加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科IMM3903E第11项, Appendix D征集翻译,纷纷等候。
MM3903E 中: Appendix A Document Checklist - Immigrant 第11项: PROOF OF MEDICAL EXAMINATIONInclude for yourself and each of your family members Copy 2 of the Medical Report-Section A that the DMP will sign and give to you when you undergo the medical examination. See Appendix D for additional information. Appendix D Medical Instructions The following instructions apply only to*persons who are members of the family class, specifically the spouse, common-law partner, conjugal partner or dependent child of the sponsor, and whose application for permanent residence is processed at a Canadian visa office; *their family members. If you are not a person described above, DO NOT use this form. If you do, the results of your medical examination will not be valid. You will have to undergo a new examination and pay associated fees. If you are a citizen or permanent resident of Canada, you do not need to undergo a medical examination. If you are a person described above, you and, if applicable, each of your family members must complete your own copy of this instruction sheet. Make enough photocopies for your needs before you start filling the boxes below.
麻烦先看这里:配偶及小孩团聚资料 整理帖http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=59279 超赞 赏 B Beijing2008Guest 0$(VIP ) 2007-02-13#2 学到ESL8级不觉的你有任何问题.
你前面一段翻译的真是特别好, 我能看明白是什么意思, 但是用中文真还是有些难度。IMM3903E第6项Beijing2008 的翻译 仅供参考我已经转贴到整理贴里了!谢谢你!
麻烦先看这里:配偶及小孩团聚资料 整理帖http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=59279 超赞 赏 B Beijing2008Guest 0$(VIP ) 2007-02-15#4 Appendix ADocument Checklist - Immigrant第11项:PROOF OF MEDICAL EXAMINATION身体检查证明Include for yourself and each of your family members Copy 2 of the Medical Report-Section A that the DMP will sign and give to you when you undergo the medical examination. See Appendix D for additional information.包括为你自己和您的每个家庭成员所作的体检报告A部分的拷贝2(BEIJING2008注:应该有几个拷贝你的那份是编号2,医生那里是COPY1),即当您接受身体检查后,体检医师签字后给你的那份.其他详情请参照附录DAppendix DMedical Instructions体检说明 The following instructions apply only to下列体检说明适用于*persons who are members of the family class, specifically the spouse, common-law partner, conjugal partner or dependent child of the sponsor, and whose application for permanent residence is processed at a Canadian visa office;*移民申请已递加拿大移民签证处的家庭成员,特别是配偶,事实婚姻伴侣,同居伴侣,或所担保的你所抚养的孩子;*their family members. 他们的家庭成员If you are not a person described above, DO NOT use this form. If you do, the results of your medical examination will not be valid. You will have to undergo a new examination and pay associated fees. If you are a citizen or permanent resident of Canada, you do not need to undergo a medical examination.If you are a person described above, you and, if applicable, each of your family members must complete your own copy of this instruction sheet. Make enough photocopies for your needs before you start filling the boxes below.如你不属于上列人员,请不要使用此表.即使你用了,你的体检结果也是无效的.你必须重新体检和支付相关费用.如你已是加国公民和永久居民,不需此项体检.如你属于上列人员,你(如有适用的话)和你的每一位家庭成员须完整填写你的这份拷贝号的说明纸.在填写下列空格前请按你的需求复印多份使用.
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