加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科多伦多地区的mentoring program


首先解释一下mentoring的概念:与业内成功人士一对一的配对,你可以了解任何有关如何找到工作的信息,以及建立与业内人士的networking, 熟悉工作环境,文化差异等。下面几个是WEB-BASED mentoring program,还没有到加拿大的,以及没有太多时间的同学可以用这个:*JVS Toronto - CanadaInfoNet - This is a web-based program. You can find additional information on this program here: http://www.settlement.org/sys/link_redirect.asp?doc_id=1002882*ONIP.online Mentoring Program - This is another web-based program. You can find additional information on this program here: http://www.onip.ca/mentoring 以下是通过community agencies的mentoring program*Mentoring Partnership (participating agencies: A.C.C.E.S, JVS Toronto, JobStart, Dixie Bloor Neighbourhood Centre, Caledon Community Services, Brampton Neighbourhood Resource Centre, Malton Neighbourhood Services)- Toronto, Peel Region, York Region http://www.thementoringpartnership.com/index.aspBridge-to-Work Program for Internationally Trained Accountants and Bookkeepers (会计) Information about how to apply to become a teacher in this province, including support that you need to complete the certification process. They also offer specialized ESL training and employment preparation. Program website Bridging for Internationally Trained Teachers (教师) Information about how to apply to become a teacher in this province, including support that you need to complete the certification process. They also offer specialized ESL training and employment preparation. Program website Bridges To Employment (Precision Machining & Tooling) This program provides information on qualifications for entry into the accounting and bookkeeping professions in Ontario, information and support on professional accreditation and licensing paths, occupation-specific language and software training and much more. Program website Creating Access To Regulated Employment (CARE) For Nurses Project (注册护士) A program designed to help internationally educated nurses (IEN) become registered to practice in Ontario. This program is for registered nurses and registered practical nurses living in Ontario. Program website Access And Options For Foreign-Trained Health Care Professionals (Medical Radiation & Medical Laboratory Science Technologies, Respiratory Therapy) The Access & Options programs provide internationally educated technologists and therapists with the industry-specific language and skills training, clinical experience, personal support and guidance they need to write the national certification examination. Program website Health Informatics And Financial Services Bridging Project: George Brown Computer Programmer Diploma This program is designed for internationally educated professionals who want to use the combination of their education, experience and a George Brown College diploma to advance quickly in the information technology field. Program website International Midwives Pre-Registration Program (Access To Midwifery Pre-Registration Program) The International Midwifery Pre-registration Program (IMPP) is a 9-month part-time bridging program. It is the only route to registration and practise in Ontario. It provides internationally educated midwives with skills assessment, information about how midwives practice in Ontario, clinical placements, mentoring, and final pre-registration exam. Program website International Pharmacy Graduate (IPG Program - Toronto, Waterloo, Ottawa) Provides a structured orientation and training program to facilitate entry of qualified internationally trained pharmacists into the Ontario workplace, including specific exam and workplace preparation, enhanced language training work placement shadowing and mentorship. Program website Alternative Teacher Accreditation Program For Teachers With International Experience (Kingston) The Internationally Trained Teachers (ITT) is an option available to internationally trained teachers (who are immigrants to Canada) wishing to apply to the Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) program at the Faculty of Education, Queen's University. Each year, up to 15 places are available. Applications from internationally trained teachers who apply under the ITT admission category will also be automatically considered for entry into the program using the regular admissions procedure. Program website Three Choices: New Options For Foreign-Trained Nurses Seeking Employment In Ontario (Ottawa) The program provides the Foreign Trained Nurse the opportunity to remain in the health care field, receive a recognized education, and be prepared for employment at an appropriate level of care suited to their skills and education. The program allows Foreign Trained Nurses to challenge the course content in one of three Health Care programs related to nursing practice: Personal Support Worker, Practical Nurse and Baccalaureate in Nursing. Once successful the Nurse will obtain the corresponding certificate, diploma or degree. Program website Vitesse Bridging Program For Foreign-Trained Biotechnology Professionals (Ottawa) The program begins with candidates undergoing rigorous evaluation and training in Canadian workplace practices and technical communications. Successful candidates, selected by companies for a work-term, may proceed to hands-on or in-depth academic studies, depending on their re-skilling needs and company requirements. Program website Preparation for Registration for Foreign-Trained Medical Laboratory Technologists This diploma program is intended for internationally educated Medical Laboratory Technologists who wish to work in this role in Ontario. The program is 9 months in length and is divided into 3 semesters. The program consists of theory and laboratory sessions at the College, along with 675 hours in the clinical setting. The program also includes Sector Specific Languages courses and preparation for the CSMLS competency based exam. Program website Internationally Educated Dietitians Pre-registration Program (IDPP) This program has been designed to give internationally educated food and nutrition professionals information, advice, referral to career opportunities, language testing and training, prior learning assessment and portfolio formation, and, for those who are qualified, preparation for registration with the College of Dietitians of Ontario (CDO) and Dietitians of Canada (DC). The IDPP features two main services: a pre-registration program and assessment and counselling. Program website Internationally Educated Social Work Professionals (IESW) Program The IESW Program is designed to enhance the employment opportunities and career mobility of internationally educated social work professionals. It provides individual consultation and referral, credit and non credit courses, mentorship, work placement, network opportunities, and leadership development. This program is offered in partnership with employers who are committed to reducing systemic barriers for internationally educated social work professionals. Program website International Massage Therapy Bridging Programme (IMTBP) The International Massage Therapy Bridging Programme is part-time delivered over nine months in two 12-week semesters. The IMTBP will begin in September 2006. This programme will prepare you to write the registration exams and to practice safely in Ontario. Program website Access to Baccalaureate Nursing Preparation (York University) This program is designed for internationally educated nurses who are not registered in Ontario. To be eligible for admission to this program, you must: be a licensed Registered Nurse in your home jurisdiction and have been evaluated by the College of Nurses of Ontario as possessing an education at least equivalent to a diploma level. Program Website Bridging to University Nursing for Internationally-Educated Nurses (Centennial College) This course prepares non-registered nurse graduates who are either re-integrating into the workforce after an absence of a number of years in nursing practice, or who have obtained a diploma from out-of-country and do not meet the 2005 baccalaureate nursing education requirements for Ontario Registered Nurses. Program Website Bridging for Internationally Educated Nurses (Mohawk College) The program is designed to integrate your skills with Ontario standards as required by the College of Nurses of Ontario. This certificat program seeks to provide you with the education and experience necessary to register with the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO). Program Website International Medical Graduates (IMG) Ontario IMG-Ontario provides access to professional practice in Ontario for International Medical Graduates (IMGs) who meet the Ontario regulatory requirements. Program Website International Optometric Bridging Program (University of Waterloo) Designed to provide optometrists educated outside Canada and the United States with a structured orientation to Canadian standards of optometric practice, this program provides all qualified applicants with opportunities to gain the critical language, academic and clinical skills necessary for registration in Canada. Program Website The Veterinary Skills Training & Enhancement Program (VSTEP) VSTEP provides education and re-training for internationally educated veterinarians wishing to pursue a veterinary career. In order to obtain an Ontario licence all internationally trained veterinarians must pass the North American Veterinary Licensing Examination (NAVLE) and most must pass the Clinical Proficiency Examination (CPE). Program Website


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