加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科Smart Search v4.42
http://www.smarterscripts.com/smartsearch/ Smart Search v4.42The professional pay-per-click search engine script for your site!"A+++"-Candy Rosenberg of Digital iCandy Media"Thanks for making it so easy and for the great script. I think that you may be responsible for a whole new set of pay-per-click search engines on the web!" -Lee Lister, SuperBright Ltd "Great Script! It is working wonders for my traffic. I am only sorry that I did not spend the extra $20.00 for all future upgrades. You have earned a customer and I will help to spread the word." -Bill Swartwout, Swartwout Online Services "I've got to say that this is one of the best purchases I've ever made. The installation process, set-up and template driven formatting was a dream to use. Nice work!" -Paul Graham, ActiveGambler.com "Dream Cyberspace had a vision. The create a Pay Per Click website. We were looking for a cost effective solution. We looked at other ppc scripts. Some cost up to $5000. When I went to your site I thought 'this software can’t be too good' but I wanted to give you guys a try. After using your software I must say that I will think twice before looking at something because of the price. Your product is excellent!" -Claude, Dream Cyberspace View more quotes here... Smart Search is a unique search engine script like none other available for sale on the Internet. It's called a pay-per-click search engine; advertisers bid on specific keywords to get their websites listed on your site. This is the search engine style that was made popular by Goto/Overture, it has been adopted by Internet giants Yahoo and AOL, and is now used by thousands of other search sites, from small to big. This style became so popular because advertisers can bid as low as $0.01 per click, and work their way up by bidding higher. On sites that use this system, some bids are known to go as high as $5 per click! Believe it or not, but it's the result you get from competitive advertising. Smart Search is absolutely perfect for small to medium size businesses, because of it's low requirements and incredibly low price. This script has become very popular on the Internet today. In fact, we wouldn't be surprised if you find that more than 50% of pay-per-click search sites now use Smart Search. Everyone who buys this script makes their money back in a month, often less, that's what a quality product at an incredible price should do for your business. You will not be dissapointed. Features: Simple, yet effective. Runs fast with or without the optional MySQL add-on (included free).Can handle thousands of listings per keyword. That's more than enough (Goto.com has an everage of 40 listings per keyword).Free MySQL add-on is optional (for those with high traffic websites)!Web sites bid money to get listed, and they only pay every time someone clicks through to their site from your search.Only daily unique clicks are counted (to prevent fake clicking).Fully customizable templates for everything, including the search listings.Clicks are counted, the site is charged according to how much they bid, and the visitor is redirected to that site instantly.Sites are only listed under keywords they have bid on, and if they have enough money in their accounts.Members area includes:Main page with news/updates, account balance update, average money spent per day, and estimated time until they run out of money.Manage Listings, where members can add/edit/delete search listings and change their bids.Info and password changing page.Special search to quickly check bids placed on keywords by others.Advanced stats which are updated instantly (with Goto.com you can only check the previous day's stats)!Link to instructions on how to make payments and add funds to their accounts.Optionally, the admin can approve each submission to the search engine.Admin page lets you approve/deny submissions, view detailed info about members, and add/substract money from their accounts.You can start new accounts at any $ balance you want. This is useful if you want to give free funds for signing up.You could use fake money for this if you wanted to. Maybe add funds to user accounts in exchange for something like linking to your site, etc. Whatever you want E-mail notifications sent to members for everything from signup to approved submissions.You don't have to do anything except accept account payments from members!Include search results from MSN.com, Dmoz.org, Searchfeed.com, RevenuePilot.com or AltaVista.com after your paid listings (to take up empty space)! (?)Warning e-mail can be sent out before a customer's account runs out of funds (any amount of days in advance that you want).Search keywords are logged.Members account area let's them search for a keyword's popularity.Admin can view any number of top keywords or top members (by account balance).Admin has special search engine that shows more info.Admin area shows each member's bid listings.Admin can delete individual keyword listings.Special mass-submission form for people to submit multiple submissions at once.You can set a minimum bid amount.Customize a header and footer for the e-mail messages.Lost password lookup tool.Users cannot signup more than once.You can use Smart Frame Pro for ALL the links on your search results pages. Load the links in a frame!Accept credit card payments using ClickBank or 2checkout. Funds are directly transfered into the member's account!Affiliate program that can pay in 1 of 3 ways: pay members a fixed amount for every search, for each click-through, or pay a percent of the bid that is clicked. Earnings are added to their account and they can view affiliate stats. The program can also pay a commission on deposits made