加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科求证,我急呀!--昨天接到加拿大朋友的电话,说移民身分是5年内满3年,


求证,我急呀!--昨天接到加拿大朋友的电话, 说移民身分是5年内住满3年, 我坚持说是5年内满两年, 满三年就是申请公民了,她说她的入籍教师是这样讲的, 教师还说是很多的朋友误解了, 其实就是5年内满3年. 还说她的一个北京的朋友还因此着急要返加呢!1) 这是怎么回事? 有新政策吗? 我着急呀! 我是2004年9月短登回的, 然后我就一直想2007年5月登陆,还没着急呢. 但是朋友这样的电话把我搞的毛了, 如按她所说我就是还有10天了, 10天啥也完不成了!, 这可完了~,2) 为什么在网上看到有人提前2年半去差点被拒? 有法律依据吗? 入关时检查人员不也是要依法办事吗? 我认为: 我第一次登陆是2004年9月15日,我5天后回,我就是直接到2007年9月14日去他也没有理由拒绝我呀? 怎么回事?3) 不知是否有人长登时被问"为什么在国内呆了近3年," 如有, 应当怎样回答合适呀?我请教各位的指点以上3个问题! 谢谢了!


2004年有移民念头2006年8月正式向中介咨询,决定赶九一第一批递交申请(决定只在瞬间)如果VO象我们这效率可好了!!嘻嘻!2006年8月16日填表完毕,等待汇票中2006年9月1日,中介说已寄出申请表,但我个人暂无法查到VO是否已签收。。急啊 FN,FN,FN... 超赞 赏 Exocell北京刀客 0$(VIP 0) 6,2082006-08-23#3 .

存在问题:好吃饭、好泡妞、好抽烟、好喝酒。 分析原因:饭好吃、妞好泡、烟好抽、酒好喝。 总结经验:吃饭好、泡妞好、抽烟好、喝酒好。 整改措施:饭吃好、妞泡好、烟抽好、酒喝好。 努力方向:吃好饭、泡好妞、抽好烟、喝好酒。1,移民监后来修改为5年内累计至少住满2年,2,任何365天时间段内离境不能超过183天,当然如果加拿大公司外派等原因例外3,在加拿大报税 1,2,3 同时满足才能够保住PR 身份。 u got it?点击展开... 狂晕!还越说越离谱了!这第2,3点和最后一句是哪听来的?胡说八道!

银行开户二三事CO-OP外的另项选择Practice Firm狂晕!还越说越离谱了!这第2,3点和最后一句是哪听来的?胡说八道!点击展开...不信你可以试试,实践是检验真理的唯一标准嘛。

存在问题:好吃饭、好泡妞、好抽烟、好喝酒。 分析原因:饭好吃、妞好泡、烟好抽、酒好喝。 总结经验:吃饭好、泡妞好、抽烟好、喝酒好。 整改措施:饭吃好、妞泡好、烟抽好、酒喝好。 努力方向:吃好饭、泡好妞、抽好烟、喝好酒。不信你可以试试,实践是检验真理的唯一标准嘛。点击展开... 试过了,03年6月短登,06年4月长登,03年6月到06年4月间都在国内,没有符合什么“任何365天时间段内离境不能超过183天”的规定,也没有报税,06年4月大摇大摆进来了,好像没人把俺拦在门外,说你已经不是PR了! 明确的告诉您:“任何365天时间段内离境不能超过183天”已经是N年前的老黄历了,怎么到您这儿居然还是现行标准捏?不知道您是否亲身实践过这3条标准了还是道听途说?

银行开户二三事CO-OP外的另项选择Practice Firm 超赞 赏 靓之凉粉 0$(VIP 0) 4,0302006-08-23#7 如果连续两年半不来看看,的确有可能拒绝你入境。

如果觉得偶的帖子好,就给偶加声望吧?向学习MM学习。。。。。每天学习多一些试过了,03年6月短登,06年4月长登,03年6月到06年4月间都在国内,没有符合什么“任何365天时间段内离境不能超过183天”的规定,也没有报税,06年4月大摇大摆进来了,好像没人把俺拦在门外,说你已经不是PR了! 明确的告诉您:“任何365天时间段内离境不能超过183天”已经是N年前的老黄历了,怎么到您这儿居然还是现行标准捏?不知道您是否亲身实践过这3条标准了还是道听途说?点击展开...刚才问了下律师,才知道哪是讨论稿。还是您伟大光荣正确。

存在问题:好吃饭、好泡妞、好抽烟、好喝酒。 分析原因:饭好吃、妞好泡、烟好抽、酒好喝。 总结经验:吃饭好、泡妞好、抽烟好、喝酒好。 整改措施:饭吃好、妞泡好、烟抽好、酒喝好。 努力方向:吃好饭、泡好妞、抽好烟、喝好酒。刚才问了下律师,才知道哪是讨论稿。还是您伟大光荣正确。点击展开... 对您求证认真的态度俺也十分欣赏。已加分!笑纳

银行开户二三事CO-OP外的另项选择Practice Firm 超赞 赏 靓之凉粉 0$(VIP 0) 4,0302006-08-24#10 偶也是一丝不苟的回答问题,怎么没有纷纷啊

如果觉得偶的帖子好,就给偶加声望吧?向学习MM学习。。。。。每天学习多一些 超赞 赏 D dacong 0$(VIP 0) 1722006-08-25#11 谢谢你们!我放心了 等我有权利加分时,我加倍给你们加! 后两个问题有人会回答吗? 2.5年凭什么拒绝我入境呢?

