加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科中介打我电话,要招一个人,HELP DESK+UNIX,希望能帮到中国人


Hi kind16I have seen your resume. 3-4 have a permanent full time ( regular business hours) jobs in a great company in downtown Toronto. They make proprietary s/w and sell it . Clients are world wide. I have other position at a more senior level as well, if the job description below is too junior for you pl give me a call so we can discuss other positions that might be more suitable .For one of them , IT help Desk support professional , I need someone with knowledge of basic commands in Unix ( 1 yr exp) . Any flavor of Unix( aix, linux, solaris etc) will do. And also shell scripting ( VI Editor) Please contact me / send me your CV at the earliest as this is a time sensitive search.The description is below.The role of IT Support is to ensure proper computer and network operations so that end users can accomplish business tasks. This includes receiving, prioritizing, documenting, and actively resolving end user support requests. Problem resolution may involve the use of diagnostic and help request tracking tools, as well as require that the individual give in-person, hands-on help at the desktop level.Responsibilities Field incoming help requests from end users via both telephone and e-mail in a courteous manner. Document all pertinent end user identification information, including name, department, contact information, and nature of problem or issue. Build rapport and elicit problem details from service desk customers. Prioritize and schedule problems. Escalate problems (if required) to the appropriately experienced technician. Record, track, and document the help desk request problem-solving process, including all successful and unsuccessful decisions made, and actions taken, through to final resolution. Apply diagnostic utilities to aid in troubleshooting. Access software updates, drivers, knowledge bases, and frequently asked questions resources on the Internet to aid in problem resolution. Identify and learn appropriate software and hardware used and supported by the organization. Perform hands-on fixes at the desktop level, including installing and upgrading software, installing hardware, implementing file backups, and configuring systems and applications. Install anti-virus software. Performing preventative maintenance, including checking and cleaning of workstations, printers, and peripherals. Test fixes to ensure problem has been adequately resolved. Perform post-resolution follow-ups to help requests. Evaluate documented resolutions and analyze trends for ways to prevent future problems. Develop help sheets and frequently asked questions lists for end users. Provide After-Hours Support via Pager as required. Position Requirements Exceptional customer service orientation is required. Strong knowledge of desktop and laptop hardware is required. Experience with desktop and server operating systems, including Windows XP, 2000, Server 2003 & Linux required. Experience supporting VPN and Wireless technology is required. Extensive application support experience with MS Office, MS Outlook is required. Experience supporting Microsoft Exchange Server an asset. Experience supporting and administering Active Directory an asset. Experience with Solaris operating system an asset. Experience installing and supporting Blackberry hardware and software an asset. Experience installing and supporting Citrix and/or Terminal Services an asset. Experience supporting Norton anti-virus, Hummingbird Exceed an asset. Experience supporting databases an asset. Experience working in a 7/24 data-centre environment an asset. Exceptional written and oral communication skills. Exceptional interpersonal skills, with a focus on rapport-building, listening, and questioning skills. Strong documentation skills. Ability to conduct research into a wide range of computing issues as required. Ability to absorb and retain information quickly. Ability to present ideas in user-friendly language. Highly self motivated and directed. Keen attention to detail Proven analytical and problem-solving abilities. Ability to effectively prioritize and execute tasks in a high-pressure environment. Experience working in a team-oriented, collaborative environment. After-Hours and Weekend Work as well as carrying a Pager will be required Please pass along my contact information to others in your professional community.Please pass along my contact information to others in your professional community.Mercy Peters IT Recruitment Consultant+ mpeters@nexstaf.com i www.nexstaf.com 416-849-1356 cell # 416 668 0584 (after 6pm and weeekends) fax 416-203-1577 ________________________________ Nexstaf IT Recruitment 116 Spadina Ave, Suite 300Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2K6 Setting the Standard for IT Staffing______________________________________

和气生财,心宽长寿。 超赞 赏 kind16光头司令之小新附 0$(VIP 0) 4,0132006-08-10#2 大家直接找她吧,要求有流利英语,一年UNIX经验