by referred advertisers, as well as earnings made by referred affiliates. A great way to increase hits to your search engine!Very unique feature: Optionally let members bid on a "catch all" keyword. This means the listing is displayed for any keyword that has no bids on it, anything from "computer hardware" to nonsense like "aekjfdsjkfds". This is an excellent option for members who don't need targeted traffic, and you can make lots of extra money.Organize your keywords in categories (with unlimited sub-categories), just like Goto.com! If someone searches for a keyword you have in a category, that category and any keywords in it will all be displayed on the search results pages.External search results (MSN, Dmoz and AltaVista) pages are saved periodically. This means the CGI doesn't have to connect to the sites every time someone performs a search. The speed of your search increases dramatically, and there is less load on your server.If you want you can let your visitors pick which external search site is used to fill up empty space on your search results pages.Accept PayPal payments! Transaction is secure and funds are automatically added to the member's account.Affiliate co-branding capabilites! Others can display your search results on their pages. Programmers can even grab your database for inclusion in their scripts.Allow members to upload Excel Spreadsheet files for quick and easy submission of multiple listings (?)."Top Bid It!" button puts a member's selected listings in the #1 spots automatically.Member bid management areas are greatly improved. It's now easier to find, view and select actions for their listings!Submissions are much easier to manage by admin. You can select multiple submissions to approve, or deny, all at once!Submission approval/denial e-mails sent to members contain full list of all approved/denied submissions (instead of seperate e-mail for each keyword).Create low-level admin accounts for your employees to manage submissions only!Send visitors directly to website listed in #1 spot of search results (optional).Create list of member e-mails or send message to all of them directly from admin.Display any of your bidded listings using SSI or Javascript anywhere you want.Display the current most searched for keywords using SSI or Javascript.You can have a confirmation e-mail sent before new accounts are opened.Change the currency symbol used (if you use one other than $)Include free listings from another database on your site! They will appear after the paid listings.Affiliate earnings' summary for each month available in the admin section.Prevent users from creating more than one account. This is done with Cookies to remember each user.Uses Version Update TechnologySmart Search is so simple it will run on basically any Unix or Windows server!New Features in Version 4.0: The entire script has been reworked by a professional programmer for better performance.Will now work on Windows servers too!Easy web-based installation, upgrading and managing of Smart Search!New external results option: RevenuePilot.com pays 60% per click on their listings to affiliates that signup through Smarter Scripts.Your bidded listings can now be mixed in with bidded listings from Searchfeed.com and RevenuePilot.com to maximize your profits. These listings can be followed by a mixture of listings from MSN.com, Dmoz.org and AltaVista.com for high quality results!Optionally, you can use the LWP:arallel module to increase the speed of external results.Improved affiliate program: Pay a commission for deposits made by referred advertisers and for earnings made by referred affiliates.Share listings with other Smart Search owners, and get paid from the affiliate program!Adult filter to block offensive keywords which you define.Language files: allows you to translate Smart Search into french, german, spanish, etc...Backup and restore your database via the admin area.Allow people to submit free listings to your search engine. Manage free listings from the admin.XML feeds available for affiliates.Members can now have multiple listings under the same keyword.Improved admin interface with better member search engine.The total number of results found is displayed on the search results page now. The number includes your bidded listings as well as free and external listings.Logging in is now down with Cookies, to hide passwords.The code has been prepared for an optional MySQL add-on script to Smart Search, for those who need more power.All credit card and PayPal transactions are now organized and improved with our stand-alone R3N3 Payment Gateway script. This script will have its own version numbers, will be used by several Smarter Scripts products, and will be a free download to customers!...And many more fixes, features and improvements we are forgetting about...Fixed in version 4.42: External feeds fixed, mySQL addon fix. Searchfeed and Smarter Scripts promotion! Did you know that we worked out a deal with Searchfeed to pay YOU an extra 5% commission over their regular payout rate? If you don't know what Searchfeed is: it's a search engine which pays YOU every time you refer a visitor who clicks on the search results. Smart Search can display their listings on YOUR search results pages, making it easier to generate clicks. Just signup by clicking here and you will make more money than their other affiliates! Tip: Are you currently using a different search engine script? Use our Database Converter script and you won't lose any data when switching to Smart Search. * If you want to include search results from another search engine not listed above (such as your own search database) you can get custom programming done at ScriptLance.com.
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