加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科记忆英语单词后缀
1. -able, -ible (mostly after t)―that can ~s or that can be ~ed or full of ~ perishable provable knowledgeable v-a n-a [如果-able前音节本为重音,新词重音前移一音节,否则不变]2. -acea―a scientific name for a family in zoology n [‘-acea]3. ?aceae―scientific name for a family in botany n [‘-aceae]4. ?aceous―adj form of words ending in ?acea or ?aceae n-a [‘aceous]5. ?acious―adj form of words ending in ?acity sagacious n-a [acious]6. ?acity―n form of words e7nding in ?acious a-n sagacity [‘acity]7. ?acle―thing obstacle spectacle n [‘-acle]8. ?acy―n form of adj ending in ?ate accuracy obstinacy [重音不变]9. ?ade―v-n or drinks blockade lemonade [‘ade]10. ?age―state, cost, measurement, act v-n postage usage wreckage11. ?ain―person or number of lines villain quatrain12. ?aire―person or thing [‘aire]13. ?al, -ial―n-adj oral mental postal managerial [-al不影响重音,’-ial]14. ?algia―pain odontalgia nostalgia15. ?ality―n form of adj ending in ?al mentality morality [‘ality]16. ?ana, -iana―things relating to Victoriana, Shakespeariana [‘ana]17. ?ance, -ancy, -ence, -ency, -ant, -ent [n; adj and/or n]―excellence vigilance tenant [‘-]18. ?ane―a substance methane19. ?aneity―n form of words ending in ?aneous spontaneity [‘neity]20. ?aneous―adj form of words ending in ?aneity spontaneous [‘aneous]21. ?ard, -art―person or thing (often derog.) braggart drunkard22. ?arian―n or adj or both vegetarian utilitarian humanitarian [‘arian]23. ?arium―place or container aquarium [‘arium]24. ?ary―n or adj or both ordinary contemporary military adversary [‘--ary]25. ?ase―酶 (enzyme)26. ?ate―v adj or n (chem.) salt activate regulate vacate passionate senate [‘--ate]27. ?atic―adj of n ending in ?ate, -sy, -cy, -m or after a root climatic ecstatic aquatic28. ?ation―n of verbs ending in ?ate or ?te etc animation invitation variation29. ?ative―adj of n ending in ?ation speculative illustrative [重音与原动词相同]30. ?ator―doer educator, instigator [重音与原动词相同]31. ?bility―n of words ending in ?able or ?ible stability ability [‘bility]32. ?cracy, -crat, -cratic―rule democracy aristocratic democrat [‘-cracy, ‘--crat, ‘cratic]33. ?craft―skill woodcraft statecraft34. -dom―state, realm freedom stardom, martyrdom35. ?dynia―pain36. ?ectasis―expansion37. ?ectomy―cut38. ?ee―who ~s or who is ~ed trustee addressee referee absentee [‘ee]39. ?eer―n person v engineer auctioneer domineer profiteer [‘eer]40. ?emia―blood anemia leukemia [‘emia]41. ?en―v make adj made of weaken wooden42. ?end, -and―n dividend43. ?eous―adj homogeneous contemporaneous courageous [‘-eous]44. ?eity―n form of adj ending in ?eous [‘eity]45. ?er, -or, -ar―doer reader educator beggar [重音同原词]46. ?ern―adj of n of directions eastern47. ?ery―place or state fishery bribery monastery [‘--ery]48. ?escence―the process of becoming or beginning adolescence convalescence [‘escence]49. ?escent giving off light or showing a color; adj or words ending in ?escence phosphorescent50. ?ese―n or adj of nationality or language; language officialese51. ?esque―adj arabesque Kafkaesque52. ?ess―indicating being a female waitress53. ?etic―adj of n ending in ?esis or ?pathy mimetic pathetic antipathetic [‘etic]54. ?ette―female or small thing [‘ette]55. ?ey, -y―n-adj ?ey after vowel clayey sunny56. ?fashion―in the manner of Indian-fashion57. ?ferous―that produces auriferous [‘-ferous]58. ?fic―adj specific beatific [‘-fic]59. ?fier―doer of v ending in ?fy signifier60. ?fold―of the stated number or times manifold twofold61. ?friendly―convenient for user-friendly62. ?ful―n or adj mouthful bashful63. ?fy, -ify―v make ~ beautify certify clarify stupefy64. ?faction, -fication―n or v ending in ?fy or ?ify satisfaction clarification65. ?gamy, -gamous―of the stated kind of marriage polygamy bigamy bigamous [‘-gamy, ‘-gamous]66. ?genarian―n and adj of the stated age octogenarian sexagenarian [‘arian]67. ?hood―state, collective noun68. -iety―n piety propriety sobriety [‘iety]69. ?i―adj or n Israeli Pakistani70. ?ian―n or adj esp n of adj ending in ?tic Canadian mathematician [‘-ian]71. ?iasis―disease urolithiasis [‘iasis]72. ?ic―n or adj catholic lunatic heretic73. ?ical―adj 74. ?ice―n avarice75. ?ician―n of some adj ending in ?ic or ?ical logician76. ?icity―n of adj ending in ?ic specificity77. ?ics―study discipline78. ?id―adj of Latin origin rapid languid candid rigid79. ?ide―化合物80. ?ie, -y―name of endearment doggie81. ?ier―n cashier glazier82. ?ile―adj juvenile senile agile hostile83. ?ility―n of adj