加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科雅思首次披露评分标准
雅思首次披露评分标准 专家:考生备考更有的放矢2005-8-1北京娱乐信报?? 上周,雅思考试官方网站(www.ielts.org)历史上首次公布了有关雅思考试成绩换算及评分标准的相关信息。??官方:考试难度不会加大??英国驻华大使馆文化教育处考试部负责雅思考试的官员表示,此次决定公布雅思考试评分标准,主要目的是便于国外院校、使馆、用人单位等接收有雅思成绩的学生、职员的机构,对雅思考试的有效性有一个更加直观的了解,让他们认识到雅思语言考试的科学性以及其测试结果的可靠性。公布的真正目的,并不是为了给参加雅思考试的人提供便利。??但是,该官员表示,参照详实的评分标准,学生可以对自己的语言能力进行评估,更加清楚地了解应考的语言点、知识点、能力要求,从而有针对性地备考。??英国驻华大使馆文化教育处考试部官员表示,此次公布评分标准,不会对雅思考试的难度产生影响,未来几年内,雅思考试的难度和内容也不会有明显的调整。??专家:有助于考生复习??据北京新东方学校英联邦考试项目主任何钢老师分析,不管此次公布标准的目的是什么,对中国考生来说,公布标准意义重大,考生好好利用将受益匪浅。??首先,复习更有针对性??考生可以对比标准,明白自己在哪些方面有缺陷,在哪方面要有所提高。目前,离最近一次雅思考试还剩一个月的时间,如果考生能够对照评分标准,抓紧查漏补缺,对于提高成绩仍然是相当有用的。而且,对于那些希望再提高半分或一分的考生,可以把条文变成具体的办法,在单项或多项上进行有效练习,找到突破口。比如说,写作6分要求掌握简单的复杂句,而7分则要求掌握多种复杂句,因此考生可以很明白地知道,为什么自己的作文只能得6分,怎样写才能得到7分。??其次,一旦考砸,可帮考生理性分析错误??根据以往的经验,很多考生成绩出来后,没有考好,考生很难弄清楚自己的问题究竟出在了哪里。现在有了标准,就好说了,一旦考砸了,坐下来,对照标准,静心查找问题,以便下次考个好成绩。??再者,避免无效复议??根据雅思考试规则,对分数有疑义的考生在成绩公布一定期间内,可以提出复议,但需要交纳900余元的费用。如果复议后,成绩确实存在误差,该费用将退还考生,否则将被视为复议费用,不再退还。以前,考生不了解具体的评分标准,估分的误差比较大,无效复议也相对较多,无形地增加了考生的经济负担。[size=+2]Score processing, reporting and interpretation[/size]All IELTS marking takes place at the test centre by trained markers and examiners. Markers are trained to understand the IELTS marking policy and are required to demonstrate that they are marking to standard before they are allowed to mark Listening and Reading papers. Markers are re-tested every two years to ensure that their marking remains up to standard. Systematic monitoring and double marking of a proportion of answer sheets is carried out at each administration.Examiners for the Writing and Speaking modules are recruited and trained in line with agreed standards. They are required to demonstrate that they are marking to standard every two years in addition to on-going monitoring of their performance.Candidates receive scores on a Band Scale from 1 to 9. A score is reported for each skill module of the test. The four individual module scores are averaged and rounded to produce an Overall Band Score. Overall Band Scores and Listening and Reading scores are presented as whole or half bands; Writing and Speaking band scores are reported in whole bands only. [size=+1]Overall Band Score[/size]Candidates receive a Test Report Form setting out their Overall Band Score and their scores on each of the four modules, Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. Each of the module scores is equally weighted. The Overall Band Score is calculated by taking the mean of the total of the four individual module scores. Overall Band Scores are reported to the nearest whole or half band. For the avoidance of doubt, the following rounding convention applies; if the average across the four skills ends in .25, it is rounded up to the next half band, and if it ends in .75, it is rounded up to the next whole band.Thus a candidate achieving 6.5 for Listening, 6.5 for Reading, 5.0 for Writing and 7.0 for Speaking would be awarded an Overall Band Score of 6.5 (25 ÷ 4 = 6.25 = Band 6.5).Likewise a candidate achieving 4.0 for Listening, 3.5 for Reading, 4.0 for Writing and 4.0 for Speaking would be awarded an Overall Band Score of 4.0 (15.5 ÷ 4 = 3.875 = Band 4.0).On the other hand, a candidate achieving 6.5 for Listening, 6.0 for Reading, 6.0 for Writing and 6.0 for Speaking would be awarded band 6 (24.5 ÷ 4 = 6.125 = Band 6).For more information on how IELTS test material is produced click Public