加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科新移民财会背景,如何可以快些找到工作?



zhaoel 说:新移民,大型外资企业十年工作经验,现为财务经理,有ACCA证书。 刚参加一个面试就因为没有加国工作经验fail了。 请教各位,如何尽快找到工作?想考CMA证书,有帮助吗? 还是先读一个MBA,是不是MBA更能帮助融入当地生活,了解当地公司文化? 大家觉得呢?多谢了!点击展开... 你有ACCA证书,想来英语还可以.面试的什么职位?是西人开的公司吗?CMA MBA都会对你有帮助,只是要花时间,耽误挣钱.ACCA证书他们认吗?


2007年6月FNVO:TCW 自评68分 超赞 赏 明 明眸善睐 0$(VIP 0) 652006-11-24#4 也来顶

西人的公司, Assistant Financial Analyst (1 yr contract).好像只要不是本土的证书他们都不认。考CMA,可以免去prerequisite courses.现在犹豫是花两年时间读个MBA,还是冲一年先考个CMA先。后者担心出来还是没有任何network。

zhaoel 说:西人的公司, Assistant Financial Analyst (1 yr contract). 好像只要不是本土的证书他们都不认。考CMA,可以免去prerequisite courses. 现在犹豫是花两年时间读个MBA,还是冲一年先考个CMA先。后者担心出来还是没有任何network。点击展开... 多参加一些活动,认识一些同行,加强面试培训,能得到面试说明你的学历没问题,也不是经验没有,而是你的面试技巧,我问你一个问题,你在面试时有没有回答过"不会,不知道"或"不是很懂"或吱知唔唔的?

仔仔细细研究广告,对每个QUALIFICATION都要想出一;两个例子说明你会做,不要讲原则性的东西,也不要讲道理说我应该怎么做,这是中国人的通病,而是要用实例告诉面试者我以前某时遇到过这样类似的情况,在哪个公司做哪个项目时,我是怎么处理的,效果怎么样.Assistant Financial AnalystRecruitment No. 06-124 Approximate Monthly Salary: $3,295 - $5,077The PositionThis is the first class in a series of four classes that perform financial and management analysis work. Positions assigned to this classification are responsible for applying the principles of budget, financial and management analysis to the study of various City revenues, rate structures, and related financial issues. Some positions assigned to this class may focus in grants analysis work. Work activities include management analysis, budgetary review and development, operations review, organizational studies and audits, and rate studies; monitoring the implementation of rate revisions; and assisting in the preparation of long-range projections for various City operating funds. Positions in this class complete assignments and work on routine and regular assignments under general supervision; however, incumbents are expected to work independently, exercising sound professional judgment and problem-solving skills. This class is distinguished from the Financial Analyst by scope and complexity of assignments, the complexity of work received and completed, and the level of supervision exercised over assigned tasks. Current opening is in the Bureau of Water Works.To QualifyApplicants must have been a permanent full-time, part-time, temporary or seasonal City of Portland employee by the closing date of the recruitment (6/26/06), and possess:Knowledge of principles, practices and methods of municipal budget development and administration. Knowledge and ability to collect, evaluate, interprete data and perform financial and budgetary analysis. Ability to exercise independent judgement and initative within established guidelines. Knowledge of standard business software, particularly as related to statistical analysis and data management. Ability to communicate effectively, orally and in writing. Ability to prepare, clear, concise and comprehensive reports. Ability to analyze financial, budgetary, operational, and organizational problems, evaluate alternatives and reach sound, logical, fact-based conclusions. Ability to analyze, interpret, explain and apply relevant laws, regulations, ordinances and policies. The Recruitment ProcessAn evaluation of each applicant’s training and experience, as demonstrated in their cover letter and résumé, weighted at 100%. Only the most qualified applicants passing the cover letter and résumé evaluation will be placed on an equally ranked eligible list. Additional evaluation may be required prior to establishment of the eligible list and/or final selection. Some positions may require those placed on the eligible list to complete and sign a criminal conviction statement before being considered for employment.To ApplyJob Posting Title: Assistant Financial Analyst – Marketing Reports to: Senior Accounting Manager Salary Range: Based on Experience Date: November 13, 2006 Position Summary: The Assistant Financial Analyst will provide high quality financial, analytical, and decision-making support as it relates to the management, tracking, and reporting of marketing and coupons. The Assistant Financial Analyst will provide full-service financial support to the marketing organization by working closely with members of a business team to understand and evaluate customer initiatives and promotional programs offered. The Assistant Financial Analyst will coordinate the annual marketing and coupon plan as well as the monthly forecast and projection processes. This individual must be able to clearly identify objectives and end results to achieve the defined goals. Position requires sharp problem solving and process improvement vision. Duties & Responsibilities: Marketing 1.Provide the Sales, Commercial Operations, Marketing and Finance functions with financial expertise and perspective together with clear, concise monthly tracking and reporting of marketing and coupons. 2.Prepare monthly marketing analysis, which review and summarize deviations from expected results. 3.Provide guidance and insight to members of the Marketing team regarding marketing spend. 4.Coordinate the annual marketing profit plan and monthly forecast process. Ensure plans and forecasts accurately reflect the dynamics and assumptions associated with each product line. Ensure adherence to overall timelines. Prepare analysis of opportunities and risks. 5.Prepare required balance sheet account reconciliations. 6.Drive process improvements, which results in increased productivity, better financial controls and or superior business decisions. 7.Assist in the development/documentation and updating as necessary all policies and procedures related to marketing spending. This includes month end procedures, projections, and Plan. 8.Timely communication with the Senior Accounting manager for all marketing reporting and projects. Key financial interface with Birds Eye Frozen marketing team. Responsible for the generation of: annual plan, quarterly forecasts and monthly analysis of the marketing budget (in conjunction with the marketing team Coupons 9.Responsible for all aspects of coupon accounting including: ♦Monthly recording and analyzing of the coupon expense and liability. ♦Ensure adequate controls and processes relative to coupons are established and documentation maintained. ♦Provide analysis of shipping/handling costs and work with management and Birds Eye’s coupon clearing agent to reduce these costs. ♦Weekly process of reimbursing Birds Eye’s coupon clearing agent for payments to retailers for coupons that have been redeemed. ♦Work with the Deduction team to ensure coupon related deductions are minimized. ♦Assistance with preparation of annual plan, monthly and quarterly projections. ♦Timely communication with the Senior Accounting Manager for all coupon reporting and projects. ♦Utilize non-branded rebate system to analyze sales allowance activity and record monthly expense and accrual. Review data at sku level to ensure Hyperion Essbase requirements are met. Other 10.Provide assistance as needed for trade promotions accounting. 11.Special projects as assigned. Minimum Requirements: BS in Accounting/Finance. Two to four years’ financial experience. Must be a self-starter with strong problem solving and analytical skills that is seeking responsibility and willingly accepts accountability. Proven ability to address challenges and work with a results-oriented team. Team player that can manage interdepartmental relationships ensuring that appropriate financial perspectives are always considered. Ability to balance long-range vision with an appropriate attention to detail. Organization skills – can plan, execute, and control multiple tasks. Communication skills – excellent written and verbal skills; good listening skills. Interpersonal skills – can work effectively with both internal and external cross-functional personnel. Demonstrates personal and professional integrity.


