 2000 person study. Within a few days he had shortened and clarified the script even more - removing redundant questions, collapsing multiple questions into one, and improving the flow from question to question and screen-to-screen - all to the great praise of both interviewers and the director of our phone center. He had also observed something about a particular aspect of the interviewing process that was common to all surveys at SRR. He wrote a memo to several managers outlining his proposed change in methodology that clearly demonstrated the value of his idea: an annual cost reduction of close to $50,000. At the end of the project, he wrote a several page critique of our interviewing and supervisory staff. He described the characteristics and skills employed by the best interviewers he'd observed and made suggestions for how these skills could be taught to the entire staff. His recommendations were well received and soon implemented by the very manager whose staff was being critiqued; such was the value of his contribution and the skill and sensitivity with which he presented his ideas.In processing the survey results, Hongbin also quickly learned to use several advanced statistical techniques including Cluster Analysis and Discriminant Analysis with which he had only a passing knowledge prior to the project.Hongbin has also demonstrated his technical and analytical abilities in helping create a new model for bidding on new business, and in spearheading the development of tool that used a Maximum Likelihood algorithm for ascribing missing respondent data. Recently, Hongbin helped me identify the most desirable qualifications and background of computer programming candidates, and he assisted me in the recruiting and mentoring of two Chinese student interns to this position. They have both made significant contributions in only a few months of employment.Hongbin is not a native English speaker or writer, and thus, he has had to work very hard to clearly communicate his ideas. I have seen him grow in this area tremendously over the last one and half years. His attentive listening and great enthusiasm has helped him overcome any language limitations. He is both self-confident and self-deprecating, and has a great sense of humor that has helped him form strong relationships with subordinates, peers, and members of our management team. Managers in other departments frequently seek his advice, and his name is always at the top of the list when choosing team members to spearhead important company initiatives.In all of these areas, Hongbin Wu has gone beyond expectations, and has out-shined all others in his peer-group at SRR. His efforts were recently rewarded with a promotion to the position of Manager of Research & Development.Hongbin is very likeable and ambitious person. I have no doubt that he will be a serious and enthusiastic student, and someday a quite successful senior level manager or entrepreneur that you would be proud to call an alumni.Sincerely,
温哥华,找工作+练习英语中如果觉得我的信息对您有益,请给我加声望,谢谢!!! 超赞 赏 Z zhangyl 0$(VIP 0) 6,8662005-06-03#2 大多数学校都要求申请人提供二至三封推荐信。有力的推荐是录取的重要条件之一。推荐信要客观、公正、切忌流于形式,内容空洞,要与申请人的其它材料(如成绩单)等相符。推荐信也应注意格式、文法等。因为向来有"名师出高徒"之说。推荐信的格式与一般书信基本相同。有信头,发信日期,收信人姓名,称呼,正文,信尾谦称,签名,推荐人姓名,职称及工作单位等部分。但推荐信还应着重以下方面:1. 为了便于校方查阅,必须提到被推荐者的全名。2. 必须交待与被推荐者的认识期间(何时开始认识或认识多久),认识程度(偶尔见面或密切接触)及关系(师生关系,上下级关系,同事等)。3. 对被推荐者的优点介绍及评价,这是推荐信的核心。主要包括被推荐者的天赋,学习成绩,研究能力,工作经验,学习精神,组织能力,品行及个性方面。4. 必须表明推荐人的态度,是极力推荐还是有保留地推荐。最近一些学校出于各种原因,设计了推荐表格,由推荐人填写,但其主要内容也和推荐信涉及的相同。范例1 计算机教授推荐信At the request of Mr. Xizhen Chen, my former student in the Department of Computer Science, Beijing Univ. of Sciences, I am glad to write this letter furnishing my evaluation ofhis academic aptitude for your reference. Mr. Chen is interested in your graduate program in Computer Science.I came to know him in September 1987 when Mr. Chen enrolled in my class on FORTRAN IV Programming, a three semesters' course.In the class he was one of the most outstanding students. At the semester final he earned a high grade of 81, which should be "A" according to our grading system. I also found him good at other studies.After the class, he had personal talks with me several times. He indicated a great interest in computer hardware, In my opinion, Mr. Chen has a potential in Computer Science, which can be further developed.In view of his previous achievements in this College, I am firmly convinced that Mr. Chen will make a successful graduate student.Your favorable consideration of his admission will be highlyappreciated.