加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科在海外(加拿大以外)工作也能申请CPP和EI
请看:Canada Pension Plan and Employment Insurance ExplainedEmployment outside CanadaGenerally, employment has to take place in Canada to be pensionable or insurable under the Canada Pension Plan or the Employment Insurance Act. However, in certain situations employment outside Canada may be pensionable or insurable. This is the case if a person is working outside Canada for a Canadian company or the Canadian government. link: http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tax/home/employment-e.html 有谁有这方面的经验?
下雨天 说:如果你为加拿大公司在海外工作,而且由加拿大的公司给你开工资.开工资的时候就会自动扣除cpp和ei点击展开...如果加拿大的公司在海外注册了如,XXX(China) Ltd., 的100%独资公司,在当地雇佣的话。那雇主没有义务给有绿卡的人缴纳CPP和EI. 那是否可以自己去缴纳呢?比如说,个人把公司和雇员应缴的部分全缴了,是否可以呢?另外,如果可以的话,被解雇后,可否享受EI. 看来要仔细研究一下法律了。Canada CPP and EI Act. Thank you Raining Day.
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