加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科ACCC下月将启动新的帮助移民找工作项目!
以下是今天发表在globe and mail的文章中的一段关于这个项目的介绍:机构:ACCC (Association of Canadian Community Colleges)参加对象:来自中国、印度和菲律宾的未登陆移民其它:该项目得到加拿大人力资源部4百万的资助如何参加:被批准移民的人士将收到关于该项目的邮件,并可以参加在这三个国家举办的免费的信息说明会,之后根据评估的个人情况,将介绍参加相关的语言培训或者行业协会。Next month the Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC) will launch a program designed to help smooth the employment path for professional, trade and technical specialists from China, India and the Philippines who have already been approved by Ottawa to immigrate to Canada. Those three countries were selected as test sites because of immigration patterns and the type of skilled workers they produce, says Katrina Murray, project director of the Canadian Immigration Integration Project, which is financed with $4-million from Human Resources Development Canada. Ms. Murray says the ACCC program is designed to help skilled immigrants make a career transition to Canada and get a jump on the acclimatization process. "The major goal of the program is to ensure they have a more realistic understanding of what they are getting into," she says. Information about the pilot project will be mailed along with the letter that Citizenship and Immigration Canada sends to people informing them they've been approved as immigrants. Free information sessions are to be held in the three test countries, and immigrants will be grouped according to what province they're moving to (about 60 per cent typically head to Ontario). They'll hear an overview of labour market conditions, labour laws and other information relevant to working in Canada, Ms. Murray says. After identifying gaps in work skills, the program helps find ways to address them such as providing a referral to language assessment services or links to the governing bodies of professional associations.
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