范例2 商管系教授推荐信It gives me a great pleasure to recommend Mr. Cheng as a transfer to the School of Business Administration of your University in the summer quarter of 1989.During academic year 1980-1984, he was a student in our Department, World College of Journalism. I found him very diligent and intelligent. He often participated in extracurricular activities contributing a great deal to community affairs.Though Mr. Cheng graduated from this college 5 years ago, he keeps, contact with me very often. Worthy of mention also is his personality, honest, reliable, responsible and mature.I strongly recommend this promising young man and your favorable consideration and assistance to him will be very much appreciated.范例3 法律系教授推荐信I am pleased to write this letter for my former student Miss Nan Li, who graduated from this College with an L.B. degree in June 1978.Miss Li was admitted to the Department of Law of this College in 1974 through highly competitive entrance examination which is conducted annually and is open to the whole nation. Even in such a selective group. Miss Li made herself distinguished.As professor and dean of the College, I have access to her records of academic work and moral conduct, In her fourth year study, I instructed her in Anglo-American Laws on Trespass. So I have known her quite well.Miss Li's performance, like that in many other courses she taken, was excellent with a superior grade of 86 for the first semester, and 84 for the second semester. In our university and in other university here, 80 is considered "A" , the highest level.As far as I know, Miss Li wishes to continue her study in Law for an advanced degree. I am sure she has had sufficient prerequisite knowledge for the subject and certainly has the ability to undertake the study.I recommend Miss Li without reservation and shall appreciate your favorable consideration of her application.
温哥华,找工作+练习英语中如果觉得我的信息对您有益,请给我加声望,谢谢!!! 超赞 赏 Z zhangyl 0$(VIP 0) 6,8662005-06-03#3 推荐信样例(计算机)From: Jiao Shou Department of the SPECIAL CLASS GIFTED for YOUTHSUniversity of Science and TechnologyHefei, Anhui 230026, P.R. ChinaJuly 1, 1998Dear Sir or Madam: I take great pleasure in recommending Mr. xx, one of my favorite students, for admission into your distinguished graduate program. Mr. xx was admitted in 1986 at 14 years of age into the SPECIAL CLASS for the GIFTED YOUTHS, my university's unique program that caters to the intellectual needs of unusually talented Chinese youngsters. It was a rare privilege he earned with his nearly impeccable academic performance through the years of his elementary and secondary school. He impressed me almost as he entered into my university, a major cradle of china's scientific and technological talents. At the time, members of the Gifted Class all had to spend half a month studying by themselves the principles of calculus and then take an exam so that we could evaluate their self-study capability. Mr. xx scored the highest grade in that exam. He also exhibited a keenly whetted mind during class discussions. To my regret at the time, his English was not as good as his mathematics or physics. But I noticed he made a point of working especially hard in improving his English during his five undergraduate years with us. By now, he seems to be at least as proficient in English as most of his former classmates in the Gifted Class. In my experience with Mr. xx, I was impressed with not only his extraordinary intelligence but also his ambitions and persistence. I am sure that Mr. xx will be an outstanding student in any doctoral program that he may care to enroll in. So I would like to support him firmly in his quest recommendation into account when considering his application. I would greatly appreciate it you decide to accept him as he wishes.Yours sincerelyJiao ShouProfessor and Deputy Head
