加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科中国的工作机会


一个很棒的中国工作机会,著名的国际快餐集团麦当劳美国总部招聘,有兴趣的可以发简历到[email protected] Title: Marketing Manager Industry: Restaurants - Franchising Salary: OPEN Job Type: Permanent Location: Shanghai, China Short Description: Strong leadership skills as evidenced by the ability to gain alignment between a diverse number of individuals and organizations including management at the headquarters and local level, TMG Group Directors, TMG Consumer Marketing, MarketQualifications:1. Strong leadership skills as evidenced by the ability to gain alignment between a diverse number of individuals and organizations including McDonald's management at the headquarters and local level, TMG Group Directors, TMG Consumer Marketing, Marketing Operations Managers and Local Account Managers. This individual must be comfortable with a large number of constituents within their scope of influence.2. Demonstrates solid brand marketing skills, as evidenced by thesuccessful implementation of beverage incidence driving marketing activities.3. An excellent grasp of Marketing fundamentals as evidenced by a thorough understanding of the principles of brand building, brand-positioning activation, the multiple components of the marketing mix, and strategic tactics.4. Outstanding problem solving skills as evidenced by the use of insight, creativity and intelligence to develop consumer relevant McDonald's Centric Brand Plan strategies and tactics for complex marketing problems or issues as identified through a complete understanding of the McDonald's business.5. Strong analytical skills demonstrated by the ability to quickly analyze complex marketing data & consumer research from a number of sources including input from Business Director, McDonald's Management and third-party sources (global research, internet, etc.) to provide solutions that are both relevant to McDonald's and demonstrate the potential to profitably move the volume of both McDonald's and Coca-Cola's businesses ahead. Evidence of insightful local market & consumer analysis would be preferred.6. Excellent communication skills both written and oral, such that complete, clear and focused McD's, KO, & Portfolio Brand Plans, business reviews and Consumer Marketing tools can be accurately and quickly developed and presented. This individual needs to be a persuasive and motivating presenter able to communicate complicated issues simply and effectively.7. Relationship Building as evidenced by the ability to win sufficienttrust within McDonald's organization and gain their confidence to anextent that encourages open sharing of sales and consumer data with Coca-Cola and receptivity to new ideas.8. An ability to think -out of the box- to move the business ahead as evidenced by multiple career successes, driven by creative strategies and/or executions which occurred in a variety of business environments,and which meaningfully impacted sales, share or profits.9. Demonstrate ability to maneuver in complex customer environments preferred.10. Education: Bachelors degree is required. MBA preferred.11. Experience: 7-9 years relevant experience, preferably consumer marketing, account management or sales.12. Language: Fluent in English, and ability to communicate in Chinese.Position Overview:1. To lead development of country-level consumer marketing plans for the customer, consisting of strategies for the activation of Coca-Colabranded beverages (existing & new), including identification of optimalbeverage portfolio, communication and other occasion-based opportunities for beverages at McDonald's, based on a thorough understanding of McDonald's & Coca-Cola business, consumers, competitors, and surrounding market place environment at local level.2. Due to the worldwide confidentiality agreement that exists between McDonald's and The Coca-Cola Company, all marketing-related information needs to be retained within The McDonald's Group. This role requires an individual with excellent strategic thinking; broad, client & customer and analytical skills as well as the ability to identify, brief and steward, tactical programmes.3. This position will have ongoing contact with all levels of marketingmanagement at both Coca-Cola, McDonald's, and The McDonald's Group Consumer Marketing primarily, secondarily with local ad agencies, and other customer groups. Occasional contact with KO regional operations and marketing groups.Principle Duties:1. Development of country level marketing plans consisting of key strategies to drive McDonald's and Coca-Cola's business ahead2. Identify potential consumer opportunities and lead KO research & agency resources to validate & quantify opportunities, develop beverage strategies to realize benefits from these opportunities.3. Business review development, including the identification of McDonald's key marketing challenges based largely on a comprehensiveunderstanding of McDonald's management's perspective and secondary information.4. Synthesizing relevant consumer studies, business review learning and Brand Plan strategies into persuasive, concise presentation/plans for Coca-Cola and McDonald's organization to understand the beveragestrategies and execute against the strategy.5. Identification of new occasion-based beverage opportunities, based on thorough assessment of McD's and its marketplace and calling upon the McDonald's Group Consumer Marketing team to share best practices, models and other Consumer Marketing tools directly with McDonald's Sr. Marketing Management.6. Leads creative development for Coca-Cola Marketing initiatives and guides agency in execution with other suppliers to get programs delivered through McDonald's system.7. Identify bridge between KO China marketing and customer marketingplan.8. Identify opportunities in a changing environment. Respond to customerrequest and possible changes in strategic direction from the customerin fast and effective way.9. Interact with TMG Asia marketing group and other McDonald's group resources. Identify and apply best practices from a number of differentmarkets.10. Multi-disciplinary team membership, particularly in the area of guiding regional/local Coca-Cola and TMG resources in the development of tactics (including creation of briefs)


超赞 赏 C chenlichenli 0$(VIP 0) 2992006-10-23#3 thank you


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