加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科October 26, 28, Toronto- Kids volunteer opportunities and an opportunity to improve r
1. Mandarin Parents Seminar: Thursday, October 26, 2006, 6:00pm - 9:30 pmPositions: Greeters, general helpersDuties: Guide parents to their seats, hand out pamphlets, assists speakers, assist in setting up and cleaning up.# of positions: 6Requirement: It is preferable that you can speak some Mandarin.Date: Saturday October 26, 2006Location: Agincourt Collegiate Institute 2621 Midland Avenue, Scarborough (Midland and Sheppard Avenue)Time: 6:00pm - 9:30pm (3.5 hours) You may already know, PAL is co-organising a Chinese Parents Seminar with East Metro Youth Services (EMYS) and several partners.... and it is coming next Thursday! This is a seminar for parents who would like to know more about communicating with the school , and with their children. More information for the parents can be found on Peer ALliance's website (http://register.peeralliance.com/regPages/formPages/EMYS1026.php).We would like a handful of volunteers to help setting up before the event, arrange seats, guiding and assisting the attending parents and the speakers throughout the seminar, as well as cleaning up afterwards. If you are interested, please email [email protected] or contact Patrick @ 416 829 4981. For high school students, this opportunity will count towards your community work requirements. 2. Healthy Mind, Healthy Body: Saturday, October 28, 2006, 1:30pm - 5:00pmPositions: Ushers, Photographers, Material Distributor, and food PreparersDuties: Set up and clean up, greeting guests and leading them to appropriate rooms, assisting speakers, taking photographs (photographers), distribute pamphlets/flyers(material distributors) and prepare food platters (on Oct 27 evening, food preparers).# of positions: 8-10Date: Saturday October 28, 2006Location: Angus Glen Community Centre (Major MacKenzie between Warden and Kennedy)Time: 1:30pm - 5:00pm (3.5 hours)We are currently looking for 8 - 10 volunteer for the Healthy mind,Healthy Body event at Angus Glen Community Centre. This event is a YorkRegion sponsored initiative on mental health. Three guest speakers willbe invited with each of them giving lecturers in a different room ondifferent topics.We are looking for:- 3 ushers - to greet guests and lead them to appropriate rooms- 3 photographers- 2 PAL material distributors- 2 food preparers (Needs to be available on evening of October 27, 2006)- All volunteers will be helping with the set up and clean up. Carpools can be arranged on request.For volunteers who are interested, please email to [email protected] or call Kelvin at (416)754-9126 to signup for this event. For high school students, this opportunity will count towards your community work requirements. Related news: 华裔小移民缺沟通问题引关注据明报报道,鉴于不少来自中国大陆新移民家庭的子女,由于语言隔膜以致求学出现困难,加上在新环境下未能与父母有效沟通,因而产生众多问题,包括情绪低落、逃学、离家出走等,7个社区服务机构将联合举办一个以说国语新移民家庭为对象的“沟通从心开始”研讨会,于本月26日(星期四)晚上7时在士嘉堡爱静阁中学(Agincourt Collegiate Institute)举行。费用全免,欢迎有兴趣人士出席。在新移民家庭中不少父母都是需要工作,一些甚至是轮班制,与子女见面少,加上大多数父母对子女在校成绩要求高,在管教上又采用中国传统的方法,对子女造成压力致出现代沟,轻则与父母冲突,重则离家出走,因此7机构决定合办这研讨会,帮助出现上述问题的家庭解决困难。该研讨会将分别邀请华人家庭专业辅导中心及华谘处,派出专业人士主讲专题,前者讲解“如何帮助孩子与父母沟通”,后者主讲“怎样帮助新移民青年在新环境读书”;另有家长和青年代表在会上剖白心声。研讨会举行地点Agincourt Collegiate Institute位于2621 Midland Ave.(Midland夹Sheppart Ave.)。查询可致电416-438-3697内线257 Shirley Lai,或网上报名www.peeralliance.com。
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