温哥华,找工作+练习英语中如果觉得我的信息对您有益,请给我加声望,谢谢!!! 超赞 赏 Z zhangyl 0$(VIP 0) 6,8662005-06-03#4 [转帖]简历范例RESUME成功的申请可以帮助你按自己的条件进入最合适的学校,是不可忽视的一项,个人简历是反映一个申请者自身情况的材料。国外绝大多数的学校都要求申请者提供,并作为审查批准入学的重要依据之一。个人简历的英译很多,如"Personnel Vita"、"Autobiographical Statement"、"Personal Statement"、"Autobiography"、"Resume"。其中"Resume"写法稍有不同。个人简历一般应简要写明本人所受教育、专业兴趣、工作经历、所取得的成绩及家庭背景。有关个人简历写作的注意要点。综合各校的要求,特做如下分析:1.个人简历的结构可分为三或四个段落。第一段落简单交待自己的个人情况,如姓名、出生时间及地点、家庭背景等。良好的家庭教育对你的成才当然有利。但美国对此不很重视,一般可以不写。第二段可以围绕你的求学经过来展开,但不要用流水帐式的写法使叙述过于生硬刻板。第三段以你的大学生活为主,你为何选此学科,可以与前面的叙述相呼应。第四段要说明你个人的能力、性格。2. 内容要着重在你留学的动机,目前所取得的成绩,你终生的目标。3. 个人简历避免过多的形容词,例如,想象力十分丰富、创造力超群等,宜举小小的例子来说明。4. 个人简历约200-300字为可,不宜写得太长。范例1 计算机系毕业生个人简历I have the honor to present a brief introduction of myself to you in compliance with the requirements of your graduate admission I was born in November 7th, 1966, at the town of Changing, Beijing. My parents are doing business and farming. I have one elder sister, one younger sister, and two younger brothers. The family is in a well-to-do country with harmonized atmosphere.After my elementary and junior high school education at my hometown, I went on my senior high school education at a public vocational technical high school at the neighboring county Fangshan. Courses I have taken there include: mechanical structure, applied mechanical dynamics, material strength, heat treatment analysis, and electrical engineering. I also had practice courses on lathe work, bench work, casting, engineering drawing, and electronic television repair skill.After graduation from this technical school, I found a job at the Evergreen Traffic Corp. When I had worked one year in mechanical design and heat treatment analysis, I was admitted to the Computer Science Department of Beijing Institute of Technologies.Computer science education was an extension of my pursuit in electronic knowledge, it had led me into the world of applied electronics. Courses I had taken are: Calculus, Computer Programming (FORTRAN, COBOL, ASSEMBLY, and BASIC), Computer architecture, algorithm, maintenance, system analysis, and some related courses in Accounting, Statistics, Operating research, Digital value analysis. Beginning at the second year of college, I participated in a work study program and was assigned to the computer center of Far East Textile Corp. as night-shift computer operator, The computers I dealt with were CDC 3300 MSOS and IBM 370-115 DOS/VS system. The major work I had done was the system transference of CDC 3300: MSOS to IBM 370-115 DOS/VS. In 1989, I was employed by China Automobile Corp. as a computer programmer, and was informed to work on the first of June. For the first six months of my service, I was in charge of the IBM 4331;DOS/ VSE System Operation, and later on dealt with personnel / payroll and financing system programming works. In the second year, I was promoted to be a system analyst for personnel/ payroll system. In an attempt to upgrade the efficiency of computer data process and to simplify users operating procedures, I redesigned the whole working system and I successfully transferred a Batch operation from oriented system to on-line system. In the third year, I spent five months in the developing of subsystem of financing-accounting. No sooner had I finished that system than I was reassigned as a Subsystem Programmer in charge of DOS / VSE, CICS, and VTAM. At that position I have full responsibility for affairs of technical transition, system development,recruit training, and network communications. With the elapse of time and the accumulation of experiences, I am now familiar with all of the popular computer languages: FORTRAN, COBOL, ASSEMBLY, and BASIC. Other than these languages, I have also learned and practiced in planning, designing, and analyzing of the following computer applications: DL/ 1, Data Base, On-line (CICS, BMS), Data Communication Network (ACF/ VTAM / NCP), VM, DOS / VSE Operating System: Personnel / Payroll, Accounting Application System and etc.. For these achievements I owe a great deal to China Information Association Since I have taken almost every training course they have offered.With the ever-increasing level of my work, I am feeling strongly that the theoretical study and actual practice are equally important and dependent on each other. Though I personally possess many years of experiences in actual practices, there is always need for me to extend my existing theoretical basis for future research. My love for computer sciences and my inquisitiveness had pushed me to apply for your graduate school admission, and I have decided . should I be accepted by you, I will concentrate on the field of net-work-data-communication, then make a breakthrough on my current ways of thinking in computer related research and development. Finally,I expect that I, myself, as one member of today's world of computer domain, I should strive to offer my best professional computer service to our society.
