加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科IMM3903E第6项,征集翻译,纷纷等候。


IDENTITY AND CIVIL STATUS DOCUMENTSThe following documents are required for you, your spouse or common-law partner, if applicable, and your dependent children:- certificates of birth, adoption, marriage, absolute nisi decree (Hong Kong residents), divorce,death for you and each of your family members, where applicable. Note: For residents of the People’s Republic of China, a kinship certificate is not acceptable as proof of relationship;- custody order for your child (if any) and proof that you have fulfilled any obligation stated in the custody order;- consent of the biological parent of the child, ex-spouse or separated common-law partner, for removing your accompanying dependent child/children from their country of residence;- a photocopy of the biodata page of your passport with a validity of at least 18 months. If you cannot submit this along with the application, you can provide it later;- for citizens of the People’s Republic of China and Taiwanese applicants, the certified/notarized copies of the household register (“hukou”).Note: PRC applicants must submit original notarial certificates of the above documents. The notarized certificates must include the photocopies of original documents issued by the PRC offices administered by the Civil Administration (for example, a marriage certificate is issued by the PRCPeople’s Government Office in your town, city, county or province of residence).

麻烦先看这里:配偶及小孩团聚资料 整理帖http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=59279 超赞 赏 yangyang2005 0$(VIP 0) 7,4062007-01-30#2 楼主想要英译中吗

――――――――――――――――――06年4月递案,09年6月撤案 超赞 赏 yangyang2005 0$(VIP 0) 7,4062007-01-30#3 大意我基本能翻译(要求你提交你本人、配偶、孩子的一些公证和证明文件),但怕有些专业术语翻译得不够标准楼主还是再等等其他高手的帮助吧

――――――――――――――――――06年4月递案,09年6月撤案IDENTITY AND CIVIL STATUS DOCUMENTSThe following documents are required for you, your spouse or common-law partner, if applicable, and your dependent children:- certificates of birth, adoption, marriage, absolute nisi decree (Hong Kong residents), divorce,death for you and each of your family members, where applicable. Note: For residents of the People’s Republic of China, a kinship certificate is not acceptable as proof of relationship;- custody order for your child (if any) and proof that you have fulfilled any obligation stated in the custody order;- consent of the biological parent of the child, ex-spouse or separated common-law partner, for removing your accompanying dependent child/children from their country of residence;- a photocopy of the biodata page of your passport with a validity of at least 18 months. If you cannot submit this along with the application, you can provide it later;- for citizens of the People’s Republic of China and Taiwanese applicants, the certified/notarized copies of the household register (“hukou”).Note: PRC applicants must submit original notarial certificates of the above documents. The notarized certificates must include the photocopies of original documents issued by the PRC offices administered by the Civil Administration (for example, a marriage certificate is issued by the PRCPeople’s Government Office in your town, city, county or province of residence).点击展开... 身份和居民状态文件:您, 您的配偶或同居伙伴, 若适用的话, 还包括你的未独立生活即依附你生活的子女必需提供以下文件: - 出生证、收养证、结婚证、永久离婚或暂时离婚判令(香港居民), 离婚证, 死亡证。您和您家每个家庭成员根据各人具体情况出具以上所需文件。注: 中华人民共和国的居民, 亲属关系证明不被认可是可接受的证明文件; - 对孩子(如有的话)的监护权文件或任何证明文件即能证明您履行了在监护令中所规定的所有职责; - 孩子的亲生父母、已离婚配偶或已分居的同居伴侣同意您把孩子(们)带出现居住国的同意书; - 您的护照有出生数据那一页的影印件,护照须有至少18 个月以上的有效性。如果您现在无法和申请一起递交, 您以后可以补交; - 中华人民共和国的公民和台湾申请人, 还需提供户口公证件。注: 中华人民共和国申请人必须递交上述文件的原始的公证证明。被公证的证明必须包括原文件影印件即由中华人民共和国民政部门所发(例如, 由你所在的中华人民共和国的镇、城市、县或省的民政部门所颁发的结婚证书)


――――――――――――――――――06年4月递案,09年6月撤案 超赞 赏 反馈:palmer palmerModerator 0$(VIP 0) 6,8542007-01-31#6 感谢 Beijing2008您翻译的 可真是 信 雅 达!

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