和气生财,心宽长寿。 超赞 赏 kind16光头司令之小新附 0$(VIP 0) 4,0132006-08-10#3 I have seen your resume. 3-4 have a permanent full time ( regular business hours) jobs in a great company in downtown Toronto. They make proprietary s/w and sell it . Clients are world wide. I have other position at a more senior level as well, if the job description below is too junior for you pl give me a call so we can discuss other positions that might be more suitable .For one of them , IT help Desk support professional , I need someone with knowledge of basic commands in Unix ( 1 yr exp) . Any flavor of Unix( aix, linux, solaris etc) will do. And also shell scripting ( VI Editor) Please contact me / send me your CV at the earliest as this is a time sensitive search.The description is below.The role of IT Support is to ensure proper computer and network operations so that end users can accomplish business tasks. This includes receiving, prioritizing, documenting, and actively resolving end user support requests. Problem resolution may involve the use of diagnostic and help request tracking tools, as well as require that the individual give in-person, hands-on help at the desktop level.Responsibilities Field incoming help requests from end users via both telephone and e-mail in a courteous manner. Document all pertinent end user identification information, including name, department, contact information, and nature of problem or issue. Build rapport and elicit problem details from service desk customers. Prioritize and schedule problems. Escalate problems (if required) to the appropriately experienced technician. Record, track, and document the help desk request problem-solving process, including all successful and unsuccessful decisions made, and actions taken, through to final resolution. Apply diagnostic utilities to aid in troubleshooting. Access software updates, drivers, knowledge bases, and frequently asked questions resources on the Internet to aid in problem resolution. Identify and learn appropriate software and hardware used and supported by the organization. Perform hands-on fixes at the desktop level, including installing and upgrading software, installing hardware, implementing file backups, and configuring systems and applications. Install anti-virus software. Performing preventative maintenance, including checking and cleaning of workstations, printers, and peripherals. Test fixes to ensure problem has been adequately resolved. Perform post-resolution follow-ups to help requests. Evaluate documented resolutions and analyze trends for ways to prevent future problems. Develop help sheets and frequently asked questions lists for end users. Provide After-Hours Support via Pager as required. Position Requirements Exceptional customer service orientation is required. Strong knowledge of desktop and laptop hardware is required. Experience with desktop and server operating systems, including Windows XP, 2000, Server 2003 & Linux required. Experience supporting VPN and Wireless technology is required. Extensive application support experience with MS Office, MS Outlook is required. Experience supporting Microsoft Exchange Server an asset. Experience supporting and administering Active Directory an asset. Experience with Solaris operating system an asset. Experience installing and supporting Blackberry hardware and software an asset. Experience installing and supporting Citrix and/or Terminal Services an asset. Experience supporting Norton anti-virus, Hummingbird Exceed an asset. Experience supporting databases an asset. Experience working in a 7/24 data-centre environment an asset. Exceptional written and oral communication skills. Exceptional interpersonal skills, with a focus on rapport-building, listening, and questioning skills. Strong documentation skills. Ability to conduct research into a wide range of computing issues as required. Ability to absorb and retain information quickly. Ability to present ideas in user-friendly language. Highly self motivated and directed. Keen attention to detail Proven analytical and problem-solving abilities. Ability to effectively prioritize and execute tasks in a high-pressure environment. Experience working in a team-oriented, collaborative environment. After-Hours and Weekend Work as well as carrying a Pager will be required Please pass along my contact information to others in your professional community.

和气生财,心宽长寿。 超赞 赏 kind16光头司令之小新附 0$(VIP 0) 4,0132006-08-10#4 乱码,我再发一次

和气生财,心宽长寿。 超赞 赏 kind16光头司令之小新附 0$(VIP 0) 4,0132006-08-10#5 估计年薪4万到5万

和气生财,心宽长寿。 超赞 赏 F fzhclIT Lady 0$(VIP 0) 7892006-08-10#6 可惜我还在国内,错过一次机会。不过让我对自己的专业有了一个全面的了解及努力的方向。没想到会VI 编辑也是一个工作经验。谢谢LZ的消息。

超赞 赏 kind16光头司令之小新附 0$(VIP 0) 4,0132006-08-10#7 VI也是太简单拉,不会的,学半小时,都可以拉

和气生财,心宽长寿。 超赞 赏 镀 镀锌铁瓦 0$(VIP 0) 2602006-08-10#8 VI想真正用熟也不是一时半会儿的,哈哈


6.29资料寄出--BJ case--9.1 邮件通知到北京+FN---9.23邮件通知补护照---9.26护照签收---10.15DM+10.24大信封到多伦多 超赞 赏 X xuehhhh 0$(VIP 0) 3472006-08-11#10 怎么这么强,电话内容一字不漏的


加拿大山西人的网络家园:http://jinren.groups.live.com/ IBM 大机区: Z/OS,JCL,DB2,COBOL,PL/I,IMS etc.http://mainframer.groups.live.com除了流利的英语,我剩下都比较擅长点击展开...那也去试试,也不损失什么。

买房,卖房,管理投资房Grande Prairie唯一说国语的Realtor到大草原安家,投资就找Sofia。Cell:(780) 605 0234微信:sofia9999 超赞 赏 zzz 0$(VIP 0) 14,9412006-08-11#14 年收入4、5万,应该是不错的了。口水。。。。。。

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