温哥华,找工作+练习英语中如果觉得我的信息对您有益,请给我加声望,谢谢!!! 超赞 赏 Z zhangyl 0$(VIP 0) 6,8662005-06-03#5 Dear Sir or Madam:The purpose of this letter is to recommend Mr. xx, a worthy candidate for admission to your graduate program.Mr. xx have ever took my course "course name". I was deeply impressed with him not only the good score "A" he got in the class but also the highly active and devout attitude he learn Control Theory. Sometimes, he came to my office to ask me some interesting questions about the Control and System theories not mensioned in the autobiology of my class and to discuss the development and application of control theory in Science and Industry. with me. He imagined this theory is truly an amazing subject. If people understand and use it very well, this world will get better. "Well!" I thought, " This young man is really like Control."Then he took part in my research "Design of Sinusoidal Oscillators Using the Theory of Variable Structure Systems" (published in the Int. J. of Electronics, 1992, Vol. 72, No. 1) to design the oscillator circuits. From simulating the circuits he designed with PSPICE to assembling the electronic elements. he shown methe enthusiam and hardily spirit in his work. When getting a new idea or finding some questions, he always shared his opinion about how to overcome the error or improve the experiment results to me. After try-and-error and ameliorating the circuit many times, we finally got a refined but good-performance oscillator.Mr. xx also got admirable grades in a couple of courses of control and systems, I truly believe he has strong learning capability and enthusism in this field. So I no doubt that he will become a good student in your esteemed departmant. Should you need any further information about Mr. xx, please do not hesitate contact me.Sincerely Yours,
温哥华,找工作+练习英语中如果觉得我的信息对您有益,请给我加声望,谢谢!!! 超赞 赏 Z zhangyl 0$(VIP 0) 6,8662005-06-03#6 To whom it may concern,It is my pleasure to write this recommendation letter for Ms. ****, who was one ofmy favorite students in my class.As her teacher in the main course of Industrial Economy, I got to know her sincenearly seven years ago. I distinctively remember that she is a clever girl with respectof her study. Ms. **** usually promoted some valuable questions and activelydiscussed these questions with me personally. She seldom accepted an opinionwithout any self- thinking and was critical with what especially international anddomestic economical situation and latest computer technology. She read widely andintensively. During the three-year college studies, she enriched herself not only inacademic study but also in the profoundness knowledge.**** as the monitor of her class ever assisted me to manage the whole class. Nomatter in classroom or in dormitory she always required herself with the standard of amonitor and performed her duty well. She ever helped many of her classmates instudy or other living trivial matters. She was the monitor of her class for the wholethree years and what she had done won the consistent commendation from teachersand her classmates. ****'s ability was presented not only in the class work but also inher performance in Student Union of our school. She was ever the head of PublicRelation Section of our college for nearly two years. In the period time, shesuccessfuly planed and conducted several large-scale activities, which caused muchattention and produced positive effect in the whole school.I feel glad that **** is willing to study in your country. It is worthy proposal. I believe, inyour country the field of her vision will be broadened and she will be able to learn moremodern knowledge, which will be beneficial for her own development in the future.As a teacher, I would like to see all my former and present students improve andperfect themselves constanly, therefore it is my own will and pleasure torecommend **** to apply for a place at your program.Sincerely yours,****Dean of Department of Economics