请教"wonder"谢谢wonder,我原来就看过你的帖子,尤其是关于银行的!佩服你!我都收藏了呢! 还有问题请教: 你从哪里进的关?    被查了gf 表吗? 开包检查吗?  没遇到任何麻烦? 你是一家三口? 真的没有人问你什么? 诸如为什么在国内呆了近三年? 可否介绍一下当时的情况? 谢谢了!


以下是settlement.org网站的解释。准确的说法应当为在任何5年期间内必须在加拿大住满730天 (2年)。下面是原文:包括其它你有可能失去PR身份的情况:链接如下:http://www.settlement.org/sys/faqs_detail.asp?faq_id=4000578#wha2How can permanent residents lose their status?No matter how long you have lived here, you can lose your permanent resident status and be required to leave Canada for any of the following reasons: *You lived outside Canada for more than 3 years in any 5-year period. (See the next section on residency obligation for more information.) *You used false documents when you applied for permanent residence. *You gave false or incomplete information when you applied for permanent residence, when you were granted permanent residence, or in any other immigration application or procedure. *You were sponsored by someone who gave false or incomplete information on the sponsorship application, on their own application for permanent residence, or on any other immigration application or procedure. *You were able to apply for permanent residence because your claim for refugee protection was accepted by the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) and that decision has been set aside because you gave false or incomplete information on your claim. *There were conditions on your permanent resident status but you did not fulfill them. *Before or after you became a permanent resident, you were convicted of or committed a crime outside Canada that is considered serious based on the sentence that could have been imposed. An exception can be made if at least 5 years have passed since you committed the crime, or since your sentence ended, and if you can prove to Canadian authorities that you have been rehabilitated. *Before or after you became a permanent resident, you were convicted in Canada of a crime that is considered serious based on the sentence that was or could have been imposed, unless you have obtained a pardon. *CIC believes that you have been, or will be, involved in espionage, subversion, or terrorism, or that you are a security risk for some other reason. *CIC believes that you have been or will be involved in organized crime or have been involved in people smuggling, human trafficking, or money laundering. *CIC believes that you committed war crimes or crimes against humanity outside Canada. *CIC believes that you were a senior member of or official in a government that was guilty of war crimes or crimes against humanity, or of terrorism or gross human rights violations.If you think that your status could be at risk for one of these reasons, get legal advice. See "Getting legal help" below.If you are deported from Canada, your dependent children who are not Canadian citizens may also have to leave.What is the residency obligation?Permanent residents must meet a residency obligation. This means they must live in Canada for at least 730 days (2 years) in any 5-year period or they can lose their status.To meet the obligation, you must be physically present in Canada unless you are outside the country for one of the following reasons: *you are with your spouse or common-law partner who is a Canadian citizen, or if you are a child, you are with your parent who is a Canadian citizen, *you are working full-time for a Canadian business or the federal or a provincial public service, or *you are with a spouse or common-law partner who is a permanent resident and is working full-time for a Canadian business or the federal or a provincial public service, or if you are a child, you are with your parent who is a permanent resident and works full-time for one of these employers.If you do not meet the residency obligation, you could be allowed to keep your permanent resident status if there are humanitarian and compassionate factors that relate to you.The factors that CIC will consider in deciding whether or not there are humanitarian and compassionate reasons that justify keeping your status include: *the best interests of a child who will be affected by the decision, *how many of the required number of days you are missing, *the reason for your absence from Canada, for example, you or someone in your family was ill, *whether you were prevented by circumstances beyond your control from returning to Canada, *whether you returned to Canada as soon as you could, *whether you have resident status or citizen status in any other country, *to what extent you have established a home in Canada, *whether you have established a home in any other country, and *hardship to others, such as family members, who are permanent residents or Canadian citizens, if you lose your status.If you travel outside Canada, when you return you must prove to CIC that you are a permanent resident. If you have the Permanent Resident Card, it is presumed that you are a permanent resident. But a visa officer outside Canada or an immigration officer at a port of entry can decide that you have lost your status based on evidence that you do not meet the residency obligation. A port of entry is a border crossing, international airport, or seaport.If you do not have the Permanent Resident Card, it is presumed that you are not a permanent resident and you will have to convince the immigration officer at the port of entry that you have not lost your status.If you are outside Canada and you do not have proof of your permanent resident status, such as the IMM1000 (Record of Landing) or the Permanent Resident Card, you might be able to get a travel document from a Canadian visa office. But you will not get one if the visa officer decides that you should lose your status because you fail to meet the residency obligation.If you travel to Canada without proof of your permanent resident status, the immigration officer at the port of entry will decide whether you fail to meet the residency obligation.In either case, you can appeal the decision to the Immigration Appeal Division of the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB). The time limit for filing an appeal from a decision of a visa officer is 60 days. The time limit for filing an appeal from a decision of an immigration officer at a port of entry is 30 days. You cannot be removed from Canada until the end of the 30-day period. And, if you appeal the decision you will not be removed until your appeal has been decided.It is best to get legal help with an appeal. See the section below called "Getting legal help".If you appeal the decision of a visa officer, and you want to attend the hearing of your appeal, you can ask the Immigration Appeal Division to order that you be allowed to come to Canada for the appeal hearing. It is best to include this request with your notice of appeal. If you did not include it, you must make the request within 60 days of filing your notice of appeal.

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