IELTS_QuestionPaperProductionProcess.pdf . [size=+1]Listening and Reading[/size]IELTS Listening and Reading papers contain 40 items and each correct item is awarded one mark; the maximum raw score a candidate can achieve on a paper is 40. Band scores ranging from Band 1 to Band 9 are awarded to candidates on the basis of their raw scores.Although all IELTS test materials are pretested and trialled before being released as live tests, there are inevitably minor differences in the difficulty level across tests. In order to equate different test versions, the band score boundaries are set so that all candidates’ results relate to the same scale of achievement. This means, for example, that the Band 6 boundary may be set at a slightly different raw score across versions. Click Public IELTS_QuestionPaperProductionProcess.pdf for a detailed description of the IELTS Question Paper Production process. The tables below indicate the mean raw scores achieved by candidates at various levels in each of the Listening, Academic Reading and General Training Reading modules during 2004 and they provide an indication of the number of marks required to achieve a particular band score.Listening Band Score Raw score out of 405 166 237 308 35Academic Reading Band Score Raw score out of 405 156 237 308 35General Training Reading Band Score Raw score out of 404 155 236 307 34The Academic and General Training papers are graded to the same scale. The distinction between the two modules is one of genre or discourse type. Academic papers may contain source texts featuring more difficult vocabulary or greater complexity of style. It is usual that, to secure a given band score, a greater number of questions must be answered correctly on a General Training Reading paper. [size=+2]Writing and Speaking [/size]When marking the Writing and Speaking modules examiners use detailed performance descriptors which describe written and spoken performance at each of the 9 IELTS bands.WritingExaminers award a band score for each of four criterion areas: Task Achievement (for Task 1), Task Response (for Task 2), Coherence and Cohesion, Lexical Resource and Grammatical Range and Accuracy. The four criteria are equally weighted. SpeakingExaminers award a band score for each of four criterion areas: Fluency and Coherence, Lexical Resource, Grammatical Range and Accuracy and Pronunciation. The four criteria are equally weighted. Versions of the band descriptors for Writing and Speaking have been developed to help stakeholders better understand the level of performance required to attain a particular band score in each of the criterion areas. IELTS examiners undergo intensive face to face training and standardisation to ensure that they can apply the descriptors in a valid and reliable manner. To view a version of the descriptors for Writing Task 1 click UOBDs_WritingT1.pdf, for Writing Task 2 click UOBDs_WritingT2.pdf and for Speaking click UOBDs_SpeakingFinal.pdf
超赞 赏 反馈:fafan fafan 0$(VIP 0) 3,1132005-08-01#2 好材料,加SW!
努力练琴,快乐成长欢迎光临肖老师温哥华钢琴教室 超赞 赏 心空无限 0$(VIP 0) 742005-08-01#3 up
人,要淡薄名利,宽容豁达,严于律己,宽以待人,而后才能心空无限!『华盟网“篮叶思凝”版主“心空无限”加盟家园网站,欢迎大家互访发贴!』希望给兄弟我多加声望,我会给家园各版面多拉会员!谢谢各位!:) 超赞 赏 反馈:cast 贝贝娘 0$(VIP 0) 8582005-08-02#4 Great!
既来之,则安之! 超赞 赏 贝贝娘 0$(VIP 0) 8582005-08-02#5 加了SW了。
既来之,则安之! 超赞 赏 反馈:cast cast 0$(VIP 0) 2,3082005-08-02#6 回礼谢谢!!!大家都来支持英语学习交流!为一个目标作好准备
超赞 赏 老豹 0$(VIP 0) 3332005-09-02#7 up
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