温哥华,找工作+练习英语中如果觉得我的信息对您有益,请给我加声望,谢谢!!! 超赞 赏 Z zhangyl 0$(VIP 0) 6,8662005-06-03#7 推荐信样例(工程)Name Chinese Academy of SciencesBeijing 100080, P.R. ChinaDeanSchool of Graduate Studies and ResearchDear Colleagues: Mr. xx requested a letter of reference from me to support his application for graduate studies at your university. As his research adviser when he was a graduate student in my institute, I am pleased to comply with his request. I have known Mr. xx since 1991, when he was admitted as a Master of Engineering candidate into the Institute. As his research adviser, I directed his research and found him a promising youth radiating with intelligence and creativity. During his first year, he got a very good record in major courses. He particularly enjoyed challenging areas of studies such as Artificial Intelligence and Neural Network. During the following two years, Mr. xx worked on a communication project for his degree thesis "the Radio Shunting System on Railroad". To make the product meet the actual needs, he faced down many practical problems, such as high reliability and volume and weight of the product. Working hard and independently, he cracked the problems one by one, and came up with a thesis that was characterized by academic excellence. Judging by his outstanding performance while he studied with me, I am convinced that Mr. Ren has acquired the knowledge and intellectual sophistication on the basis of which he can undertake world-class training. I therefore lend him my enthusiastic support and would appreciate your favorable consideration of his application.Sincerely yoursnameProfessor, Graduate Adviser
温哥华,找工作+练习英语中如果觉得我的信息对您有益,请给我加声望,谢谢!!! 超赞 赏 Z zhangyl 0$(VIP 0) 6,8662005-06-03#8 推荐信样例(数学)Dear Sir/Madam: I am writing this letter of recommendation for Mr.Caleb,my former student. I have known Mr. Caleb for more than 6 years since his freshman year at "University of Minnesota". At that time, he took the course-- "Mathematical Analysis," which I taught mainly for junior students majoring in Mathematics. To my surprise, I found he was among the few students in his class who could keep up with the pace of my lectures. Moreover, he often posed thought-provoking questions during the course. Thus it was natural that I liked discussing with this young man and became familiar with him. The more I knew him, the more I found he was talented at mathematics. As you can see, he got excellent scores on the course. In fact, he ranked No. 1 on this 270 hours course in the talented student class which has 34 intelligent others. With his outstanding talent and solid mathematical background, he also did quite well in most other courses during his undergraduate study. By the way, you may wonder why his undergraduate scores look not so good compared to other Chinese applicants. It is easy to explain, because he belonged to the talented student class, which were required to endure harder test papers and stricter grading than most other college students did at least at "University of Minnesota". He even served as Prof. Linda 's Research Assistant for one year. No one could deny his commitment to his job. As a matter of fact, Prof. Linda's electronic lab happened to be neighboring my office and I could always see him working in the lab, either repairing the instruments or helping Prof. Linda collect lab reports. Maybe one more example will demonstrate his commitment more clearly. Once he suggested compiling a FORTRAN program to solve a complicated circuit problem in his class. In order to do that, he had to do a lot of computer work. However, because there were few computers available in our computer lab, he had to wake up at 5 a.m. in winter (please note: "Twin city" is a downtown near the north border of China, so it is pretty cold in winter and the heating system is not working very well.) to ensure the 1st position of the long waiting line for his classmates and himself! At last he and his classmates finished the program successfully with his great efforts. As to his personality, I would like to say Mr. Caleb is a warm-hearted, honest and upright student. He was always ready to help others. During my lectures, many students got confused at some points and I could always see Mr. Caleb help them explain during breaks. In the meanwhile, I must admit that Mr. Caleb was a bit impatient sometimes. Finally, I would like to conclude my recommendation as follows: frankly, Mr. Caleb is not a genius, but I promise his great intelligence, commitment to work and his kind nature will impress you deeply. Thus I recommend him without reservation for his admission and financial aid to your program. Please feel free to contact me if needed.Sincerely Yours,XXX
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