ending in ?ile84. ?ine―adj or n alkaline85. ?ing―present participle or material bedding wrapping clothing86. ?ion―n derived from v union companion 87. ?ish―diminutive or derogatory bluish purplish womanish88. ?ise, -ize―cause to become realize organize digitalize poetize89. ?ism―doctrine state alcoholism absenteeism Americanism imperialism90. ?ist―person psychologist fascist91. ?istic, -istical―realistic pessimistic optimistic92. ?ite―adj or n or v ignite favorite appetite93. ?ition―n of v ending in ?ite or ?ete or -ize competition ignition recognition94. ?itive―adj or n of words ending in ?ition competitive additive []重音同动词]95. ?itis―infection bronchitis hepatitis arthritis [‘itis]96. ?itor―doer of v ending in ?ite or n ending in ?ition [‘-itor]97. ?itude, -tude―adj-n Latin origin magnitude attitude longitude latitude altitude [‘--tude]98. ?itudinal, -tudinal―adj of n ending in ?tude [‘tudinal]99. ?ity, -ty―quality reality verity longevity surety [‘-ity]100. ?ive―adj or n of n ending in ?ion or after s, t [重音同动词] passive impressive oppressive101. ?ivity―n of adj or n ending in ?ive captivity passivity negativity102. ?ization, -isation―n of v ending in ?ize improvisation 103. ?latrous―adj of worship idolatrous104. ?latry―worship heliolatry105. ?led―taking ~ as a leading force export-led106. ?lent, -ulent―full of virulent fraudulent turbulent [‘--lent]107. ?less―without n-a108. ?let―small thing riverlet bracelet anklet109. ?like―like, proper for womanlike soldier-like gentelmanlike110. ?ling―small thing duckling underling111. ?logue―talk monologue dialogue 112. ?logy―study ecology113. ?ly―adj-adv; n-adj114. ?lysis―dissolution, relaxation paralysis analysis 115. ?lyst―person or thing catalyst116. ?lytic, -lytical―adj 117. ?malacia―软化118. ?mania―obsession monomania119. ?maniac―person monomaniac120. ?maniacal―a monomaniacal121. ?manship―qualities associated with a profession122. ?ment―v-n establishment government development imprisonment123. ?ness adj-n abstract n 124. ?nik―person keen on something beatnik125. ?oid―shape adj anthropoid126. ?ol―醇,酚127. ?ological―adj biological128. ?ologist―person psychologist129. ?ology―study n ecology130. ?oma―tumor carcinoma131. ?on―particle electron neutron132. ?orium―place auditorium 133. ?ory―n or adj derogatory factory accessory 134. ?ose―n substance or adj grandiose bellicose 135. ?osis―condition metamorphosis136. ?osity―n of adj ending in ?ose or ?ous excluding ?eous or ?uous pomposity137. ?ot―person zealot patriot138. ?ous―adj [n ?osity, -uity, -eity] zealous arduous ingenuous 139. ?para―giving birth nullipara140. ?penia―deficiency141. ?pexy―fixation142. ?phile―someone who likes anglophile bibliophile143. ?philia―n 144. ?philiac―a145. ?phobe―someone who hates or is afraid of xenophobe [‘--phobe]146. ?phobia―n xenophobia [‘phobia]147. ?phobic―a [‘phobic]148. ?plasty―formation labioplasty149. ?plegia―paralysis―hemiplegia150. ?poiesis―production hemopoiesis151. ?proof―adj or n resistant of waterproof bullet-proof152. ?ptosis―下垂 gastroptosis153. ?rhagia, -rrhagia―sudden eruption gastrorrhagia154. ?rhaphy,-rrhaphy―缝合 tenorrhaphy155. ?ridden―afflicted by the stated condition bed-ridden poverty-ridden -stricken156. ?ry―adj or v-n masonry poetry mimicry157. ?scape―scenery landscape cityscape seascape158. ?sclerosis―硬化 arteriosclerosis159. ?ship―state, position, condition, collective noun leadership relationship friendship160. ?sion―v-n d-s invasion occasion 161. ?speak―jargon artspeak162. ?sphere―circle biosphere atmosphere163. ?tion―v-n t, te relation digestion164. ?tonia―tension myotonia165. ?ty―adj-n certainty difficulty 166. ?ular―adj of some words ending in ?ule or ?le muscular spectacular167. ?ule―diminutive capsule muscle168. ?ulate―diminutive of verbs undulate ejaculate169. ?ward, -wards―in the stated direction adj or adj & adv170. ?ways―in the stated direction―lengthways171. ?wise―in the stated way or aspect clockwise populationwise172. ?wright―maker shipwright playwright后缀与重音后缀与词义分工:compose composed composite composition composureimportation importance exceptional exceptionable competition competence后缀与语义链:exist-existent-existential-existentialism后缀与词性:pattern(注意:有些加在词后面,有些加在词根后面)n-a ?y, -ful, -less ?ous, -ent, -ant, -ary, -ory, ,-ly, etca-n ?cy, -ity, -ness, -ty, -ery, etca. n-v ?en, -fy, -ize, -ate, etcv-n ?tion, -sion, -ment, -ence, -ance, -ent, -ant, -ency, -ancy, -ry, -al etca-v ?lyv-a ?ive, -ous, -ent, -ant, etc
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