加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科工程师类的,应该看看,alberta 的工程师实习要求.


Thank you for your interest in becoming a registered Professional member of APEGGA. In order to meet the minimum standards of qualification for this category, please be advised you require at least 4 years of work experience and an undergraduate degree in Engineering, Geology or Geophysics. For your convenience, please follow the link below to our website. There you will find downloadable registration forms as well as Request for Academic Documents and instructions on how to fill out the forms.http://www.apegga.org/Applicants/Engineers/peng_general.html Here are the guidelines of what APEGGA requires for your application: 1) submit the 4 page application, ensuring it is signed and dated 2) Confirmation of your Bachelor's degree in Engineering if it was obtained from a Canadian University. Transcripts of your degree/s if they were obtained at either a non-Canadian University, they are in geoscience or are above the level of an undergraduate degree.***All Transcripts and confirmations must come DIRECTLY from the University. 3) The names and addresses or email addresses of at least 3 people who can attest to your work experience. You will want to cover as many years of your work experience as possible. If you require more than 3 names to do so, please include all the contact information. Please be advised we no longer send questionnaires to generic email addresses such as hotmail or yahoo. 4) If you are a non-Canadian born citizen, we will require a photocopy of either your Landed Immigrant form or card or a photocopy of your Citizenship card. 5) If English is not your first language, please submit either a valid TOEFL test score sheet or a handwritten letter stating to us why you feel you are competent in the use of the English language. This need not be more than several paragraphs long and can be about any topic you wish. 6) Please submit a current and detailed resume Everyone must write and pass the National Professional Practice Exam prior to registration. For more information about this exam, please see our website at the above link. The application fee for this category is $220.00 in Canadian funds. We accept cheques, VISA, Mastercard and AMEX. Please note, the average time length of time it takes to process a single application is anywhere from 4 - 10 months. Thank you again for your interest, if you have other questions, please feel free to contact me. http://www.apegga.org

fn :2001.11 北京me: 2004.12 .15-2005.4.19->13,2005.4.22->3,2005.4.27visa 2005.7calgary,同城的朋友加我:[email protected]@hotmail.comQQ328319411 单身QQ群:12311669,45092774 化工QQ群:27567431 超赞 赏 反馈:小茶, 桃花灿烂, seasand 和另外1个人 云 云朵 0$(VIP 0) 3282005-09-07#2 thanks,已收藏。

2006.9.10 DHL到HK。2006.9.11 签收。2006.10.17 划款。2007.2.12 FN  超赞 赏 夏 夏花灿烂 0$(VIP 0) 422005-09-07#3 up

http://www.aset.ab.ca/background.htm 补充一个ASET这个是目前成为TECHNOLOGIST 的比较好的组织。ASET serves the public interest through certification and registration of Alberta's applied science, information and engineering technology professionals.

fn :2001.11 北京me: 2004.12 .15-2005.4.19->13,2005.4.22->3,2005.4.27visa 2005.7calgary,同城的朋友加我:[email protected]@hotmail.comQQ328319411 单身QQ群:12311669,45092774 化工QQ群:27567431 超赞 赏 H hhyyrr 0$(VIP 0) 1,6962006-02-03#5 up

2006.3.3 FN VO---WCY2007.10.1 ME 2007.10.16体检 2007.11.12补料2008.2.12 DM2008.2.27 PL 2008.3.11 LP2008.4.18 Landing Calgary 超赞 赏 gdpingping 0$(VIP 0) 1,4532006-02-04#6 up

[size=+2]春有百花, 秋望月;夏有凉风, 冬听雪。心中若无烦恼事 ,便是人生好时节 。[/size] 超赞 赏 S seasand 0$(VIP 0) 8182006-02-04#7 呵呵,支持一下睡觉的小猫

超赞 赏 R rongker725 0$(VIP 0) 472006-02-05#8 是狼还是猫?往国内打电话都是买的卡,很便宜,但是打不出电话帐单。申请夫妻团聚时证据不足,怎么办? 给点儿建议。谢了哥们!