zhaoel 说:西人的公司, Assistant Financial Analyst (1 yr contract). 好像只要不是本土的证书他们都不认。考CMA,可以免去prerequisite courses. 现在犹豫是花两年时间读个MBA,还是冲一年先考个CMA先。后者担心出来还是没有任何network。点击展开...能否问一下,你今年有35吗?去CANADA多久了.是MM吗?(别误会,如果方便就说一下,可能我们的情况差不多)asistant是低级职位,很适合起步阶段,我个人认为ACCA还是起了些作用.ACCA和CMA是两个领域.

这个ASSISTANT放在前面和中文不一样,是专业职位的ENTRY职位,在大学相当于ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (助理教授而不是助教(英文应翻成teaching assistant),如果是FINANCIAL ANALYST ASSISTANT就是一般意义上的助手.

Assistant Financial AnalystRecruitment No. 06-124 Approximate Monthly Salary: $3,295 - $5,077年薪已在6万左右了.

littlepig 说:能否问一下,你今年有35吗?去CANADA多久了.是MM吗?(别误会,如果方便就说一下,可能我们的情况差不多)asistant是低级职位,很适合起步阶段,我个人认为ACCA还是起了些作用.ACCA和CMA是两个领域.点击展开...岁数差不多,不是MM。Landing很久了,再不过来就没有身份了,上个月过来的。现在还是打算考一个CMA过渡一下。

zhaoel 说:岁数差不多,不是MM。Landing很久了,再不过来就没有身份了,上个月过来的。现在还是打算考一个CMA过渡一下。点击展开...凭你的资历得到一份基层工作应该没问题,如:AR\AP,bookkeeping,只是太屈才.建议参加培训,或先找一份工作干着,等熟悉了环境再找analyst.

sannorm 说:这个ASSISTANT放在前面和中文不一样,是专业职位的ENTRY职位,在大学相当于ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (助理教授而不是助教(英文应翻成teaching assistant),如果是FINANCIAL ANALYST ASSISTANT就是一般意义上的助手.点击展开...我说的就是这个意思,以ZHAOEL的状况,努努力是可以做ANALYST的,这只是时间的问题.希望ZHAOEL多和周围的人交流,了解当地文化,工作不是主要问题.财务在CANADA可是越老越值钱.我个人建议你考CMA,应该比考ACCA容易.



泉涸,鱼相与处于陆,相嘘以湿,相濡以沫,不如相忘于江湖 超赞 赏 H Hathaway 0$(VIP 0) 1682006-11-27#17 楼主要多交流找工作和面试的经验哦.




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