加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科请问各位兄弟姐妹,谁知道多伦多哪个公司做智能交通产品
哈哈,和我是同行呀,不过我不是做软件的。 说实在的,我查了很久也没查到能和国内的公司相似的公司。给你几个我以前查到的公司,看看有没有用。International Road Dynamics Inc. (IRD)(www.irdinc.com) is a world leader in designing,supplying and maintaining automated toll road systems;automated truck weigh station systems; Weigh-in-Motion(WIM) systems; and advanced traffic control,management and data collection systems to customersin North America and several other countries.Stragitek Monitoring’s (www.stragitek.com)Spydersense remote security system tracks andprotects goods in transit. Customers can easily secureas well as track product movement on most types ofcommercial vehicles. The company’s US sales havedoubled over the past 24 months.RTI Wireless (www.rtiwireless.com) is a provider ofwireless mapping and tracking solutions. RTI draws onthe experience of 150,000 installed licenses and 10years of development to provide high accuracy andcustom mapping solutions. For example, RTI hasworked with a partner in the United States to equip afleet of airport shuttles with a unique tracking systemgeared to their specific needsNovax Industries (www.novax.com) specializes inthe design and manufacture of innovative trafficcontrol equipment for the ITS market. Novax hasrecently introduced the world's first completelyvirtual transit and emergency priority system that iscapable of dynamically adapting to changing real-time traffic conditions.Raytheon (www.raytheon.ca) is the turnkey provider ofthe largest number of free-flow electronic toll collection(ETC) lanes in the world. Raytheon's electronic tollingsystem offers the highest value ETC solution available inthe world todayMARK IV Transportation Technologies(www.mark-iv.com) is a leading designer andmanufacturer of Dedicated Short RangeCommunication transponders and readers, best knownfor their use in electronic toll collection applicationsTacel Ltd. (www.tacel.ca) is recognized as one of theleading suppliers of traffic management systems andtraffic control devices in Canada. The companymanufactures state-of-the-art traffic control cabinets, andpartners with others to provide various ITS solutions.
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