2005年01月24日 HK FN vo:ROW 2005年07月14日 签发ME2005年07月26日 上海新乐医院ME2005年08月23日 递交新加坡CNCC2005年10月04日 登陆费收据2006年01月06日 实际上此时visa已经做好了2006年01月12日 Decision Made!2006年01月24日 签发PL!正好是FN一周年2006年4月19日 加航上海-温哥华-渥太华2005年加拿大联邦技术移民指南,最新的移民要求和信息!我的File Number信[FN]  我的Medical Examination信[ME]  我的Pick-up Letter信[PL]http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?p=560629#post5606293月14日香港取签经验分享!是狼还是猫?往国内打电话都是买的卡,很便宜,但是打不出电话帐单。申请夫妻团聚时证据不足,怎么办? 给点儿建议。谢了哥们!点击展开...有银行记录,消费大收据,等等

fn :2001.11 北京me: 2004.12 .15-2005.4.19->13,2005.4.22->3,2005.4.27visa 2005.7calgary,同城的朋友加我:[email protected]@hotmail.comQQ328319411 单身QQ群:12311669,45092774 化工QQ群:27567431其他类的工程师的要求也有类似的要求吗?点击展开... 你速度真是快阿 香港的都这么快吗?

fn :2001.11 北京me: 2004.12 .15-2005.4.19->13,2005.4.22->3,2005.4.27visa 2005.7calgary,同城的朋友加我:[email protected]@hotmail.comQQ328319411 单身QQ群:12311669,45092774 化工QQ群:27567431 超赞 赏 wyman 0$(VIP 0) 5,0172006-04-11#13 up

我们有个单身群,有兴趣的朋友可以加入,qq 群 12311669, 化工QQ群:27567431 。群相册 http://photo.163.com/photos/singlecanada/ 来去随意。

fn :2001.11 北京me: 2004.12 .15-2005.4.19->13,2005.4.22->3,2005.4.27visa 2005.7calgary,同城的朋友加我:[email protected]@hotmail.comQQ328319411 单身QQ群:12311669,45092774 化工QQ群:27567431Thank you for your interest in becoming a registered Professional member of APEGGA. In order to meet the minimum standards of qualification for this category, please be advised you require at least 4 years of work experience and an undergraduate degree in Engineering, Geology or Geophysics. For your convenience, please follow the link below to our website. There you will find downloadable registration forms as well as Request for Academic Documents and instructions on how to fill out the forms. http://www.apegga.org/Applicants/Engineers/peng_general.html Here are the guidelines of what APEGGA requires for your application: 1) submit the 4 page application, ensuring it is signed and dated 2) Confirmation of your Bachelor's degree in Engineering if it was obtained from a Canadian University. Transcripts of your degree/s if they were obtained at either a non-Canadian University, they are in geoscience or are above the level of an undergraduate degree.***All Transcripts and confirmations must come DIRECTLY from the University. 3) The names and addresses or email addresses of at least 3 people who can attest to your work experience. You will want to cover as many years of your work experience as possible. If you require more than 3 names to do so, please include all the contact information. Please be advised we no longer send questionnaires to generic email addresses such as hotmail or yahoo. 4) If you are a non-Canadian born citizen, we will require a photocopy of either your Landed Immigrant form or card or a photocopy of your Citizenship card. 5) If English is not your first language, please submit either a valid TOEFL test score sheet or a handwritten letter stating to us why you feel you are competent in the use of the English language. This need not be more than several paragraphs long and can be about any topic you wish. 6) Please submit a current and detailed resume Everyone must write and pass the National Professional Practice Exam prior to registration. For more information about this exam, please see our website at the above link. The application fee for this category is $220.00 in Canadian funds. We accept cheques, VISA, Mastercard and AMEX. Please note, the average time length of time it takes to process a single application is anywhere from 4 - 10 months. Thank you again for your interest, if you have other questions, please feel free to contact me. http://www.apegga.org 点击展开... 没有那么困难.如果你有总共超过12年工作经验,和1年的加拿大工作经验,由很大的机会免考专业课考试,只需考经济和法律法规.就算要考专业考试,可以参加综合考试.以前是一门一门的考,一门不过,可能还要多加几门考试,结果可能越考科目越多.综合考试不过也不会加课,考几次都行.就是考试费忒贵.


[FONT=华文隶书]孤云出岫去留一无所系,朗镜悬空静躁两不相干。[/FONT] 超赞 赏 H henrywang 0$(VIP 0) 1522006-08-24#17 好文章!希望大家能多提供一些工程师资格方面的信息!谢谢了!


我的qq化工群 27567431, 欢迎大家加入,交流

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